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KHRecoded [Confirmed!?]Coded coming to NA!?

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Thanks to KHInsider.com for New Info!


Hey everyone, today we've got some interesting news. Eddie Carroll, the voice of Jiminy Cricket, was e-mailed by a Kingdom Hearts fan and asked if he would be reprising the role of Jiminy in the upcoming Kingdom Hearts game. Eddie replied, stating that he would in fact be providing the voice of Jiminy once more, however, Jiminy Cricket isn't featured in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep.




Could this mean that Eddie will be voicing Jiminy in a North American coded release? Seems likely.


:D Coded for NA ;D Lol this is goig to be FUN! :O

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Sora's probably right. Nomura did mention that there was going to be a bit more on the NA release, so maybe he will be in there.

At the same time, however, it would make sense to have a NA release for Coded because it provides vital information as to what Sora will do next. Leaving it out would create a gap for NA fans, and that wouldn't be fair and would be extremely confusing.

But it will not be for the Wii. I think I read in an interview somewhere (sorry that I can't remember which one, quote it, or link to it) that Days was the last KH game for a Nintendo system.

So... yeah. xP

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well then...at least we know Coded SHOULD come out to NA, perhaps they would just create another Theatre mode in BBS like they did with Re:CoM and slide in the Coded cutscenes there. Though this is all spontanious thought :P

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They wouldn't combine Coded in BBS because there is a 12 year difference and the story line would not match up. It MAY be in the secret ending where King Mickey writes the letter to Sora and that could be where he is featured; but don't expect Coded and BBS to intertwine stories because they are two seperate events.

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If it's going to the Wii, it'll be WiiWare.


I'm leaning more towards an iPhone/iPod Touch release, though. Just seems likely to me.

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If it's going to the Wii, it'll be WiiWare.


I'm leaning more towards an iPhone/iPod Touch release, though. Just seems likely to me.


I agree with you. If Coded does come out in NA, It will probably be for what is was made for: Cell Phones. Another thought is that they could release if on PSN. I really doubt it's gonna be for WiiWear. But I've been wrong b4...


But I'm not getting my hopes up until BbS comes out and if the VA has no role in it was so ever, I'll start thinking about Coded.


But has anyone thought that it could be another KH game? That's pretty unlikely though. I mean, why would Nomura be asking a American VA when there's nothing about a another KH game being developed right now in Japan?

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Look america is the second place news gets out to. If he hasn't even announced it for japan. Like a remake or something. America doesn't get one thing us, we have to share games with Japan. So will there be a coded? If so then Japan would be first to hear about it.

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I'm not surprised that coded would be coming out here. The only platforms that I think it would go on is either Wiiware/DSiware, PSN or Iphone. My response to anyone that doesn't think it could be on Wiiware, just look up Final Fantasy IV: The After Years.

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I think that iPhone/iTouch could handle Coded, I have a Wii, iPhone and PS3 so I've got most bases covered. But I also think that a firmware update may be in order to be able to handle that kind of game first... who knows, it could be for the Wii, look at COM to RE:COM.

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