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Disney Buys Lucasarts; Episode VII Incoming

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Wait, if disney buys Lucasarts, (gasps) then STAR WARS & INDIANA JONES will be in Kingdom Hearts! YAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY!!!!!


Oh no.

I hate Star Wars and Indiana Jones is okay but I swear, if they ever got put in KH I would sue someone. xD

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Really, Disney? You can't have enough companies under your belt, can you? Also, Star Wars sucks, imo, but it is an old series, and I don't really get into old series..es.


What's next, Disney? You going to buy Atlus and make Shin Megami Tensei: Persona: Disney Edition?

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Oh, maybe now the Star Wars movies will be good again.


Really, Disney? You can't have enough companies under your belt, can you? Also, Star Wars sucks, imo, but it is an old series, and I don't really get into old series..es.


What's next, Disney? You going to buy Atlus and make Shin Megami Tensei: Persona: Disney Edition?


I'd pay to see that O.O


The KH could have a Persona world.




Edited by Kirux

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Everyone is hating on this for absolutely no reason. First of all, everyone complained that George Lucas was ruining Star Wars, now he doesn't own it anymore and you're still complaining.

Also, what evidence do you to suggest that Disney will ruin Star Wars? Disney bought Pixar, things have only become better and better.

Disney bought Marvel and we've got a series of fantastic films.

So people, please just wait and see what happens. If the next movie is shit, then you can hate on it. :D

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I don't really see problem people have with this, This isn't going to ruin past Star Wars movies and Disney is probably going to treat them same way they treated Marvel which is fine.

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Everyone is hating on this for absolutely no reason. First of all, everyone complained that George Lucas was ruining Star Wars, now he doesn't own it anymore and you're still complaining.

Also, what evidence do you to suggest that Disney will ruin Star Wars? Disney bought Pixar, things have only become better and better.

Disney bought Marvel and we've got a series of fantastic films.

So people, please just wait and see what happens. If the next movie is shit, then you can hate on it. :D


Dude. Disney bought Pixar and they started canceling original movies to make sequels

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How the firetruck will they even manage that? Mark Hamill even said he didn't want to take part in a new Star Wars movie. Oh, Disney. Why?


New characters? Just get a new actor to play an older Luke? It wouldn't be that tough. More contrived things have happened

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LOLZ,Nomura is a total fan of star wars,he'll be ssssssooooooooooo happy learn this,OMG XEMNAS VS. DARTH MAUL.George lucas what r u thinking.But in a way this is some sign that...............THE END OF THE WORLD IS NEAR.This is way too hard to decide if this is one of the best news i have every gotten or..........................A reason to believe life ain't worth liven for.(star wars fan) :mellow: :angry: :( :unsure: :D

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I'm not that torn up about this.


I mean, don't get me wrong. I really like Star Wars. But let's face it, folks, it's not Citizen Kane or The Godfather. The original movies were based off of the hokey Satruday morning sci-fi serials on TV and comics. There's not a lot of integrity to ruin.


I say, why not? You can't make a movie worse that Attack of the Clones, so go nuts.

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