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KH Final Mix in NA version of KHHD?

KH Final Mix in NA version of KHHD?  

59 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think KH Final Mix will make it in the NA version of KHHD?

    • Yes it will
    • No, only regular KH1
    • I don't care, I just want KHHD!

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The final mix cutscenes are voiced in english for kh1 final mix, so I don't think that will be a problem...it would just be more work to take it out. And it would be a fabulous marketing strategy once they release it overseas; "Oh look, you should by it not just for the hd cutscenes, not just for the days cutscenes, but now you have Final Mix content!"


The true purpose of having final mix has been revealed...to keep it from us all this time and then make us want it later...

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It would't make sense for them to use the standard version when they have already redone the Final Mix version, now would it?

Also I think Nomura named it Re:MIX so that when we do get it he can say to the Japanese fans "It's not Final Mix, it's Re:MIX so Final Mix is still Japanese exclusive."

I mean the only real difference between FMs and Re:s is that Re:s are on a different system than the originals.

Edited by Sora_Kuno

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  On 10/12/2012 at 1:38 AM, 'KH2FFMM' said:

To me it doesn't matter what version it has, I just to buy it and play it on my 46 inch HDTV!


What do you think?


*English version


We don't care what TV you are. Most people have HDTVs these days, they're not a big deal.


They wouldn't remove the Final Mix content, because it would be a waste of time and pointless.


And people can always import it as the PS3 is region free.

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  On 10/12/2012 at 7:04 AM, 'Sora96' said:

And people can always import it as the PS3 is region free.


Except of course, the entire game will be in Japanese, which is why people want an international release in the first place.

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  On 10/12/2012 at 11:24 PM, 'kingskater4' said:

There's a huge chance that it will get released in North America and Europe, it wouldn't be right to make it a Japan only game. Let's just hope for an announcement soon.


NYCC is going on right now and i was hoping SE would announce it there but nothing D:

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  On 10/12/2012 at 11:32 PM, 'darkchaser' said:

NYCC is going on right now and i was hoping SE would announce it there but nothing D:


I think that's kinda early for an announcement since it was just announced for Japan almost a month ago. I would say we would get an announcement at E3 2013 or maybe a little earlier, but all in all, I just want an announcement, it would've been cool if it was announced during NYCC though

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  On 10/12/2012 at 11:32 PM, 'darkchaser' said:

NYCC is going on right now and i was hoping SE would announce it there but nothing D:


SE has always been weird about announcing things in NA and Europe (namely announcing their games like no one but the japanese knows they are coming), expect it a few months before its release in these territories.

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  On 10/12/2012 at 1:04 PM, 'UltimateKeybladeMaster' said:

it will be the Final Mix version I don't get why people are finding this hard to believe


Cause they only released this in Japan.

It's awesome if they just release KH1 in HD.

Edited by KH4Real

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  On 10/12/2012 at 7:04 AM, 'Sora96' said:

*English version


We don't care what TV you are. Most people have HDTVs these days, they're not a big deal.


They wouldn't remove the Final Mix content, because it would be a waste of time and pointless.


And people can always import it as the PS3 is region free.


I like people speaking for themselfs. It would be fun watching Sora hopping and slashing on 42" HD. He wasn't cocky about it. ;) It would be much easier removing the final content, changing menus and voice acting than remaking KH1 from scratch. Given that they want assure japanese exclusivity. :)


If they ever wanted to release KH1 FM overseas, that wasn't a big deal. Kh1 fm is basically a extended US version, BBS fm too. The funny thing about BBS fm is Aqua's US fighting voice with japanese voice acting in th realm of darkness. :D

Edited by LibertaerGER

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I keep hearing more rumors everyday saying that the final mix content will be removed in the localized versions. I still think it will be included though, it would take time to remove all that extra stuff and changes from the original.

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  On 10/17/2012 at 10:30 PM, 'kingskater4' said:

I keep hearing more rumors everyday saying that the final mix content will be removed in the localized versions. I still think it will be included though, it would take time to remove all that extra stuff and changes from the original.


It would indeed.

They're porting over the Final Mix version. If they decided to give us only the original in HD that would mean:

a ) Port over the original. Lots of effort, they'd have to go through the whole process again, would take lots of time.

b ) Use the Final Mix release, but remove the actual Final Mix content. Also lots of effort since it's not like a movie where you just cut out a few scenes and be done with it. Final Mix uses recolored enemy models with rebalanced stats iirc so you'd have to exchange all the recolored ones for the old models, set back the stats to default, remove extra weapons, extra dialogue, extra cutscenes and then check if the game still works as intended and your tampering didn't cause any bugs etc.; meaning play through the game, do additional bugfixing and so on...


That's a LOT of effort just to NOT give us something. If they went through that much effort just to spite us, that'd in fact be the final straw for me. Moreso than not releasing the HD collection at all.


So yeah, there are only two ways I can see this happening:

Either we get it, and it is the Final Mix release - or we get nothing at all.

Edited by Tetsujin

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