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KHDays Why does everyone hate Xion?

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Again, "Why do people hate Xion" not, "Do you like/love Xion". Don't make me remind you again. σ__σ


Oh c'mon, you can argue about hating Xion. :) First what's comming in mind is some people claiming to hate Xion because they wanna troll their fanbase for some far fetched reasons. :D


Otherwise, you could hate her because she forced Roxas to kill her instead of telling him the truth. Okay, you don't know if it was to her will or just serve her will in the end. She was killed in action and it made no diffrence to her choice. No regrets. Either she set a trap up or she was accidently K. I. A.

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Few reasons why I dislike Xion:

She is boring. She never entertained me (well her death was funny to watch indeed, but you get the point)

She breaks the immersion, like always when this gurl opens her mouth to say something 'deep', the whole scene is pretty much ruined.

She is definition of useless, she almost never succeeded on any mission without Roxas' help. (There was that one time with Darkside in TW, but all the other times)

And the biggest reason: She is just medicore fan fiction character who should have been left out. (This aplies to some other KH characters aswell, but Xion is poorest try to this point)

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"Aw, we don't hate it. It's just kinda... Scary..."

Really, I don't hate her, but I don't go like "OH MY GOD, XION JUST APPEARED IN KH3D!", she is important, yes, but I dn't care that much about her.

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Xion is a Mary Sue in every way shape and form. All she basically does is act confused, cry, and get defeated/taken away.


I also feel that she takes away from the main purpose of 358/2 days, which was telling what happened to Roxas in Org XIII. Instead Xion appears and the game's plot turns into a mess that's both trying to create and avoid a love triangle all at the same time. She basically stole the show.


Plus, she was insignificant to begin with and died an insignificant death. Nobody remembers her, and it looks like no one will making her existence completely pointless.

Edited by Amon

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Xion is a Mary Sue in every way shape and form. All she basically does is act confused, cry, and get defeated/taken away.


I also feel that she takes away from the main purpose of 358/2 days, which was telling what happened to Roxas in Org XIII. Instead Xion appears and the game's plot turns into a mess that's both trying to create and avoid a love triangle all at the same time. She basically stole the show.


Plus, she was insignificant to begin with and died an insignificant death. Nobody remembers her, and it looks like no one will making her existence completely pointless.


1) Mary Sue is an arbitrary term to me. She may be a poorly-developed character whose use is to act confused, cry, and get defeated/taken away, but that just makes her a poorly-developed character whose use is to act confused, cry, and get defeated/taken away. It seems "Mary Sue" is just a label people like to slap around for any female character they don't like.


2) The game does show Roxas's time in the Organization. Xion just happened to be a part of it. u mad bro? Xion's inclusion in and of itself wouldn't have been bad, except it was the execution of the plot instead of the plot itself that was a total mess. Now people hate the character because Nomura totally firetrucked the way he told the story.


3) The "love triangle" comes from the attitude of a fanbase that insists on shipping everyone with everyone. I could be mistaken, but I thought that KH was about a silly thing like friendship.


4) C'mon, even before DDD hinting at her return, I didn't believe for a second that Nomura would introduce her and just throw her away like that. Sure, the death was insignificant because we know she'll come back, but it sure as hell wasn't insignificant to Roxas, and she still needed to go if Sora was to wake up. Same thing with Roxas in KH2.

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1) Mary Sue is an arbitrary term to me. She may be a poorly-developed character whose use is to act confused, cry, and get defeated/taken away, but that just makes her a poorly-developed character whose use is to act confused, cry, and get defeated/taken away. It seems "Mary Sue" is just a label people like to slap around for any female character they don't like.


2) The game does show Roxas's time in the Organization. Xion just happened to be a part of it. u mad bro? Xion's inclusion in and of itself wouldn't have been bad, except it was the execution of the plot instead of the plot itself that was a total mess. Now people hate the character because Nomura totally firetrucked the way he told the story.


3) The "love triangle" comes from the attitude of a fanbase that insists on shipping everyone with everyone. I could be mistaken, but I thought that KH was about a silly thing like friendship.


4) C'mon, even before DDD hinting at her return, I didn't believe for a second that Nomura would introduce her and just throw her away like that. Sure, the death was insignificant because we know she'll come back, but it sure as hell wasn't insignificant to Roxas, and she still needed to go if Sora was to wake up. Same thing with Roxas in KH2.


1. Not really, she is a Mary sue because she is a Mary Sue. I'm not a big fan of Kairi but I don't call her a Mary Sue, just a whore.


2. Indeed it does, but nobody expected or even wanted a new character, much less a "love interest" (and I use the term loosely) for Roxas. But I have to agree, her appearance wasn't properly executed.


3. I don't care what the context is, but whenever you put a girl between two guys and it's hinted that both of them may want to be a little more than friends with this girl it's a love triangle. Like I said, there seems to be this thing where sometimes the game tries to create a love triangle, and then other times just establish they are just friends. Pick one and freaking develop it.


4. I don't recall anything hinting at her return other than 100% speculation and odd theories before DDD. Her death was insignificant to Roxas because he forgot completely like 10 minutes later. And her death in general was insignificant because she was insignificant to begin with. She wasn't needed at all in the storyline. Roxas is perfectly capable of gathering hearts for the organization by himself, as is any keyblade wielder. Basically Xemnas had a temper tantrum and cried "BUT I WANT Kingdom Hearts NOAW" and created a Mary Sue to speed up the job.

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1. Not really, she is a Mary sue because she is a Mary Sue. I'm not a big fan of Kairi but I don't call her a Mary Sue, just a whore.


2. Indeed it does, but nobody expected or even wanted a new character, much less a "love interest" (and I use the term loosely) for Roxas. But I have to agree, her appearance wasn't properly executed.


3. I don't care what the context is, but whenever you put a girl between two guys and it's hinted that both of them may want to be a little more than friends with this girl it's a love triangle. Like I said, there seems to be this thing where sometimes the game tries to create a love triangle, and then other times just establish they are just friends. Pick one and freaking develop it.


4. I don't recall anything hinting at her return other than 100% speculation and odd theories before DDD. Her death was insignificant to Roxas because he forgot completely like 10 minutes later. And her death in general was insignificant because she was insignificant to begin with. She wasn't needed at all in the storyline. Roxas is perfectly capable of gathering hearts for the organization by himself, as is any keyblade wielder. Basically Xemnas had a temper tantrum and cried "BUT I WANT Kingdom Hearts NOAW" and created a Mary Sue to speed up the job.


1. Like I said. Arbitrary term that means different things to different people.


2. Even if they didn't expect or want a new character, it's Nomura's story. Canon characters can get away with things fanfic writers can't; the canon just so happened to be poorly-executed. And there's nothing to hint Roxas and Xion were anything more than friends/siblings. To think so is to shoehorn in a romantic context because everyone's obsessed with romance and see it even where it might not exist.


3. Related to the above, since when does the "two guys and a girl" dynamic inherently equate to romance? Where is there romance in this game beyond one's imagination? I repeat: KH=Friendship. F.R.I.E.N.D.S.H.I.P. Then again, this is the KH fanbase I'm talking about. I'm just wasting my breath, so go ahead, pretend there's something romantic so you guys can get your jollies out of it and then get pissed off when it doesn't deliver what you want.


4. Nothing in-game hints at her return, but I meant that from a meta perspective. Did you really believe Nomura would just let a character that played an important part of an entire game just go to waste? Even if Roxas forgot her, Xion flat-out states the memories themselves would always be with them. KH has some physics regarding memory and the heart. If Xion truly stopped existing, then she'd have nothing after she disappeared. Nothing. Xion was a back-up to Xemnas's plans, just in case Sora and/or Roxas didn't work out. Which they didn't. He just didn't expect Xion to not work out, either. And so what if Roxas was capable of collecting hearts on his own? Why only have one keyblade wielder when you can have two? And you can go around throwing around the "Mary Sue" term to me all you want. It'll just give it even less meaning.

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1) Mary Sue is an arbitrary term to me. She may be a poorly-developed character whose use is to act confused, cry, and get defeated/taken away, but that just makes her a poorly-developed character whose use is to act confused, cry, and get defeated/taken away. It seems "Mary Sue" is just a label people like to slap around for any female character they don't like.


2) The game does show Roxas's time in the Organization. Xion just happened to be a part of it. u mad bro? Xion's inclusion in and of itself wouldn't have been bad, except it was the execution of the plot instead of the plot itself that was a total mess. Now people hate the character because Nomura totally firetrucked the way he told the story.


3) The "love triangle" comes from the attitude of a fanbase that insists on shipping everyone with everyone. I could be mistaken, but I thought that KH was about a silly thing like friendship.


4) C'mon, even before DDD hinting at her return, I didn't believe for a second that Nomura would introduce her and just throw her away like that. Sure, the death was insignificant because we know she'll come back, but it sure as hell wasn't insignificant to Roxas, and she still needed to go if Sora was to wake up. Same thing with Roxas in KH2.


YESBRO! You tell him!

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1. Like I said. Arbitrary term that means different things to different people.


2. Even if they didn't expect or want a new character, it's Nomura's story. Canon characters can get away with things fanfic writers can't; the canon just so happened to be poorly-executed. And there's nothing to hint Roxas and Xion were anything more than friends/siblings. To think so is to shoehorn in a romantic context because everyone's obsessed with romance and see it even where it might not exist.


3. Related to the above, since when does the "two guys and a girl" dynamic inherently equate to romance? Where is there romance in this game beyond one's imagination? I repeat: KH=Friendship. F.R.I.E.N.D.S.H.I.P. Then again, this is the KH fanbase I'm talking about. I'm just wasting my breath, so go ahead, pretend there's something romantic so you guys can get your jollies out of it and then get pissed off when it doesn't deliver what you want.


4. Nothing in-game hints at her return, but I meant that from a meta perspective. Did you really believe Nomura would just let a character that played an important part of an entire game just go to waste? Even if Roxas forgot her, Xion flat-out states the memories themselves would always be with them. KH has some physics regarding memory and the heart. If Xion truly stopped existing, then she'd have nothing after she disappeared. Nothing. Xion was a back-up to Xemnas's plans, just in case Sora and/or Roxas didn't work out. Which they didn't. He just didn't expect Xion to not work out, either. And so what if Roxas was capable of collecting hearts on his own? Why only have one keyblade wielder when you can have two? And you can go around throwing around the "Mary Sue" term to me all you want. It'll just give it even less meaning.


1. The most accepted definition of a Mary Sue is "almost always beautiful, smart, etc... In short, she is the "perfect" girl. The Mary Sue usually falls in love with the author's favorite character(s) and winds up upstaging all of the other characters in the book/series/universe." In addition "whiny, wimpy, pathetic female character who can't seem to do much of anything except cry and get herself into trouble that the romantic interest of the fic has to rescue her from." Please explain how Xion does not exhibit these qualities.


2. Just because it's Nomura's story doesn't mean we can't have a say in it. We are the costumers. This isn't the 90's anymore. Game developers know what we want and how to cater to our wishes. If they want to add something that nobody likes, then that's fine with them as long as they are okay with the dip in sales.


3. KH1 had a shitty love triangle, KH2 also had shitty romance and Days did as well. It's an E game, there isn't going to be much, but it has been hinted at especially when she dies.


4. Yes, I do. And if the memories are still with Roxas then, why doesn't he firetrucking remember? You either remember something or you don't, there is no science behind it.


This conversation is going in circles and I have better things to do than defend my opinion regarding a game character, clearly you don't.

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This conversation is going in circles and I have better things to do than defend my opinion regarding a game character, clearly you don't.


And yet you kept it going just as much as I did by attempting to refute my responses instead of just brushing me off to begin with. Clearly you are the better man in this situation. I bow to your superiority in knowing true quality, as well as knowing how you are the intelligent one because your analysis is clearly better than mine. Well played, sir, well played.

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I don't hate her, the only thing that bothers me is that she is a female replica of Sora(disturbing if you ask me), but I like her design (finally someone with black hair)


Anyway nice avatar ;)

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IDK and I can't Understand Why....


I assume you haven't read most of the posts here, so I'll sum up what the detractors are saying:


1: She's poorly developed.  We don't know anything about her aside from her being kind, and liking her friends and ice cream.

2: Her relationship with Roxas and Axel is hardly friendship.  We're told nothing about why she ran off after learning the truth instead of confiding in her friends she supposedly trusted.  If it's a matter of trust or she knew she couldn't trust Axel or Roxas with the info, the game never shows us.  The only assumption we can make is that she's stupid, or just extremely mistrusting.

3: She wasn't necessary.  She entered and exited the picture way too cleanly, to the point where she might as well not have existed at all.  Ultimately, she was less a character and more of a plot device that assisted in getting Roxas to leave the Organization.

3.5: Take #3 with a grain of salt, though, because arguments against her have either said she's completely pointless, or she stole the spotlight from Roxas and the others.  You know something's fishy when so many people can come to completely opposite conclusions when presented with the same information.

4: Some people just think she's annoying.  Not every character you come across is gonna be a winner in your eyes.

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I assume you haven't read most of the posts here, so I'll sum up what the detractors are saying:


1: She's poorly developed.  We don't know anything about her aside from her being kind, and liking her friends and ice cream.

2: Her relationship with Roxas and Axel is hardly friendship.  We're told nothing about why she ran off after learning the truth instead of confiding in her friends she supposedly trusted.  If it's a matter of trust or she knew she couldn't trust Axel or Roxas with the info, the game never shows us.  The only assumption we can make is that she's stupid, or just extremely mistrusting.

3: She wasn't necessary.  She entered and exited the picture way too cleanly, to the point where she might as well not have existed at all.  Ultimately, she was less a character and more of a plot device that assisted in getting Roxas to leave the Organization.

3.5: Take #3 with a grain of salt, though, because arguments against her have either said she's completely pointless, or she stole the spotlight from Roxas and the others.  You know something's fishy when so many people can come to completely opposite conclusions when presented with the same information.

4: Some people just think she's annoying.  Not every character you come across is gonna be a winner in your eyes.


Yes I didn't  read everything being said cause I just love Xion. I can't understand why and you may explain me many and many times about it but my opinion won't change. She will be my fav char on the Saga. Yes she did mistakes but like everyone did she did so...she is innocent she's done nothing wrong and when she found out about everything involving her she tried to atone her mistakes and she dies asking Roxas to undo what she had done cause she was running out of time. So yeh I do still believe IDK why ppl hate her it's the nicest char in the saga and it's the more dramatic, sad one and this is a great advantage to her. I'm not trying to offense you but you did offence me, I did read the previous post not all but I did most of them and still  I just can't understand why cause in me eyes she is the best char in the saga and that's sth that none is gonna change.

Edited by IiISoRaIiI

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Yes I didn't  read everything being said cause I just love Xion. I can't understand why and you may explain me many and many times about it but my opinion won't change. She will be my fav char on the Saga. Yes she did mistakes but like everyone did she did so...she is innocent she's done nothing wrong and when she found out about everything involving her she tried to atone her mistakes and she dies asking Roxas to undo what she had done cause she was running out of time. So yeh I do still believe IDK why ppl hate her it's the nicest char in the saga and it's the more dramatic, sad one and this is a great advantage to her. I'm not trying to offense you but you did offence me, I did read the previous post not all but I did most of them and still  I just can't understand why cause in me eyes she is the best char in the saga and that's sth that none is gonna change.


I just explained why many people don't like her.  Ultimately it boils down to opinion and perspective.  You can't force those people to like Xion anymore than they can force you to hate her.  But just so you know, reading counter-arguments strengthens your own.  If you refuse to see them just because you don't like what you see, then your opinion won't be one those haters will respect much or take into account.

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