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Whats your fave period in history

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Late Hellenistic if I'm to go on the periods via Art History. I would have to say the High Renascence is definitely tied with it, though.


I love the architecture of the late Hellenistic, so many pretty buildings. A lot of really pretty sculptures, too.


High Ren is for the paintings, mostly. But really because of Donatello. He was such a troll, I love it.

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16th century. It's such a crucial portion of modern history, and sets up much of the world as we know it. Europe starts to rise, Asia begins to stagnate, contact is made with North America, the Ottoman Empire is spreading, Spain manages to create and lose an empire, Queen Elizabeth and England begin to create its dominance over the waves, the Holy Roman Empire experiences the fluxuation of the Reformation, Ivan the Terrible reshapes Russia and establishes what it means to be a "Godly" Tsar.


A lot of big things happened.

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16th century. It's such a crucial portion of modern history, and sets up much of the world as we know it. Europe starts to rise, Asia begins to stagnate, contact is made with North America, the Ottoman Empire is spreading, Spain manages to create and lose an empire, Queen Elizabeth and England begin to create its dominance over the waves, the Holy Roman Empire experiences the fluxuation of the Reformation, Ivan the Terrible reshapes Russia and establishes what it means to be a "Godly" Tsar.


A lot of big things happened.


I love when you reply to things = .= Your posts are wonderful to read.

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I did History in school for GCSE, which I loved where we learnt about WWI and II, The Troubles (in Ireland), and Russia V America (Cold War I think? Haven't looked at it in 2 years) but I actively go out of my way to research Greek Mythology (though I don't know if anyone'd count that as real history), as well as the Tsar Empire.

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