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Kingdom Hearts new game, new character!

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Okay so I know all of you have been reading the magizene article on kh13.com. But the creator(don't know how to spell his name). Has realesed information that there will be a new character. What does this new character look like you ask? Your wondering like crazy! Well I went to ign.com(lost web history dog gone it, but lucky i saved the picture)! Here it is the new character! I don't know

1. boy or girl?

2. Keyblade bearer or not?

But I do know that this is a leaked photo of the new character, tell me what you think? I will put it as an attachment!

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Yeah...for Final Fantasy Agito XIII! Dude, this isn't a picture of the new main character. THE GAME HASN'T EVEN BEEN ANNOUNCED!!! Not even a name.


So why would you assume that this random character is the the supposed new main character?

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The One she talked about will be IN Kingdom Hearts 3 not Reconnect Kingdom Hearts. KH3 is so far off since they havt even started Reconnect yet. and the next game is probbaly Birth by Sleep Final Mix so dont go thinking IGN knows this cos they dont.

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idk? I thought ign was a preety good place, better than wiki or something?


First off, IGN don't know jack squat about Kingdom Hearts. Second, it is not better than Wiki because if it was, we would all find our information at Ign, but we don't because they're not KH fans. Yes, you can edit the Wiki but who on earth would do that. And besides, I haven't seen it happened at all. All the information is accurate, and no spamming on there.


And second, this is where I found your picture.



How did you confuse Kingdom Hearts with Final Fantasy, I mean really :dodgy:

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The One she talked about will be IN Kingdom Hearts 3 not Reconnect Kingdom Hearts. KH3 is so far off since they havt even started Reconnect yet. and the next game is probbaly Birth by Sleep Final Mix so dont go thinking IGN knows this cos they dont.


reconnected is the 3th kingdom heart and maybe the last one

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The One she talked about will be IN Kingdom Hearts 3 not Reconnect Kingdom Hearts. KH3 is so far off since they havt even started Reconnect yet. and the next game is probbaly Birth by Sleep Final Mix so dont go thinking IGN knows this cos they dont.


reconnected is the 3th kingdom heart and maybe the last one



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You never know, KH could turn out like FF, they were like 4 games and that's all but WHAM!! there are 14 (including the newly announced one)... I think KH could go on for a while depending on the richness of the storyline.

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