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Nora Valkyrie

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Lee can never keep up with her thread anymore -_-'


WELCOME NEWBIES! For entering you must summit your  loyalty for Lee's Mafia.




JK, but if u want to join go ahead! :3 But know Lee can't eat Bananas...because she's allergic to them :(

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Is Elizabeth caring about other girls if even for a split second???

On a side note: shipshipshipship

Different people can pull of different outfits different ways. I look great with a scarf (worn the right way), but terrible with a baseball cap, for example.

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Is Elizabeth caring about other girls if even for a split second???On a side note: shipshipshipship

Different people can pull of different outfits different ways. I look great with a scarf (worn the right way), but terrible with a baseball cap, for example.

dude...she's asked you way too many times (especially nicley) to refrane from calling her Elizabeth...

sadly I don't give a s**t what your "preferance" for her name is...cause it isn't her preferance, and it's bothering her.

so I'll ask nicely, please stop

Edited by Stitches7769

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I now own a slingshot. Will I have to shoot any of you?

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I have chosen to refer to her by her first name for several reasons. She was chosen to be the Elizabeth of her generation. A family tradition. She should wear the name with pride, or live up to the name she goes by. Until then, I cannot adhere to your request.

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I do apologize. But the pain she left me with has to go somewhere. There are cat eyes drawn all over my arm signifying I can't go anywhere without her. It's because I cared about her so much that I do this. My brightest light went dark and has been consuming me from the inside out. I've tried, but no other light strong enough will enter my life to save me yet. Until then, I have to fight. I've tried to make amends, to seal the darkness away, or to negotiate with it, but that hasn't worked yet either. If either of you two wish to continue discussion with me, I request we bring it elsewhere.

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*takes aim with knifes in my slingshot*


Seriously, guys, take this to PM. We don't want to see it.

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