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God I've missed this site x.x

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Ugh, sorry I've been away so long, I have absolutely no interwebs, and am going through withdrawals @^@


I'm currently on my dad's computer, so I can get my fix for today Dx

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Sorry for UBER-late response, buuut...


I forgot to tell you guys the reasoning for my "hiatus."


As some of you might know (though I'm sure most of you don't care) , I'm consuming my time with being part of the start of two cons. One in the Quad Cities area of Iowa and one in my hometown.

They have taken up most of my time, and I barely have time to get on a computer anymore (also I don't have interwebz at my house anymore, but that I can work around...).


Also, I'm just posting this as an update, I'll be moving in with my dad in the next few months, and I'll have a better access to the internet then, so just bare with me until then.


ANYWAY, thank you Kushi, fRiend, and Xion! X3

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