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Daniel Black

Image Drawing Request - Black´s Gallery Update: 23/09/16

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Due to school pressure and personal motives, I lost motivation to draw for now.....

Because of this the gallery´s request will be on hold until new advice.... 

I feel bad with all of you... but I cannot draw.... not feeling like this.... Sorry for the delay. 

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Due to school pressure and personal motives, I lost motivation to draw for now.....

Because of this the gallery´s request will be on hold until new advice.... 

I feel bad with all of you... but I cannot draw.... not feeling like this.... Sorry for the delay. 


Damn. It's alright though. Hope you pull through school. 


Well we're gonna miss your works BUT WE LURV YOU BLACKSUUUUUUUUUUN

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Due to school pressure and personal motives, I lost motivation to draw for now.....

Because of this the gallery´s request will be on hold until new advice.... 

I feel bad with all of you... but I cannot draw.... not feeling like this.... Sorry for the delay. 

happens to all of us, every once in a while.  i know you'll be able to pull through, though.  we're all with you.

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You have absolutely no reason to feel bad, man.  Seriously, until people start paying you loads to do stuff, you aren't under any obligation whatsoever.

Do what is best for you.  Your screaming fangirls will just have to wait until you have the time and patience for requests.   ;)


Good luck with school!

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Actually, I'm too modest to ask... but if you don't mind, I would like to ask you, if you could draw my character Uri? Well... only if you got time... Thank you 3:

Posted Image

Sorry for the delay. hope you like it. 


And another one. (Color pencils drawing again) 

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Edited by Daniel Black

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Sorry for the delay. hope you like it.

Whoa, that's awesome! :D Thank you very much, he looks so cool in your Artstyle, I like it xD And that's not a problem, about the delay. You had your reasons.

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Draw Kasai Spear. I need you too. Thanks.



 Kasai is a bit short for her age, her skin being oddly pale, her bust being normal sized. She has yellow eyes like Lance had, and black, wavy hair reaching down to her waist. Kasai has two silver locks of hair that reach down to her bust. She wears a white button-up short-sleeved polo that is slightly too big for her and a black vest. Kasai wears a black mid-thigh length skirt. She has charcoal-black socks that are slightly above her knees, and black boots that are slightly below her knees. The boots have numerous buckles on them and a slight heel. Kasai wears two black detached sleeves reaching from her upper arm to slightly below her elbows. She has a white bow clipped to the back of her head. Kasai also wears a black cross necklace with a diamond in the middle of the cross. She also wears a necklace with a ring attached to it....her mother's wedding ring. 




Think of Blake from RWBY! 

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Hey Daniel! Remember that drawing you did for me a while back? Is there anyway you can "Finalize" the drawing?


Similar to the style of what you did for Dousa's Uri if you don't mind. I'm starting to like her. And I'll request my OC sometime later when I'm not busy with school.


If you don't remember the drawing, it was this one...


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Edited by Javelin434

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