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Nora Valkyrie

The Roleplayers

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Yuffie watched Nort walk away. Problem solved. Unfortunately, she'd also scared off Silver. Oopsie. She took a big gulp of her drink, the whiskey burning her throat, only for it to be cooled and massaged by the bubbly coke. She loved this drink. Fun and bubbly. She glanced over to Soul, belting out a few notes while slamming away at the piano. She smiled. The drink was beginning to take effect, but she was still sober enough to play a little something. She jumped off her stool, the seat spinning behind her, and slid next to where Soul had been on the piano bench. Hmph, had he passed out already? He had always been a lightweight. Yuffie began to tap out a lighter tune, keeping the slow gentle rhythm, just a bit higher pitched.

Edited by Emerald Sustrai

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Josh looked up from his book, and looked at Miss Neko, her nickname as a friend, as he was her 'butler' . "What's up."

He says to her

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"Cool guys never live in the past, I've heard." He moaned.


Soul heard the cantabile like melody play, a soothing sound to his ears. Lifting his head, he noticed a girl playing on the exact spot he had been. She was quite attractive, but Soul wasn't in the mood for flights of fancy. Barely managing to sit beside her to the left, he smiles. "Try improvising a tune." He said, playing the left hand of Friendship.

Edited by Soul Eater Evans

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Silver was quiet for awhile. He didn't say anything to Nort for at least a good three minutes. He looked a bit like Eddard Stark, staring off into the cold with an equally cold and frozen expression. He let out a sigh, his breath coming out as visible steam.

"Something good's ended, Nort." Silver said, "Sorry for being cryptic. But, a relationship is over, and likely for good. I don't know what exactly to do now." He stretched his back and shivered. It was too damn cold.

"I'm heading back inside. Can't take anymore of this." 


Silver walked back in, silent as usual, and returned to his stool. It seemed everyone had moved about in different directions. Silver looked at them, and wanted to join them, but felt his current mood wouldn't be welcome.

He tapped the counter to get the barkeeper's attention and got himself another dribk.

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Yuffie glanced to Soul, and smiled back. "Like this?" She asked, not even looking as she slid her left hand down the piano, and had it start playing faster. Meanwhile, she kept her right hand playing soft, slow, and high notes. Whenever the whole tune together began to be a too much, she adjusted, slowing down, speeding up, making one hand higher, the other lower, whatever it took. Slowly, it began to sound just right, the two tracks perfectly synced and bouncing off each other just so. Yuffie smiled as she kept it up. She glanced to Soul. "Well kid, add a little something. See if you can keep up."

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Yuffie glanced to Soul, and smiled back. "Like this?" She asked, not even looking as she slid her left hand down the piano, and had it start playing faster. Meanwhile, she kept her right hand playing soft, slow, and high notes. Whenever the whole tune together began to be a too much, she adjusted, slowing down, speeding up, making one hand higher, the other lower, whatever it took. Slowly, it began to sound just right, the two tracks perfectly synced and bouncing off each other just so. Yuffie smiled as she kept it up. She glanced to Soul. "Well kid, add a little something. See if you can keep up."



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"Something good ended?" Nort muttered to himself, pondering Silver's words. "A relationship ended? You don't know what to do?" he muttered, pacing frantically around in a circle. Then, an idea struck him, "Why... that's it! I know now, what I must do," he exclaimed to no one at all. He aimed his gun at the bar... and didn't shoot. "Clarice, you're with me on this, aren't you? Of course you are," he said, stroking the gun. He then walked inside the bar, kicking the door open again. (Play this:


) He then walked straight over to the bar stool where Silver sat, and spun it around so Silver faced him. He then shouted, "Let's see you... Grit! Those! Teeth!" as he punched Silver in the face. "Now, your probably asking, 'Why the hell did he just do that?' Let me pontificate. If something bad happens, someone should belt you one. You should NOT beat yourself up! No matter how bad it is, no matter how bleak your future is, no matter how hopeless it may seem, you must remember, it SHALL get better! I won't say anything as cliche as, 'Believe in the Nort that believes in you,' or something like that. But I will reiterate. It shall get better! Never lose hope! Now, cheer up, and have a few drinks on me, Sliver" he monolouged, pulling out his wallet ready to pay for whatever Silver bought. 


(First. This is an oddly hilarious mental image, me punching Silver. Second. Yes, I did take this from Gurren Lagann, to a degree. Third. I also vote for this to be a real RP. Fourth. I kinda did make Silver get hit by that... but it was the only way I could deliver that speech.) 

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Well that was not expected at all.


"I ain't gonna beat myself up, but thanks for the advice." He said, rubbing his jaw, "I'll keep it in mind."

He grinned, starting to feel a bit of excitement rise up in him. The things was...when Silver got roused for a bar fight, things didn't end so well. He swiftly pulled out his katana; a decent-sized blade that shined the same color as his namesake. The hilt started out as your traditional blade hilt, wrapped in leather, but afterwards held a great mechanical-looking circle.

"Also, I don't take too well to gettin' punched in the face. So, wanna see how well I can mimic Starburst Stream with just one sword?"


(It's amazing what a punch can do. Also, I was tired of the moping sooooo...)

Edited by Silver Kuroi

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"Don't want to get near drunk people." Neko said simply. She then looked at Soul. "The past is in the past, Soul." She said rather seriosuly

"Ah. Drunk people." He said to her, and smiled. "You just gotta blend in the shadows sometimes to avoid people like that..."

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Nortanort laughed. "I don't even know what that means! I'm glad you're outta ya funk though! Sure, I'll accept! Fight at ten paces? Bar fight right here and now? Either way, Clarice here," here he flourished his gun, "is guaranteed to pull through! I can take anything you throw at me!" he boasted, with a grin upon his face. He was lying through his teeth and he knew it, but he figured Silver would enjoy retaliating, so he was prepared for a bar fight. That, and, he wanted to get at least one good shot off with his gun that night.


(Also, I looked up the Starburst Stream, so I know what that is!)

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(Drowning in posts. Last time I try to play Civ...)

3 votes. Will post later, I accidentally inhaled water . _.

(I siad I would, it was my thing QUQ)

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Nortanort laughed. "I don't even know what that means! I'm glad you're outta ya funk though! Sure, I'll accept! Fight at ten paces? Bar fight right here and now? Either way, Clarice here," here he flourished his gun, "is guaranteed to pull through! I can take anything you throw at me!" he boasted, with a grin upon his face. He was lying through his teeth and he knew it, but he figured Silver would enjoy retaliating, so he was prepared for a bar fight. That, and, he wanted to get at least one good shot off with his gun that night.


(Also, I looked up the Starburst Stream, so I know what that is!)


Yuffie watched Nort walk away. Problem solved. Unfortunately, she'd also scared off Silver. Oopsie. She took a big gulp of her drink, the whiskey burning her throat, only for it to be cooled and massaged by the bubbly coke. She loved this drink. Fun and bubbly. She glanced over to Soul, belting out a few notes while slamming away at the piano. She smiled. The drink was beginning to take effect, but she was still sober enough to play a little something. She jumped off her stool, the seat spinning behind her, and slid next to where Soul had been on the piano bench. Hmph, had he passed out already? He had always been a lightweight. Yuffie began to tap out a lighter tune, keeping the slow gentle rhythm, just a bit higher pitched.

NeverBetter chuckled again. "Now how did I know that would happen? He mumbled, watching Yuffie's mad piano talent show off, and Nort walking in with a slug to the chin in his arms waiting for Silver. He took out the one thing on him that wasn't some sort of deadly weapon- A harmonica. "It's all I'm useful for in music, so why not?" He began to blow a tune on his harmonica as in-synch with the piano tune as he could muster. His harmonica, uncharacteristically like a average harmonica, had a very low tone to it. he did his best to blow the tune for a decent brawl in the Bar.


(A plot must be drawn up. Ideally, keep mostly the same world, add mythical monsters and corrupt government, references out of a kazoo's wazoo, and a little bit of the NeverBetter brand Wackyness and we'll have an RP. )

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NeverBetter chuckled again. "Now how did I know that would happen? He mumbled, watching Yuffie's mad piano talent show off, and Nort walking in with a slug to the chin in his arms waiting for Silver. He took out the one thing on him that wasn't some sort of deadly weapon- A harmonica. "It's all I'm useful for in music, so why not?" He began to blow a tune on his harmonica as in-synch with the piano tune as he could muster. His harmonica, uncharacteristically like a average harmonica, had a very low tone to it. he did his best to blow the tune for a decent brawl in the Bar.


(A plot must be drawn up. Ideally, keep mostly the same world, add mythical monsters and corrupt government, references out of a kazoo's wazoo, and a little bit of the NeverBetter brand Wackyness and we'll have an RP. )

(Heck, I practically made my character a Kamina/Simon Expy, to a point. I'm looking forward to it! And I might even give my character a backstory!) 


I'll make a reply in a bit, but this is a rough sketch of my own appearance.




Posted Image



(Oh yeah. Meant to say, this is a cool drawing.)

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(Well, many things happen.  Intriguing.  I'm all for an rp like this/that.  That is, I don't get distracted or occupied.  .......  Did I just made things dull?)


Grabbing his mug and gulping down, Ultimus turns around in his seat.  He looks around the joint, taking in what he sees and hears.  Some good music, awesome drink in hand, and the possibility of a fight.  Taking a sip, he thinks:  Well, let's see how things go.  He laughs all amused and drinks some more.

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"I do agree with you Josh, but I have to take care of something. Be right back." Neko said, standing up from her chair and storming over to Nortanort.

She held her gun to his head, a frightening look in her eyes.

"Don't punch Silver. If you hurt him once more, you shall have a hole in your head." She threatened.

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Nort slowly spun around to face Neko, ending up in a position where Clarice was pointing at her. "Inu, was it?" he asked, before continuing, "I only punched Sliver to get him out of his doldrums. And if I may say so myself, I did a pretty good job. Now, be glad I'm the type of person who takes threats lightly; otherwise, you'd be full of more holes than Swiss cheese. And that's no gouda," here he burst out laughing at his horrible pun. "But seriously, I did what I had to, to cheer up Sliver. This just happened to include a punch to the face. And I shall do it again, should he ever be that depressed," he finished, a calm look upon his face.

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"I understand your point then. But..." Neko said seriously, suddenly hitting Nort in the head with her pistol.

"MY NAME IS NOT INU. I AM NOT A DOG." She yelled, kicking him to the ground.

"I. Am. A. NEKOO!!" She yelled.

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Nort fell to the ground, grasping his head in agony. He wheezed out, "I'm sorry! I always forget names, Gatto!" as he slowly crawled over to the piano. When he reached it, he used it to pull himself up and as something to lean on. Fortunately, he did manage to retain a hold on his gun.

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