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Roxas Seeking Light

KHBbS Did anyone else accidentally hit the wrong button?

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Something similar happened to me the other day.

I was playing my 3DS for over a period of 3-4 weeks (Pokemon B2W2), then I decided to play KH II on my PS2 and ended up pressing O instead of X.

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Yup, I've done that more times than I personally care to count! I also have the issue of pressing the wrong button to attack when switching between KH1 and any of the DS games (attack is X on all the Playstation games, whereas Nintendo likes to be difficult by making the attack button"A," which is positioned in the circle button's place on a Playstation controller...oh so confusing).

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No, but I had a similar, but strange experience. Prior to getting BbS I hadn't used my PSP for a long time, and I mean years, but I was addicted to playing Pokemon on my DS. I was so used to using the touch screen that after I got BbS I would occasionally forget that I was using a PSP and touch the screen trying to use it like on my DS. It partly had to do with Days too because you moved the camera with the touch screen so I was primarily trying to move the camera. So many funny derp moments. I haven't done that in a long time though.

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