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KHBbS 101 Things Birth by Sleep did Right

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This is actually a school assignment, I have to practice something called Free Writing, here I gooooooo


1) Introduced the command deck

2) Introduced Master Xehanort

3) Introduced a ridiculous amount of customization, allowing you to play however you want

4) Found a way to make moves like sonic blade and megaflare practical for use in normal combat

5) Command styles made for an excellent stand in form drive forms

6) Ventus

7) Vanitas` regular boss fights

http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-cool.png Music effectively told the stories of the characters

9) Utilized keyblades to describe growth

10) has the longest secret ending in the series


Imma post ten of these a day


BBS might be my favorite game in the series. Looking forward to seeing the rest of these.

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6) Ventus




I actually have Ventus as one of the main things I really disliked about BBS. I'm curious to hear why you think he is a positive addition.

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Was gonna say melding (i really hope its in KH3 xD)

Being able to fight friends in the mirage arena (disadvantage being you couldn't do it totally wirelessly with people in other countries, I only got to fight people once, when my cousin visited from England and my (ex) boyfriend practically moved in)

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Kairi's grandmother made another appearance.


BBS was the game with the most parental themes ~ oh the irony!

Eraqus aka Master Keyblade Daddy-oh who is kinda dead now.

Kairi's Grandmother... who could be dead now or not as well.

Ansem and Ienzo, so sweet. But again the "surrogate father" was never to be seen again (well, he could leave the the RoD after.... maaaany years) and as a bonus: Ienzo's PARENTS ARE DEAD! *cough*

And finally: The mention of Sora's invisible father, I shall call him... Bob.



So, what did we learn? Parents in KH do ...exist but will vanish and/or become some voice that reminds you that you still have to eat your freakin' dinner!

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