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Unto The abyss

Beta Version: Fight for the Datascape [Rp open]

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"You don't see one of these every day..." Luna complained aloud, pushing herself, and the other two in. It was absolutely silent in the shop and the three had caused a big commotion coming in. "Ha ha...Echo are you sure this is the right place?" Luna asked, her collar covering the place Echo bit her.

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"yes my uncle settled down in the beta version cause he didnt want to die" echo said


Then a short little man with pointy ears came from the back. Hehad on a green tunic and an orange hat. "welcome welcome to Vierno's poison and cure shop. How can i help you today?" he said to hako and luna.


"actually uncle its me who needs help. I got hit with a black death speellllll..." echo fell to the ground out cold

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"Help him...we are okay I think..." Luna said, stepping out of the way and sitting on the ground. "We were out on sea, and then got attacked by a man and black and an Eel. He paralyzed Hako, that girl there, and another one of my friends, also Echo. He left me for last. I'm a glitch, so I'm easy to defeat. He attacked me, and when we all awoke, the ship was sunken and Yukari, the other friend was missing. Soon, I found out Echo was infected with the Black Death spell, and had to paddle my way here on a raft. My friends Xio and Skull are out at sea as well, and I'm unsure where they are. It took a while, but we arrived as you can see. Echo....had to suck my blood in order to gain some strength, so he did so. Hako awoke soon after, and I see that my blood didn't help him. Any thing you can do to help him would be fine." Luna explained, placing her hand on her neck where Echo bit her, looking at the ground. 

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The elf man chuckled "my girl you don't seem to understand that your blood did help it just didn't last" he said as he flipped echo so he was on his back and not his face. Then he looked through the many shelves. Bottle after bottle. "Hmmmm ah here we go" said the elf as he brought back a vile of Greyish liquid. "Since he is my nephew and your his friends ill let the three of you stay here so we can take care of echo till this breaks the spell." He said. "Now I'm not a strong combat player like you 2 so I can't move him that far so could you help me bring him to a bed in the back?" He asked

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"Sure." Luna said, standing up. "I'm Luna, named after my mother...after something happened." she said the last part quietly. "Hako, help me, you are probably are stronger than I am at the time." Luna said, walking over beside Echo. She then looked down at the man. "Can we stay here tonight? I have no where we are supposed to be going..." she asked.

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"Yes, but you don't have to yell at me, plus you don't even look that old, I'm old enough, 17 to be exact. It's not my fault you are a blabber mouth." Luna snapped, shoving Hako beside her. 'Man...I did it again....' she thought, clenching her fist. 

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"Well to bad for you getting caught up in this Beta Version. I cannot help you escape." Luna snapped, pointing her finger at the elf. "I'll carry him, tell me where to take him." she snapped, grabbing Echo by one arm and lugging him onto her back. 'Damn...he's so freaking heavy....' she thought, staring at the elf.

Edited by Sodom

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"sorry but your statement is incorrect youngster... i chose to stay here and i will never leave. ive been here so long child that im a moderator." he said as he pointed to a bed big enough for one person at the back of the room. "now you can go do whatever i'll take care of Echo" said the Elf as he poured some of the liquid down his throat then left to go back to his work but before he did he looked at Hako and Luna "why dont the 2 of you go shopping and just relax and explore the city before you head out on your adventure again ok." he said to them









Unikora stood within a high Tower watching out the window, Yukari was tied to a post behind him, uncontious. "soon... so very soon i will get my prize" he said with an evil laugh to follow it.





Meanwhile again


In the middle of the Ocean in their little row boat Xio was sucking on a Lime. he took his mouth off it and shook his head from the sourness "oh man keeping scavies away sucks!" he said before he sucked on the lime again.. suddenly water spouted from the bottom of the tiny rowboat. "Huh?"

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"Hako, lets get out of here..." Luna sighed, grabbing Hako and pulling her out with her as the two walked. "I'm still scared to death because of that man...who know where Xio is now...." She sighed, looking to the ocean. "What should we do? We really can't get out of this town until Echo feels like it." she said with a sigh, still looking out at the ocean.

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"dont worry luna itll be fine. We should just relax and have fun." said hako with a smile before she grabbed luna's arm this time "so lets go!" she said happily

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"I have no clue!" she said with a smile as the two stopped in what seemed to be the shopping district as it was large and full of people going in and out of buildings

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Suddenly another girl walked up to the two "excuse me but you wouldnt happen to be named luna would you?" she asked. She had a black top on with a yellow skirt. Long brownish blonde hair and dog ears with a tail. She look harmless qnd inexperienced as a fighter

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Luna looked at this girl seriously. "I hate to upset you, but I cannot accept that offer, you see, one of my friends is hurt, and I got into a ship wreck today, and my HP is low, so I hate to upset you, but that is the truth." Luna admitted.

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