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CJ Smith

Kingdom Hearts Marvel?

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K, it's just people got all these images and I wanted your guys' opinion



No...Just no.


Now how many threads asked the same question? I wonder.


I'd think:




...Really Nomura? WHY?







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Im on the fence. While I could do picture soda being all excited about helping out a super hero and the funny cutscenes that such senerios would produce, I don't think the graphics and stuff would look good or realistic. Sora and co are all cartoony and marvel worlds would have to be way more realistic. I don't think it would mesh well..

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Old picture is old but relevant

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Could be interesting, could be crap. Who knows? I think Disney wants to stick with there traditional Disney characters, and not acquired property after KH started. Also, even though owned by Disney, it feels as though Marvel is still functioning as it's own company.

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