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KHRecoded KH Coded's Future

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Thanks to Sol from KHInsider.com for info!


In an interview with Japanese gaming magazine Otona Fami, Kingdom Hearts coded's senior planner Jun Kato talks about his personal wishes for the game's future. Though this by no means confirms the game's release in the west, it gives us hope that the game will be brought to us in the future, which can be discussed here. Take a peek at the English translation:


We don't usually relay rumours that go around, but this rumour is too interesting not to be mentioned, especially since the source that it comes from has been proven reliable on many occasions. In fact, this Japanese blog (note: currently under maintenance) reports that the latest issue of Otona Fami (which is basically Famitsu magazine for those aged between 20 - 30 years) has an interview with Jun Kato, senior planner of Kingdom Hearts coded. Don't go making conclusions too early from what he says, even if it does give us hope. When asked about the future of the game, whose last episode has been out for a few weeks, Kato apparently confided his desire to be able to put the game to a larger audience, given that relatively few people can play coded on its current platform (NTT DoCoMo phones). Alas, it's not easy to understand what he means by that, whether it be that he wants the the game to be more available on a real console or simply on other phone models.


If Kingdom Hearts coded had to be on a console, the PSP would seem like the most obvious choice. Perhaps, moreover, for a Final Mix of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep? Whatever the weather, the chances of coded coming to the West one day seem a lot higher than previously thought. We can only hope that will happen, but once again, there's nothing definite in Kato's words.


Wow, it seems as Coded might be on PSP... o.o

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I reckon it shouldnt be on psp maybe on the PSN game buying part(i dnt own a ps3 so dnt know what the actual name is :S) or maybe if us xbox users are lucky XBLA. Thats what i hope anyway ^_^

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i don't think itl be for Xbox its mostly into sony ad stuff cause Xbox is like for gore and bloody games but on psp would be cool :D


Xbox isnt just blood and gore, what about final fantasy 13 that's coming out on xbox and i wouldnt call that blood and gore :/

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Acctually kingdom, Coded does more than that. It gives us what Sora's next objective is, which is vital to the series.

The PSP seems like a good choice for it if it does come here. But I have a feeling they will incorporate it into Birth by Sleep somehow, like in a secret movie or something.

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