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What have I gotten myself into...

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Lol, you probably thought I was in some sort of serious trouble now didn't you?


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For some odd reason, I decided to take on the large ordeal of creating an Adventure Map in Minecraft. I honestly have no idea what percentage of the KH13.com community is into Minecraft, but I imagine that those of you who are can imagine how tedious something like this can become, especially for a person like me >.< I've been working on this for only a few days now, but I've found that so far, what I've produced in about a few hours amounts to about one minute of game play at most. I suppose the fact that it's underground doesn't really help, along with the fact that I've had to make several changes. Also, I'm a bit of a perfectionist, so I want this to look good. That means I have to put a lot of effort into this ._.


I know this is going to take a while, and I knew that when I jumped in; however, this does give me a bit more respect for the really good map makers, even if they work in groups. They put a lot of effort into not only making it look good, but feel good. I'm just hoping that when I finally finish this (probably at the end of the year at the earliest ._.), I will get a good response from anyone who plays it (And I want that to be a lot of people :3 Egotistical much?)


I guess I might as well put up a picture of some of my progress for anyone who is interested (IF anyone is interested :P)


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The room still isn't finished, I'm guessing you can figure out what parts I have to do, this isn't the beginning of the map though, probably the 3rd place you go through, but there isn't a lot of stuff you do in the other parts, so far it's just an 'introduction' ._. This is going to take a while xD

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I love the beacons around the room, thats clever. xD


Yeah, those are there because the room is supposed to be some sort of 'Light Temple' or something, but the beacons help give that effect. Funny thing about that though, I was worried that people might get a little picky and look up through the glass and see the regular stuff that spawned in the main world, like stone, ores, gravel, etc. (The beacon beams don't work if there is a block in the way, but glass is an exception, so I dug all the way to the surface and blocked off parts of it with glass) To counter that, my perfectionism kicked in as I proceeded to dig out the walls in the hole and replace them with sandstone (Keep in mind, this room is at a y-axis of about 9, so it's nearly at bedrock level). As you can imagine, I had a lot of digging and placing to do, thank goodness I could do it in Creative mode. Honestly, the 1.4 update is the only reason why I'm doing this.

Edited by Keyblader

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