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Unto The abyss

Beta Version: Fight for the Datascape [Rp open]

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I jumped off the roof and ran over to Luna and Xio with my cannons, 'I guess they need help, Freeze flame.' I used the left over fire and turned it into ice and froze the lizard person.

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"This is ridiculous! Just leave me and my friends alone. You have no explainable reason to be trying to kill us!" Luna yelled, obviously mad. She ran towards the creature as she shot Final Sin, and Light Storm at it. 'I wish Akise had not betrayed us...' she thought.

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"You stole my lunch! thats why!" growled the Lizard man



"Remember they are fast and act off of instinct!" said Xio as he kept trying to slash at the Lizard Person with his blades "there is a reason they have to special attacks! Its because they dont need them!" he exclaimed

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"if you insist human" hissed the lizard as it moved swiftly towards the front desk and from behind it it pulled ot a giant battle axe "let us play then" he hissed


xio steeped back "holy crap!"

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"yeah the problem is from the fight yesterday i can now only use minor magic so no reality marble, mirror sheild, weapon caster, or data space guillotine. I need to recharge after a major fight like that" said Xio as he raised his arm to show her his black blade made of magic on his arm. "this is only 1/4 of it's normal size." he said as it barely reached his elbow

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He pulled a cross bow out from under the counter and shot at Zero "Fools every Lizard Person carries enough weapons to be prepared for anything" he hissed as it was an auto reload crossbow

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I moved my cannon and the arrow made a 'clanking' noise as it bounced off of my cannons. 'Still fooled.' I thought to myself as more 'howls' came and knocked the crossbow away.....

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