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What helps you feel more in sync when playing a game?

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For me, it depends on what the genre of the game is.

For example, if I'm playing a RPG-based game, I find it hard to get interested in without actual voices; or if I'm playing a FPS, I tend to like it when I'm playing with friends, as opposed to random people online, or a single-player campaign.


So, what helps you feel more in sync when playing a game?

Edited by Xetorph

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I have to get into the storyline, or at least have a character that I connect with. Music helps a TON, though graphics aren't so important to me. I especially like 8-bit stuff, because it gives a good frame for things, but still leaves plenty of room for imagination.

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Music definitely. I'd rather play a terrible game with great music over a super amazing one with a weak OST (unless it's a stylistic decision to have minimal music like Disaster Report).


Besides that, the other important thing would have to be the story, for me (for when a game actually has a story involved over just an excuse plot). If I'm so absorbed into a game because I want to see how everything turns out, then I already feel immersed in it (e.g. Rule of Rose - terrible gameplay, but man does it have a really insane plot).

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I honestly think the music is the most important aspect to a game. Even if you have poor graphics, and mediocre gameplay a good soundtrack can make it all worth it.

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I'd have to say the characters and the story. While I have gained a newfound respect for the music in videogames, thanks to KH:BBS and P3P, it's not what really keeps me in sync. I the story and character's are more important because you'll be seeing the cast throughout the whole game. They better be enjoyable. Same goes for the story. It's gotta be interesting for me to keep playing it. I wouldn't play a game for the OST if the game had a bad story and bad characters. I'd just look up the OST on youtube.

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