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Video Oh Japan XD

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To all girls on this site this might make you fap. Anyway, i found this while roaming on YouTube and it turns out this is the official good (and screwed up) ending to Tales of Xillia 2. And honestly...I must say...I hae no idea what to think of this ending. One half of me is saying "This is soooo screwed up" and another part of me is saying "Well...this seems like something japan would do". Oh Japan, you never cease to suprise me xD.



Edited by Tails

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And how can a girl fap to this anyway? They're not even, idk, you can't even see their body.


Wll, this video seemed like something girls on this site would fap to xD. Conidering there are girls (Kishira, Flaming Lea, Apprentice, Shana) who like talking about dating video game characters on here. I just thought it would be funny to see how they would react to this.

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Awww, of course the video gets taken down as soon as I see it -.-


Yeah that sucks. Namco quicly took it then when it was posted up. I hate when game companies do that on YouTube. :/

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