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The Transcendent Key

Chuck Norris, the most Badass person who ever lived!

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we sing a chuck norris cadence

(also, this is to the beat of the cadence My Marine Corps Colors, Mama and Papa Were Laying in Bed, or Ain't No Use in Looking Back, depending on how it's called.)


I see the bearded ninja

(Platoon Repeats)

Alone upon the hi-ill

(Platoon Repeats)

His name is Chuck Norris

(Platoon Repeats)

And kill I know he wi-ill

(Platoon Repeats)



Chuck No - orr - rr - iss

(Chuck, chuck, chuck he's the man!)

Round hou-ou-ou-ou-se kick!

(Platoon repeats)


Now, Chuck's not a surgeon

(Platoon Repeats)

But he knows some tri-icks

(Platoon Repeats)

The quickest way to a man's heart

(Platoon Repeats)

Is with Chuck Norris' fi-ists

(Platoon Repeats)




If you get out of li-ine

(Platoon Repeats)

Chuck will put you in your pla-ace

(Platoon Repeats)

The power of a roundhouse kick

(Platoon Repeats)

Can be seen from outer spa-ace

(Platoon Repeats)




If you can see Chuck Norris

(Platoon Repeats)

Then he can see you-ou

(Platoon Repeats)

If you can not see-ee him

(Platoon Repeats)

He's prob'ly right behind you

(Platoon Repeats)




Don't break the law in Texas

(Platoon Repeats)

You'll put yourself in danger

(Platoon Repeats)

Chuck Norris' twin brother

(Platoon Repeats)

Is Walker Texas Ranger

(Platoon Repeats)




He doesn't have a chin

(Platoon Repeats)

But should still be fear-ed

(Platoon Repeats)

Legend tells of a third fist

(Platoon Repeats)

Behind his magnificent be-eard

(Platoon Repeats)

Chuck No - orr - rr - iss

(Chuck, chuck, chuck he's the man!)

Round hou-ou-ou-ou-se kick!

(Platoon repeats)

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