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KH2 Who's your favorite character?

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The character I dislike the most clearly is Demyx unnamed, I like all the characters in KH, without one, the game wouldn't be the same right? xD

Now back to topic, I like obviously Sora, he just follows his heart, and he saves everyone, that should be cool. I like how Riku finally meets up with him, so him too. I'm not that original when it comes to everything picking a favorite chacter, i always pick the protagonists

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Obviously the heartless. Without the heartless around, can there be Kingdom Hearts?  ;)

 In all seriousness though, I like Sora, Ventus, and Roxas. Think about it, Roxas had to find out he was a nobody? Tough life, if you ask me. IMO, 358/2 days really made Roxas the character he is.

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Favorite guy character(s): Sora/Roxas/Ventus, Axel, Riku, Leon, Demyx xDFavorite girl character(s): Kairi, Namine, XionOthers: Shadows. Cutest little villans I've seen in a while.

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