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Think Pink

Are You A Liberal or Conservative?

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I was having a pretty good discussion with some of my friends about this, so what are you?


Personally, I'm a conservative, because I disagree with a lot of what the liberals are trying to do to the country, like taking away guns, our right to govern ourselves and defend our borders, ect.


In case you don't know which you are, here's a pretty good list I found of the definitions and most important issues:

Liberals believe in government action to achieve equal opportunity and equality for all. It is the duty of the government to alleviate social ills and to protect civil liberties and individual and human rights. Believe the role of the government should be to guarantee that no one is in need. Liberal policies generally emphasize the need for the government to solve problems.

Conservatives believe in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty, traditional American values and a strong national defense. Believe the role of government should be to provide people the freedom necessary to pursue their own goals. Conservative policies generally emphasize empowerment of the individual to solve problems.








A woman has the right to decide what happens with her body. A fetus is not a human life, so it does not have separate individual rights. The government should provide taxpayer funded abortions for women who cannot afford them. The decision to have an abortion is a personal choice of a woman regarding her own body and the government must protect this right. Women have the right to affordable, safe and legal abortions, including partial birth abortion.


Human life begins at conception. Abortion is the murder of a human being. An unborn baby, as a living human being, has separate rights from those of the mother. Oppose taxpayer-funded abortion. Taxpayer dollars should not be used for the government to provide abortions. Support legislation to prohibit partial birth abortions, called the "Partial Birth Abortion* Ban"(*Partial Birth Abortion: the killing of an unborn baby of at least 20 weeks by pulling it out of the birth canal with forceps, but leaving the head inside. An incision is made in the back of the baby's neck and the brain tissue is suctioned out. The head is then removed from the uterus.)




Death Penalty




The death penalty should be abolished. It is inhumane and is ‘cruel and unusual' punishment. Imprisonment is the appropriate punishment for murder. Every execution risks killing an innocent person.


The death penalty is a punishment that fits the crime of murder; it is neither ‘cruel' nor ‘unusual.' Executing a murderer is the appropriate punishment for taking an innocent life.










A market system in which government regulates the economy is best. Government must protect citizens from the greed of bigbusiness. Unlike the private sector, the government is motivated by public interest. Government regulation in all areas of the economy is needed to level the playing field.


The free market system, competitive capitalism, and private enterprise create the greatest opportunity and the highest standard of living for all. Free markets produce more economic growth, more jobs and higher standards of living than those systems burdened by excessive government regulation.




Gun Control




The Second Amendment does not give citizens the right to keep and bear arms, but only allows for the state to keep a militia (National Guard). Individuals do not need guns for protection; it is the role of local and federal government to protect the people through law enforcement agencies and the military. Additional gun control laws are necessary to stop gun violence and limit the ability of criminals to obtain guns. More guns mean more violence.


The Second Amendment gives citizens the right to keep and bear arms. Individuals have the right to defend themselves. There are too many gun control laws – additional laws will not lower gun crime rates. What is needed is enforcement of current laws. Gun control laws do not prevent criminals from obtaining guns. More guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens mean less crime.

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I generally have a personal policy of "avoid politics at all cost, it never ends well," but considering that the Conservative government is ridiculously corrupt and has been wrecking my country for years now, I'd say I'm Liberal. Or to be specific in Canadian terms, I'm for NDP.

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I generally have a personal policy of "avoid politics at all cost, it never ends well," but considering that the Conservative government is ridiculously corrupt and has been wrecking my country for years now, I'd say I'm Liberal. Or to be specific in Canadian terms, I'm for NDP.


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I've heard about NDP from a certain someone, and i have to say they are amazing.


But since NDP doesn't exist in America, id say im 1/4 Liberal and 3/4 Conservative? I may be half/half.

Theres things I agree with the Conservative party but I also agree with some stuff in the Liberal party.


<3 It's a real shame America doesn't have an NDP.

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I hate liberalism, as well as I hate conservatism. Both implies the hatred between people. And I hate hating.

No liberalism, no convervatism (?) Freedom is the way to go. True Freedom.

(for anyone who didn't get it, I'm talking about anarchy).

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