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Can Kairi fight?

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I was wondering how well her fighting abilities may be throughout the games. She does get to wield a keyblade, and her heart was with Sora for most of the first game. If she experienced everything with him, doesn't that make her as strong as Sora was when he faced Xheanort's Heartless in Hollow Bastion?

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Just wait till she sees Aqua's reaction to seeing Sora when he rescues her. Then you'll know if she can fight. And if she can kill.


So she's going to kill the lady who is the reason to why she can wield a keyblade in the first place lol? Gg Kairi.

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@ Lee Loves KH Forever: Nami's never shown any indication that she wants to fight, though. Furthermore, she's so timid; she always gets used for things and never really tries to combat it. Kairi, however, has mentioned she wants to fight and has done a bit, but Naminé... Well, for one, she doesn’t even have a weapon (even if I think her memory power could be used in some way), and all we ever really saw her do is defend Sora in CoM. Which, you know, Kairi does in KH1 for Sora's Heartless.


Speaking of which, I think Nomura's been realistically developing Kairi’s fighting skills the entire time. In KH1, all she really did was defend Sora's Heartless. In KH2, however, she did a bit more. She seemed willing to defend herself via martial arts if it came down to it, she jumped off a balcony, killed some Shadows with her Keyblade... See? There was already an improvement from I to II. For someone who's never fought before (not even in sparring on the island), I think she's doing a decent job. Now when she trains at the Mysterious Tower (and has the benefit of time moving faster there than it does in reality), she'll be even better. Also, if she could learn to use her Princess of Heart powers, she'd be even more a force to be reckoned with.


Don't count Kairi out of the fight just yet, guys. She is supposed to be Aqua's successor, after all. I see some great things in Kairi's future. She's finally getting her chance to shine, which I'm so glad for!


Edit: Plus in the original beta trailer for KHI, it almost seemed like Kairi was going to have to save Sora in one instance (it also seemed like Riku was going to be the antagonist of the series, not Xehanort). Honestly, I think Nomura has been planning great things from Kairi from the beginning, but it took a little while to develop it. Anyway...


Edited by DenizenofTwilight

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Hey whatever it takes to keep her away from Sora lol


Then she should've just convinced Sora not to rescue Aqua and just leave her in the darkness for another decade or two haha....

I love Kairi and all but she doesn't stand a fighting chance against Master Aqua lawl...

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For someone standing on the beach with no training for 2 years she got some damn good strength.


She can beat Sora and Riku up with her flower keyblade.


But that's just it. If her heart was with Sora for the first game, couldn't his adventure be her training?

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Will she be better than Sora, Riku, Aqua, Ventus, Terra, Mickey, Master Eraqus, etc...?


Can she fight?


Kairi shows the will to fight, but you know what that leads too? Her getting in trouble again. So be prepared to save her again from so her careless decisions.

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But that's just it. If her heart was with Sora for the first game, couldn't his adventure be her training?


Kairi never showed to be conscious inside Sora's body, though. It's likely she was in the same condition as Ventus. However, Naminé also didn't display (for now, but we haven't seen much of Kairi after KHII) to be awake inside Kairi, so this would contradict with my theory of Naminé having all of Kairi's fighting abilities once she splits from her.



Will she be better than Sora, Riku, Aqua, Ventus, Terra, Mickey, Master Eraqus, etc...?


Can she fight?


Kairi shows the will to fight, but you know what that leads too? Her getting in trouble again. So be prepared to save her again from so her careless decisions.


Honestly, I have a theory that the Organization will try to kidnap Kairi, and then you'll be playing as her in a boss battle inside a Corridor of Darkness and escape after that. Edited by G-SANtos

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Kairi never showed to be conscious inside Sora's body, though. It's likely she was in the same condition as Ventus. However, Naminé also didn't display (for now, but we haven't seen much of Kairi after KHII) to be awake inside Kairi, so this would contradict with my theory of Naminé having all of Kairi's fighting abilities once she splits from her.




Honestly, I have a theory that the Organization will try to kidnap Kairi, and then you'll be playing as her in a boss battle inside a Corridor of Darkness and escape after that.


They do kidnap her, Namine helps her excape then someone gave her a keyblade. I saw a vid that this happened on youtube so idk if its true.

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Kairi never showed to be conscious inside Sora's body, though. It's likely she was in the same condition as Ventus. However, Naminé also didn't display (for now, but we haven't seen much of Kairi after KHII) to be awake inside Kairi, so this would contradict with my theory of Naminé having all of Kairi's fighting abilities once she splits from her.




Honestly, I have a theory that the Organization will try to kidnap Kairi, and then you'll be playing as her in a boss battle inside a Corridor of Darkness and escape after that.


I think that in KH3 we will play as Sora and Riku and maybe Aqua and/or Lea. It would be a total mess if we could play with all the 7 lights.

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They do kidnap her, Namine helps her excape then someone gave her a keyblade. I saw a vid that this happened on youtube so idk if its true.


I'm talking about what may happen in KH3, not about what happened in KH2. Kairi was kidnapped two times in this series, so I think they'll try to kindap her a third time, but now she'll be able to fight back before they can complete the capture.



I think that in KH3 we will play as Sora and Riku and maybe Aqua and/or Lea. It would be a total mess if we could play with all the 7 lights.


I'm pretty sure all lights or all good Keyblade wielders will be playable at some point in the game, even if just for boss battles. I can even see a boss battle against Isa where you control Roxas with Lea as a party member, and you have a Dual Limit where Roxas throws his Keyblades against Isa, with Lea doing the same with his Keyblade and chakram, the weapons then hit him, Roxas gets Lea's weapons while Lea gets Roxas', and they throw them again at Isa, and keep doing this repeatedly while walking in circles around him.

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Kinda makes you think did she really just go to school all that time on the island or was she secretly train. I mean she jump of that balcony way to good I would have hesitated lol kairis a secert agent lol



I think that in KH3 we will play as Sora and Riku and maybe Aqua and/or Lea. It would be a total mess if we could play with all the 7 lights.


mybe it will be a three story with 3 characters like axel xion roxas story the sora kairi and riku

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In that one scene in KHII TWTNW, where you see her fighting with a keyblade, you can clearly see how terrible she is at fighting. She couldn't even hit a Shadow heartless. And that's why she's gone to Mysterious Tower to train. At least I assume that's what she's going to do.

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