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Nora Valkyrie

The Roleplayers

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Some people actually call me short, or a puppy, or pat me just to piss me off. One of my best friends is kind of a troll so that includes her. And apparently Solar is my older (or at least bigger) and more vicious cousin who howls on full moon nights.

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Very similar.

Me: Why are you patting me?

Friend: Your hair's fluffy. *continues patting*/troll friend: *pats head and calls me a short puppy* trolololol

Me: yells something and depending on who it is, *throws hardcover book*

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Me: 71...

Person: OH MY GOD!!! *picks me up and carries me everywhere*

Me: Let me go! I'm to old to be picked up! Leave me alone!!! *tries to break out of grip*

Person: Now, your my baby so shut up.

Me: - _ -''''''''''' *sigh...*

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Oh yeah Sodom.


Me: Has a random conversation with friend

One of my tall friends: *lifts me up and carries me to lunch*

Random girl: OMG You're so small!!!!! *bear hug*

Me: *Serious expression* Yeah, I know.

Random girl: OMG how tall are you?

Me: ....four foot six.

Friend: Get sooome

me: *blushes and tries to avoid laughing*

Random girl: OMG you have dimples!! *pokes me*

Me: ......

tall friend: He's underweight too. *trollface*

Random girl: *randomly lifts me* how much do you weigh?

Me: ....56 pounds.

Random crowd: *ambushes ne and lifts me one by one.



EVERY TIME. This is practically how I meet people.

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Its strange for me. Even guys lift me up. Two of them say I'm their "son". Another one said that he just adopted me, and his girlfriend said she's my mother. Sodom we have to meet someday. I'm always getting hugged and guys say I'm "lucky" for that. Once an employee at McDonald's laughed at me after I ordered my food because I was with all my friends who were huge compared to me. Every February I go to Disneyland with my friends since I'm in orchestra and they're in band. When they leave to march I go on rides alone, but an employee has to ask my age on EVERY RIDE. and its frikkin DISNEYLAND.

Edited by CloakedSchemerX

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I edited my last post. There's more stuff now. D: most of my friends both intentionally AND accidentally lose me and they start saying "Hey, has anyone seen Andrew? Andrew? And- oh I didn't see you there."




Yes Blacksun. Its horrible.

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