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Has Anything from KH13 stuck to you?

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I pretty much write the way I do on KH13 as I do anywhere else. The one thing I do frequently use here more, however, would be abbreviations. I'm not much of an abbreviator, but if I'm discussing a long title frequently in one paragraph I'll shorten it by abbreviations, since it just gets so redundant to type it out five times in a row within a conversational setting.


Apart from that...yeah, this is pretty much how I am. :D

Edited by Mystics Apprentice

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I've used "/shot" a few times when im passing notes in school. No one understood that, sadly.

Other than that, nope. xD


The way I act here is the way I act in real life when im comfortable.


Sometimes I use /shot on Facebook

and sometimes I had to explain it

sometimes I think that no one besides the 2 who asked what it meant know what it means xD

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I apologize in advance if something similar already exists.

But I just wanna ask if you do things people tend to do on KH13 out of the site.

Like I tend to:

type without finishing a sentence

in a format like this

instead of one solid

block of text.

And I like using things like "/shot" or similar text... thingies I didn't know what word to use

I also like to use cross out font on Facebook

And of course





Oh my... I butchered the title.... xD



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