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The Return Of Vanitas

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Seeing as though xehanort needs one more seeker of darkness could it be possible that he would bring back vanitas. i mean he brought back ansem and xemnas so why not vanitas and besides i would love to see vanitas square off with sora or riku.

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he never brought back ansem and xemnas. They were in a dream about the same time when sora started his journey. In a way, they had gone back in time to when xemnas and ansem were still there.


Umm your only half right, Ansem was the only one there at the time Destiny Islands fell to darkness. He acted as a portal for Young Xehanort to enter the realm of sleep. However once in the realm of sleep everytime we saw Ansem, and Xemnas it because Young Xehanort pulled them there via time travel.

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Umm your only half right, Ansem was the only one there at the time Destiny Islands fell to darkness. He acted as a portal for Young Xehanort to enter the realm of sleep. However once in the realm of sleep everytime we saw Ansem, and Xemnas it because Young Xehanort pulled them there via time travel.


Nobodies are formed when heartless are formed. So why would Ansem only exist at one time but Xemnas wouldn't?

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Nobodies are formed when heartless are formed. So why would Ansem only exist at one time but Xemnas wouldn't?


It's not that he didn't exist it's that he wasn't at Destiny Island at the time it fell to darkness. Ansem and Xemnas were pulled from a later time which is evident from Ansem having Riku's body.

Also relatively speaking only Destiny Island's was the only place that actually took place in the past. The rest of the events took place in the present.

Edited by devereauxr

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Nobodies are formed when heartless are formed. So why would Ansem only exist at one time but Xemnas wouldn't?


Ansem was there at DI when it fell to darkness whereas Xemnas was not ..He existed just not in the same location at that point in time ..Also Nomura confirmed exactly what Dev was sayin' to you .

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Ansem was there at DI when it fell to darkness whereas Xemnas was not ..He existed just not in the same location at that point in time ..Also Nomura confirmed exactly what Dev was sayin' to you .


It's not that he didn't exist it's that he wasn't at Destiny Island at the time it fell to darkness. Ansem and Xemnas were pulled from a later time which is evident from Ansem having Riku's body.

Also relatively speaking only Destiny Island's was the only place that actually took place in the past. The rest of the events took place in the present.


The first post was about how Xehanort brought Ansem and Xemnas back. You guys are probably right, but what i'm simply saying is that they were NOT brought back and that, although Ansem was present at DI, Xemnas was also present in the dream overall....wasn't he?

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The first post was about how Xehanort brought Ansem and Xemnas back. You guys are probably right, but what i'm simply saying is that they were NOT brought back and that, although Ansem was present at DI, Xemnas was also present in the dream overall....wasn't he?


They were sent back to DI when it fell to darkness in the past .( where Ansem was there in the past bc he existed then at that moment) ..Xemnas was in another location during KHI during all this .. After they were all in the sleeping worlds and YMX was there he was pulling them from the past but they were existing in the present time ..For example : In TWTNW where Riku fights YMX that was the present time yet Ansem and Xemnas were still there .. They were brought back , just temporarily from the past hence why they had to return to their own times ...

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The first post was about how Xehanort brought Ansem and Xemnas back. You guys are probably right, but what i'm simply saying is that they were NOT brought back and that, although Ansem was present at DI, Xemnas was also present in the dream overall....wasn't he?


But technically speaking they were brought back but it was done via time travel not revival. Every time you saw Ansem and Xemnas in the Realm of Sleep they were being pulled to the present by Young Xehanort via time travel. Essentially thanks to Ansem(the brown robed version) all the norts through out time and space were in a state in which they could transcend time.

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They were sent back to DI when it fell to darkness in the past .( where Ansem was there in the past bc he existed then at that moment) ..Xemnas was in another location during KHI during all this .. After they were all in the sleeping worlds and YMX was there he was pulling them from the past but they were existing in the present time ..For example : In TWTNW where Riku fights YMX that was the present time yet Ansem and Xemnas were still there .. They were brought back , just temporarily from the past hence why they had to return to their own times ...


But technically speaking they were brought back but it was done via time travel not revival. Every time you saw Ansem and Xemnas in the Realm of Sleep they were being pulled to the present by Young Xehanort via time travel. Essentially thanks to Ansem(the brown robed version) all the norts through out time and space were in a state in which they could transcend time.


*brain explodes*

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He may not bring back Vanitas, but instead a similar figure of darkness, this time from the hearts of Kairi or Riku.


i doubt its Kairi. Kairi as a Princess of Heart doesnt have any darkness in her heart to produce evil doblegangers

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I don't see Vanitas not coming back, he was too important to Xehanort's plans and he invested a lot of time raising the boy. Not to mention that he probably has a part of Xehanort inside him. Though I question if he'll be the "13th", Xehanort might have a spot reserved for him already.

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