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'nother theory~

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I don't know why, but I have this random idea in my head that Braig/Xigabr/ Wahtever you fancy to call him, is Xehanort's son........


It... Just makes sense to me? I mean, they have the same ear shape, style, whatever; the same facial structure, and if not the same skin pallet, close to it. Xigbar has that silver/white streak, and even their moves look the same. Well, atleast his bullets compared to those annoying projectiles you face an onslaught of in the final fights of BBS. Speaking of BBS, maybe I'm mis remembering because it's been a long time, but when they Braig and Xehanort met in Radiant garden, he knew who he was... And the fact that exist in the same time constantly kinda shoots down the notion that he's just him from another time.

And of course the "I'm already half Xehanort." comment.

Anyways. Am I just shatting out random fandom or does this kinda make sense?

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"I'm already half Xehanort" means he was possessed by Xehanort, not that he is related to him.

And Nomura said there are not important family relations between characters in KH so it's reaaally unlikely.

Plus, why Radient Garden, anyway? Xehanort was from the Destiny Islands and after that he went to train as a Keyblade Master. When would he have gotten time to make babies?

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All those features you mentioned, the hair, eyes, pointy ears, that just means a connection to Xehanort, not that they're related by blood, heck Saix, Ansem and Xemnas share those same features too granted the latter two are his heartless and nobody respectively.


Like someone else already said: "I'm already half Xehanort" as in look at my hair, eyes, and pointy ears, I was possessed and am a vessel for the guy.

Edited by WakelessDream

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If Briag was Xehanort's son, then I don't think Xehanort would have paid him munny to fight Terra in BBS...


Xehanort is bad guy who have no relatives. Only copies of himself to keep him company


And Vanitas... You can't forget the time he spent with Vanitas...

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If Briag was Xehanort's son, then I don't think Xehanort would have paid him munny to fight Terra in BBS...


And Vanitas... You can't forget the time he spent with Vanitas...


Yeah xD

those were the day swhen he didnt have clones xD

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