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Why do we even like this series?

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I have a love hate relationship with it that's slowly turning into loving to hate it. I've been with the series for a while already, about five years give or take, and after a while you just become jaded when you realize that game after game (there where only three when I got into the series) has the strange feeling of adding things without really progressing. Now I'm just sticking with it until KH3 comes around because after I've invested so much time into the series I want to at least see the "Xehanort Chronologicals" to the end. Which is still a ways away...Someone hold me ;_;

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You know what else objectively sucks but people flip their shit over anyway? Twilight. Yes, I went there.


And tonnes of hilarious and fun stuff has been spawned from twilight

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As flaw infested as it is, I can't help but adore this series anyway. It's the longest I've ever stuck with any series -show/game-, and I don't really feel like leaving it. It's like being in a relationship with someone with a bunch of quirks...but you stick with um anyway. xD

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For me, they just went to far into the story line, and it lost it's touch (for me). I'll still stick with the series, I mean, it's been this long, might as well see it to the end.

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"Flaw infested" does not make something worthy of any kind of adoration. I'm starting to doubt why this deserves any kind of attention, and why any of us are sticking around. Like, I'm honestly wondering.


Something can be terrible and enjoyable at the same time...

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Could it be said that KH is "so bad it's good"? Though that implies that people come for the badness of it but from my experience people either ignore its flaws or try to justify them. I'm sure some people see it that way but it doesn't seem to be the majority.

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This is really being blown out of proportion, flaw infested? These games are pretty good compared to the super flawed competition. Every game has some flaws, does that mean its bad? no. It's pretty easy to look at the bad aspects of a game.

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Could it be said that KH is "so bad it's good"? Though that implies that people come for the badness of it but from my experience people either ignore its flaws or try to justify them. I'm sure some people see it that way but it doesn't seem to be the majority.


Then shouldn't that mean we should be spreading the hate so people will be better informed just how lousy this series is?


What you think why we love this series?


I'm starting to doubt it. That's why I'm asking you guys.

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When something is introduced to you at the very start of your childhood and remains relevant until you begin adulthood it's hard to drop it.


It's sort of like the Hotel California, you can always check out but you can never leave. With this series you can drop it but it just comes back. Some sense of nostalgia takes over and makes you interested again.


And then you hate it and leave and the cycle repeats.

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Then shouldn't that mean we should be spreading the hate so people will be better informed just how lousy this series is?



Step 1. Fill our hearts with hatred

Step 2. Fill other people's hearts with hatred

Step 3. ?????

Step 4. Profit!


I see no flaws in this plan.

Edited by Ruran

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