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Poor Communication Kills

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It's come to my attention that the entire plot of the Kingdom Hearts franchise could've been avoided if characters bothered to talk to each other and not make stupid decisions. Since you're better storytellers than Nomura and the folks at Squeenix, how do you think the series would've ended up if everyone actually had a brain? Hint: start with BBS and kill off Terra and Aqua first chance you get.

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I actually thought that was a big issue in Birth by Sleep. I felt like the characters never effectively communicated with one another and it resulted in a victory for good ol' Xehanort. I still have a problem with that now, actually.


And it sucks because I thought Terra and Aqua's characters were interesting in concept. In execution, they just weren't used or developed to their fullest and they acted like total nitwits, now that I'm looking at the criticisms leveled at BBS.

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I know what you mean. I noticed this less in later titles, but Birth by Sleep especially has this issue. There were so many times that Terra and Aqua should've just hashed out what was on their minds and it would've solved everything. But yes, I really like Terra and Aqua's characters as well. I just wish the plot wasn't so, ah, convenient.

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Lack of communication in it self isn't a bad plot device, it was just badly executed because there was no reason for it, especially in BbS. TAV are supposed to be these super good friends that have known each other for years and see each other as family and there's just no real reason given as to why they have such communication problems to try and make their friendship fall apart. I just don't buy that they would have such mistrust or privacy issues around each other, but then again, I didn't buy that they were such good friends either since their relationships weren't all that fleshed out to begin with.


The three were all together very few times, the first time the writers were busy trying to make TAV=SRK foreshadowing that wasn't needed and eliminating the point of introducing new characters when you're trying to parallel them with others that have completely different personalities (sans Ven), then again during the MoM exam were we get our first communication fail and Aqua being "mom", for the third time in RG were they have an even worse communication fail, then finally at the KBGY were they finally started to open up a little but by that time it was too late, for the characters and for me to care about their friendship because it was actually rather shitty...

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*Ven Frozen*

Aqua: hm, I could probably just use an ignite spell to thaw you...or a lower level fire spell...nah, I'll just leave you here.


The real problem with Kingdom Hearts is that everyone needs to line their freaking pieces up and connect the dots. Like honestly. I still find it ridiculous for example that no one in the story knows that Roxas looks like Ven except for the villains. And just...other little things that I can't think up right now. But there are many.


Oh yeah. Like, Riku. At any point in kh2, he could have stopped being stupid and just talked to Sora. Or, like, left a note. What's with all the ambiguous clues. It's called writing. Look it up. Get it memorized.


Namine. Why have you been doing between the beginning of kh2 and the end of kh2 that you didn't have time to appear and tell anybody about the whole "oh yeah, btw Sora, I found other hearts connected to yours." Like, she couldn't even tell Riku or DiZ? Srsly?


And Riku. Why didn't you just let Roxas meet Sora. Defied DiZ. You destroyed your world, and now you want to follow rules. You only say "things might have been different" afterwards. They still could be!


Mickey: What have you been doing with your life all this time. Just what. You need to spill everything you know. Like seriously. You could have told us about Ansem-Xemnas-Master Xehanort ages ago. And how long before you recognize that Xemnas' face looks like Terra's? Hm? I'm assuming that his time in the realm of darkness affected his memory somehow, there's just no other explanation for forgetting the name "Xehanort" after the events of BBS and not remembering the difference betwen him and Ansem the Wise like seriously.


It's honestly no wonder that Xehanort is always 5 steps ahead of everyone. You don't even need time travel to get around these idiots.


Right? I can't believe Mickey didn't tell anyone about Xehanort after he went to Radiant Garden the second time.

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Lack of communication in it self isn't a bad plot device, it was just badly executed because there was no reason for it, especially in BbS. TAV are supposed to be these super good friends that have known each other for years and see each other as family and there's just no real reason given as to why they have such communication problems to try and make their friendship fall apart. I just don't buy that they would have such mistrust or privacy issues around each other, but then again, I didn't buy that they were such good friends either since their relationships weren't all that fleshed out to begin with.


The three were all together very few times, the first time the writers were busy trying to make TAV=SRK foreshadowing that wasn't needed and eliminating the point of introducing new characters when you're trying to parallel them with others that have completely different personalities (sans Ven), then again during the MoM exam were we get our first communication fail and Aqua being "mom", for the third time in RG were they have an even worse communication fail, then finally at the KBGY were they finally started to open up a little but by that time it was too late, for the characters and for me to care about their friendship because it was actually rather shitty...


Exactly. Although you have to wonder why they couldn't have made it any better in the first place. Its like they wrote up those pivotal scenes, forgot about them, worked on all the disney worlds and mashed it all together in the end.

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You want an example of a well done version of TAV and Eraqus? Look up "Ask Eraqus"

It shows the characters in a way that is very true to how they act in BBS, but it's expanded upon. I found that replaying BBS with that in mind made the characters significantly more sympathetic

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I've been saying this forever now ! However , no one has mentioned RAX.. No one in that trio knew what to do about their given situation and it was extremely frustrating when Xion would run away like a dumb bitch while everyone searched for her while all she had to do is confide in her very best friends what was going on..Who does she confide to? Riku and Namine who she didn't know and just met..Yet Roxas gets mad at Axel for keeping things from him yet so was Xion yet in Roxas' eyes she could do no wrong while everything Axel did was wrong . They were ALL wrong . They just should've sat down and talked about the entire situation instead of being drama queens/kings about it ..It's prolly one of the main reasons some people didn't have sympathy for Xion..

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I've been saying this forever now ! However , no one has mentioned RAX.. No one in that trio knew what to do about their given situation and it was extremely frustrating when Xion would run away like a dumb bitch while everyone searched for her while all she had to do is confide in her very best friends what was going on..Who does she confide to? Riku and Namine who she didn't know and just met..Yet Roxas gets mad at Axel for keeping things from him yet so was Xion yet in Roxas' eyes she could do no wrong while everything Axel did was wrong . They were ALL wrong . They just should've sat down and talked about the entire situation instead of being drama queens/kings about it ..It's prolly one of the main reasons some people didn't have sympathy for Xion..


Ah yes, I forgot to say something about this. The thing that made me most mad, though, was this part:


Axel: Xion is like a mirror that reflects you.

Roxas: Wat


I mean, really, Axel. Xion absorbed what little brain power Sora had, leaving Roxas with pretty much nothing but Sora's anger, impulsiveness, and overly dramatized loyalty. Now is not the time to be using fancy metaphors on the poor boy. You could have just come out and said "She's a replica. The stronger she gets, the weaker you get." And then he has the nerve to be frustrated when Roxas doesn't understand...


Xion...was a little silly, but I sort of understand. She was ashamed of what she might be, and so couldn't tell her closest friends friends about it. It's like talking to a therapist or going to twitter instead of talking to actual people. I also never understood Roxas getting mad at Axel for attacking Xion, and never once wondering or asking why Xion raised her keyblade at him. And then Xion just says, "if he hadn't attacked me, I probably wouldn't have come back." Like what. This doesn't even make any sense. Come back if you're going to come back, leave if you're going to leave. And of course, Axel had to keep all of his secrets because of his plans with Saix... >.< I also feel like it was hinted somehow, somewhere that Roxas sort of puts Xion onto this pedestal of perfection because she's a reflection of how Sora sees Kairi. Roxas kind of has every right to be mad at Axel, seeing as its made obvious in the end that Axel knows pretty much everything about Roxas and Xion and never spills. At least, at the end; everytime before that was just Roxas being impulsive. Character flaws... :P but without character flaws, there would be no story, and nothing would really happen.


You also have to take into consideration that Roxas and Xion are completely new beings that don't really know how to function with emotions; supposedly, they're not even supposed to have emotions. Roxas understands things least of all, and both Axel and Xion sort of let him exist in his own little oblivious bubble, not troubling him with their problems.


Also, Roxas and Xion are technically 14-15 years old, if you don't count them as being 0-1. Name a 14 year old girl who acts rational all the time and we'll talk. lol.

Edited by deathrebirthsenshi

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