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What do you think of the possibility of Star Wars featuring in the Kingdom Hearts series?

What do you think of the possibility of Star Wars featuring in the Kingdom Hearts series?   

196 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think of the possibility of Star Wars featuring in the Kingdom Hearts series?

    • Great idea. One of the Star Wars planets can be a world.
    • Sounds great. Summoning Yoda.
    • Not sure. Don't think Square Enix would be able to do that.
    • Nah, I don't wanna see Star Wars in that form.
    • I just can't see them doing it.
    • We haven't heard/seen anything about Marvel being in Kingdom Hearts.

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Marvel and Star Wars are synonymous? Did I miss something...?


Disney owns both.



On-Topic: I would like it. I dont understand everyone who's so against it. Tron: Legacy was in 3D and that was fine. I don't see how star wars wouldn't be awesome. None of the worlds ever work with the canon of the story anyway, so it wouldn't matter.


Plus, I like Star Wars 100x better than Disney movies. I don't like the Little Mermaid or Cindarella or any of that stuff.

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One word: NO! It can't happen because of copyright, and I know that Disney now owns Marvel kinda, it takes away the magic that Disney used to have. If Square Enix do add it in, then I'm done with the series, no questions asked. BBS is seriously enough, I don't want anymore for now.

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I think since we havent seen anything Marvel in KH that we dont have to worry about KH mucking up Star Wars. no offense to KH its an awesome series, but it just doesnt stand up to the lore and history of SW. and if Disney did decide to add some Star Wars into KH, i think it would be way too childish. I wouldnt like there to be Star Wars in KH. COULD it be awesome? Of course.

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They already used most of the good disney films. All I could think of the future of Kingdom hearts is pixar films and possibly inputting disney channel shows. I worry that kh will resort in putting more less likable movie material to base their worlds on. I feel as though we're going to partially depend on disney"s future films in order to do that. Honestly I believe wreck-it-ralph could be a very nice concept. But now that kh input the concept of time travel, things could get really complicated from here now.




though SquareEnix is running out of Disney Worlds *_*


No they still have Pocahontas, Tangled, The Princess and the Frog,* Atlantis: The Lost Empire and The Jungle Book. Also just because it didn't do well in theaters doesn't mean the movie is bad. For example,The Black Cauldron and my personal favorite Treasure Planet. Both good movies that were not received well in theaters. I'm sure I could find more but I don't feel like doing the research.


*Princesses are the easiest way to keep track of box office numbers because large monetary success is a prerequisite for induction. And singing. All Disney Princesses must be good singers. That's not even a generalization, it's an actual requirement. So, sorry Merida.

Edited by Sora_Kuno

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They already used most of the good disney films. All I could think of the future of Kingdom hearts is pixar films and possibly inputting disney channel shows. I worry that kh will resort in putting more less likable movie material to base their worlds on. I feel as though we're going to partially depend on disney"s future films in order to do that. Honestly I believe wreck-it-ralph could be a very nice concept. But now that kh input the concept of time travel, things could get really complicated from here now.


I just hope they dont use tv shows, they are not good enough for KH, i think they will include the newest and the best form pixar, or just i hope so

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Wow. Such good reasons Star Wars should not be in Kingdom Hearts؟

Please give reasons. You all sound really whiny and unintelligent.

Sorry if that is rude; but not giving reasons for something is really not good

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No firetrucking way, that would be so wrong.


But there is a upside to disney buying star wars, no written and directed by george lucas anymore, so episode 7 shall be awesome.

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No they still have Pocahontas, Tangled, The Princess and the Frog,* Atlantis: The Lost Empire and The Jungle Book. Also just because it didn't do well in theaters doesn't mean the movie is bad. For example,The Black Cauldron and my personal favorite Treasure Planet. Both good movies that were not received well in theaters. I'm sure I could find more but I don't feel like doing the research.


*Princesses are the easiest way to keep track of box office numbers because large monetary success is a prerequisite for induction. And singing. All Disney Princesses must be good singers. That's not even a generalization, it's an actual requirement. So, sorry Merida.


oh sorry, they still have plenty of boring movies :P (except Tangled that isn't boring at all)



anything would be better than star wars worlds http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png

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Because the tone of KH is very different than that of Star Wars. Star Wars is very serious in nature and while recent KH games have a very slightly darker tone than the first it's no where near the level of seriousness of Star Wars. Combining them would just weaken the integrity of both franchises. I know many said the same about Disney and Square joining to make the first KH but if you notice the FF characters barely even acknowledge Donald and Goofy's existence. Another reason it wouldn't work is because almost each FF game and nearly every Disney movie is a stand alone with very few sequels and no ties to each other whereas both Star Wars and KH have their own continuity and are tied to the other entries in the franchise. Star Wars is also a larger franchise with 6 movies, a 7th in development with an 8th and 9th planned, an animated series and a multitude of spin-offs. In order to put Star Wars in Kingdom Hearts the plot and events of any movie would have to be condensed, watered down, censored and otherwise edited considerably. I am a much bigger fan of KH than SW but objectively speaking I would have to say that the merger would have a considerably more detrimental effect on the latter.

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it may ir may not work


Exactly, we do not know now.


I mean come on. I bet that most of us would have been skeptic of the idea of a Disney/Square Enix crossover.

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