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KHCoM Mis-pronounced names

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Yeah hi, Sorage55 here for another topic -_-'


So a long time ago before Re:CoM came out in America, me and my fellow KH Fans gathered together talking about how epic it will be! Well we knew all the members of the Org. already and we knew their names-or so we thought. After the game was out and everyone beat the crap out of both story modes we took a little chuckle at ourselves. It seems we had been pronouncing Larxene's name as "Lar-xeen" and Marluxia's name as "Mar-luks-ia" Now I wonder, has this happened to any of you before Re:CoM?:-/

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Well, Marluxia is pronounced "Mar-lush-ia", but Larxene is pronounced the same way it's spelled. Not sure why that would make you guys kick yourselves...


Heh, I used to pronounce Marluxia the way it was spelled when I first saw it too.

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riiight so like Xion is pronounced "Shion" and Xigbar would be pronounced... "Zigbar"?


im sorry im a memory-less so i dont remember things well



mod note; please refrain from double posting C; <3

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yes well me and my friends always thought it was Mar-lux-ia instead of Mar-loosh-ia cause we were only feeble minded 7th graders at the time T_T


Same here.I feel dumb cuz I only found out like three weeks ago how it was pronounced.

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yes well me and my friends always thought it was Mar-lux-ia instead of Mar-loosh-ia cause we were only feeble minded 7th graders at the time T_T


Heeeeeee :) i'm a seventh grader! Well actually in England we call them Years, So I'm year seven. Every year we change years. Anyway to stay on subject, I used to pronounce demyx like dem-ee-ex I was really silly I think I was in year 5 (5th grade)

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I still pronounce Marluxia "mar-lucks-ia", because I'm just a stubborn bitch. ;D And I used to think that Xaldin was pronounced "zal-addin". x.x

And, pheh, Demyx is pronounced "dee-micks". Long "e", children, long "e"!

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I would pronounce Namine as Na-man-ne and I would pronounce the accent at the end since it looked like a french "e". I remember pronouncing Larxene's name right.

Xaldin's was X-aldin.

Marulxia was Mar-lucks-ia.

And I think I did okay on the others. xD

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1. Zem-niece

2. Zig-bar

3. Zal-dian

4. Exen (I thought the V was silent xD )

5. Le-sex-aus

6. Sex-ion (I'm serious, I was awesome)

7. Sai-axe

8. Ax-El

9. Dem-yix

10. Lox-ord

11. Mar-lex-ia

12. Larcks-enn

13. Rucks-ex (blame that on Ansem the Wise's pronouncitation)

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luxord: lacks-sword D: yup >.< faiiillllllll


well in a sense that is true since luxord does lack a sword, lolz /shot


Marluxia: Id say Mar-luk-shia or something like that


and thats probably the only one ive mispronounced

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riiight so like Xion is pronounced "Shion" and Xigbar would be pronounced... "Zigbar"?


im sorry im a memory-less so i dont remember things well



mod note; please refrain from double posting C; <3


i pronounced xion like zion the last city in the ''matrix''

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At first, when I didn't know the pronounciation, I thought Lexaeus' was Lex-A-E-us, I thought Marluxia's was Mar-Lux-ia and Xion's was ze-on. I knew that I was pronouncing Xion's name wrong but when I found out the pronounciation of Lexaeus' and Marluxia's I was quite surprised; I really thought I had their names pronounced right. I've watched the Japanese cutscenes in Re:CoM and found it hilarious how Vexen pronounced Zexion's name in japanese. It sounded like he was saying Zex-she-on.

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