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KH3D How I Defeat Anti Black Coat Nightmare and Ansem Second Fight?

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You're pretty under leveled.

I first attempted Ansem at level 25 and it was a pain. I leveled up to 31 and everything became a lot easier

Here's an entire topic on the topic:


There's a video of a level 1 critical mode run there, so if you make use of those tactics you should be bale to manage

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  On 10/19/2012 at 10:54 PM, 'Darkew' said:

Ok i will level up more and what Commands I use?


Baloon stuff works best. Did you get the R&R Seal from the AR Card? Because it gives baloonga, and possibly baloonra

(Never mind that it gives other awesome stuff like five HP boosts)

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Okay, so this is how I went about with these fights. With Anti Black Coat, I just dodged and attacked like a madman, and if I'm not mistaken I had Riku at level 35. When you fight Ansem the second time, it's pretty easy, you just have to dodge his numerous attacks. The only thing I hate about the Ansem 2nd encounter fight is that when he draws you away from him, he uses damn lasers to shoot you, and when you've taken off a hefty chunk of his life, he'll start throwing lots of dark giant spheres at you. Just dodge for your life and use Cura, and if your Dream Eaters have the Haste ability, then you're good to go.

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  On 10/19/2012 at 10:47 PM, 'Darkew' said:

How i can defeat them until I drop to Sora?

I am level 22 with Riku and level 21 with Sora.


Yeesh dude I level thirtyed that on my first try with proud and critical xD Ok Anti black coat is an easy fool just double jump and dark roll and when you double jump try to cast two firaga breaks or a firaga break and ice barrages added with some balloonga thunder dash and a spark dive and ansem second fight is a huge s^&*@ so when he makes you fly back use dark aura and use firaga break and ice barrage or two firaga breaks and for his stupid lazers well it took me thirty seven trys to beat it just dark roll from side to side and the dark balls just .. .. Yeah I got nothin.. Hope this helps dude xD

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  On 10/19/2012 at 10:47 PM, 'Darkew' said:

How i can defeat them until I drop to Sora?

I am level 22 with Riku and level 21 with Sora.


Wait no I was level forty one when I beat the game for the first time.. Get ryu dragon and get mega flare and cera terror/ that other triceratops for exp boost IT IS REALLY GONNA HELP

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The reason why you are struggling is because you are under-leveled.

The game's lvl recomendation for The World That Never Was is 40, so it's pretty normal if you're having a bad time with these fights.


I was lvl 43 when I defeated the Final Bosses (in Standard Mode) and I had no problems at all. I didn't use any kind of strategy back then, and just used the commands I wanted.

Later on, I played the game in Critical Mode Level 1 and that's when I had to come up with a new kind of strategy (which can also be applied in other modes if you want).


If you want to check my Fights against them in Standard Mode (with no predetermined Strategy at all) here are the videos (there's also some cutscenes in these videos so skip those if you want):




If you'd rather see me using a more "strategical approach" (the one I used for my Critical Mode Lvl 1 Playthrough), check these videos instead:




Hope this helps! ;)

Edited by AirbagVII

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I know this post is 2 years old but what the hey. In the Anti Black Coat fight i just attacked whenever i could and abused dark aura, like literally i did. You want to really avoid the attacks he does when he goes down into the floor and homes in on you, best thing for this is the dark roll (Cant remember the exact name of it, not played ddd in a while) And the attack when he fires a volley of dark attacks at you which poisons you and chips a good bit of your health away, best be using a few curagas for that as if you are not careful, you will be healing a lot! As for Ansem, i had to follow a YouTube video for him.

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