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Light's benevolance

Future ideas for pokemon 2

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Hi again i thought some things in school about pokemon like this: 1. the battlefield HAS to bee larger

2.pokemon HASto actually move in the battle field

3.wee'l give comands to the pokemon to sometimes dodge [like in the series]

4.the story has 2 hav more emotion like scenes that can make you cry[for real]

5.MORE GRAPHICS[im content in the 3ds]



If you hve things to ad then ad them, im not offended for other peoples critics,i find them constructive so i can build up more ideas,sooooo what do you people think?????????

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I think it'll be a great idea for an MMORPG game for Pokèmon (that I am patiently waiting for to happen), I had similar ideas as well concerning a MMORPG for the Pokèmon games.


For the original games...

#4) The games have been getting more emotional, especially during the Generation V games. Not emotional like you will be sobbing to death, but kind of emotional.

#5) The Graphics I already like so im good with that.


i like it the way they are now :3 but for story they have a chance to improve it but I still like the current ones.

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Hi again i thought some things in school about pokemon like this: 1. the battlefield HAS to bee larger

2.pokemon HASto actually move in the battle field

3.wee'l give comands to the pokemon to sometimes dodge [like in the series]

4.the story has 2 hav more emotion like scenes that can make you cry[for real]

5.MORE GRAPHICS[im content in the 3ds]



If you hve things to ad then ad them, im not offended for other peoples critics,i find them constructive so i can build up more ideas,sooooo what do you people think?????????


Dude, in Pokemon Black and White I cried like a little bitch.

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I think it'll be a great idea for an MMORPG game for Pokèmon (that I am patiently waiting for to happen), I had similar ideas as well concerning a MMORPG for the Pokèmon games.


For the original games...

#4) The games have been getting more emotional, especially during the Generation V games. Not emotional like you will be sobbing to death, but kind of emotional.

#5) The Graphics I already like so im good with that.


i like it the way they are now :3 but for story they have a chance to improve it but I still like the current ones.


Not even just emotional, but there's quite a few "mature" themes that are shown in the BW saga games. For example, one of the ferris wheel trainers in the male MC's game is a Preschooler who talks about how she never sees her dad anymore because of him always working. Now, if that isn't sad, I don't know what is. ;;


And then there's how Bianca's dad was very overprotective of her up until they confronted each other in Nimbasa City. Or the implied (well...pretty explicit, actually) child abuse that went on with Ghetis and N. And then there's about Hugh's sister and her Purrloin...you get the point.


Those three things are the only things off the top of my head, but yeah. If Game Freak would just stick with how the BW games progressed in terms of story, then I'll be happy. There's so much going on past the superficial "get 8 gym badges" storyline.


Also, I like how the Gen V games handled graphics. I love the 2D sprites on top of 3D polygon effect. If Game Freak kept it that way, I wouldn't mind. lol

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Some of that stuff your asking for, specifically Pokemon moving are the console games. (Stadium, coliseum, xD, revolution) Now if they can have a story like Coliseum/XD, but with a better storyline and more emotion... Who am I kidding, Gamefreak probably has plans for one do the WiiU. (Hopefully...)

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