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Speak Canadian

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There were two Canadians in my chemistry class who said that all the time. I think it was mostly because they thought it was funny to humor the Americans, though. :D

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I'm Canadian and I barely say "eh."




I have heard three Canadians speak. None of them sound like that.




the canadians tht say eh are the rednecks of tht country and you'll know when you see them lol


How would you know? I live in Alberta, the province of rednecks and the ones I know don't say 'eh' all that much, if at all.

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How would you know? I live in Alberta, the province of rednecks and the ones I know don't say 'eh' all that much, if at all.










How would you know? I live in Alberta, the province of rednecks and the ones I know don't say 'eh' all that much, if at all.


i say tht in the meaning of most people dont see rednecks unless they go looking for them in the places tht you would suspect to find them like nascar rallys and family reunions so for canadians it would be kind speaking gathering( because Canadians are to nice to be in competitions with each other ) and bland food tasting parties :)....... eh?

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