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I Need to Break as Many Copyright Laws as Possible, ASAP!

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It's for a school assignment. Can you guys help me think up as many heavily copyrighted things as possible? I need to break as many as I can, as efficiently as possible!

I've already got a plan to make a music track for the project that is just a bunch of other people's songs mashed together

Alright, guess I should give some context:

The assignment is to make a collage, then write about the rights in infringed on to make it.

The teacher said he didn't really care what kind of collage, and mentioned editing together music, and making videos.

So I decided to make a video about infringing as many copyrights as possible, as blatantly as possible, to the tune of copyrighted music


Edited by hatok

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What the hell kinda school assignments are these people giving you? O_O


Well there's movies, music, images, Happy Birthday, podcasts, creating and selling products where their design and function was ripped off someone elses...

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Take the most well-known movie/book and use it as a copyright.


Take all the character names and alter them into making your own character.


Keep the plot the same.



Ta da.


Inception, Harry Potter, The Avengers, Thor, Batman Trilogy (Begins, Dark knight, Rises), Twilight (ewwwwww but still) etc.

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Alright, guess I should give some context:

The assignment is to make a collage, then write about the rights in infringed on to make it.

The teacher said he didn't really care what kind of collage, and mentioned editing together music, and making videos.

So I decided to make a video about infringing as many copyrights as possible, as blatantly as possible, to the tune of copyrighted music

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WTF! Must be a bad school if they're making you do this as a project?


Better than essays and book reports every day instead Edited by ashiri

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Copyright as in terms of Video and Music (Youtube Infringement based?) or famous company signs, pictures, product designs, etc..? (like the apple vs samsung case?) or everything that's got to do with Plagiarism?

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