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Strategies in Fighting Games

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In my anime club we're having a Tekken tournament where the "Final Boss" will be this kid in my school that has played over 500 matches and only lost twice. If we are able to beat him the first time around he will buy us any game (including pre-order) up to $60, if we win the second time around it's the same but up to $30. It's a tag tournament. So My really good friend has been dying to get and play Persona 4, because she's in love with the Hiimdaisy comic dub on youtube(hilarious, check it out for a good half-hour, go for the full version). So I really want to win this tournament if only for her sake.



I've been able to wheel and deal myself into the last Bracket to get me and my friend an extra week to practice and everything. Problems include, Neither of us have an XBox 360 nor a version of Tekken(of any kind) And all we have to go off of is a PS3, Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 and Generations and Persona 4 Arena...


SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Seeing a pattern here?)

I need

1) Strategies that work with any fighting game, I'm studying up. I'm good at them but this kid's rep gives me a chill.

2) Button arangements for Tekken Tag Tournament 2 for Xbox 360.

3) Good combos and people to use for newcomers.

Stuff like that would be VERY useful to me.


Thank you

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I played it and am pretty good but wwaaayyy better at dead or alive and i have an anime club at my school too!!!!!


So any ideas for some good characters that I can do some really good damage to?

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Well a strategy I use is that if youre good with telling when someone is going to hit you duck, block, etc. Concentrate really well and hit when you think is best.

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