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KH2 Who's your favorite character?

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You know, it must get really confusing when you read books and you automatically change everyone's names to Demyx.


It makes the books better. Like when Demyx Potter fights Demyxmort at the end of Demyx Potter and the Deathly Demyxs.

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Yeah but think about how Demyx Weasley died, as well as Demyx Dumbledore, Demyx Snape, Demyx 'Mad-Eye' Moody, etc.

Or when Demyx Umbridge went about torturing a class full of Demyxs and Demyx Potter had to avoid the Hungarian Horn-Demyx.


I remember that. It was so epic.

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Ah I can't choose! Hmm....I do like Axel...and Demyx...and Sora....and Roxas....and....blah too many! xD


My life every time some asks me a question with "favorite" in it... =_=

(but to make a list: Sora, Riku, Kairi, Roxas, Lea, Xion, Namine, Ventus, A- ... forget it, this won't ever end.... xD)

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