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Xian Cano

My trust in Nomura...

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My Birthday is in 4 days... and a little after KH 3D was released in NA all I wanted was a Wii U. I mean I planed every detail to get enough money on my B-day to buy one on launch day. as my birthday was approaching i was so happy that I could actually get my hands on the Wii U day 1. But then something AMAZING (but aggrevating) happend...

Kingdom Hearts -1.5- HD Re:MIX

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was announced for the..

PlayStation 3!

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I was so Pissed off and happy at the same time... I hate that feel

So of course my new plan is to abandon all hope for buying a Wii U this year and getting a PS3 instead.

I know that KH HD re:MIX might not even come out in NA, but I trust Nomura so much, I'm giving up a Wii U for a console I don't have and kinda don't want.. All for Kingdom Hearts..


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No offence but that's pretty sad that you're getting a PS3 all just for one game (Well, technicly 2 games but you get my point). Why even buy the PS3 system if you don't like it? And for a game that's been out for over a decade? This is just my opinion, but that is kind of a sad reason to own a PS3. I'd say go with the Wii U. It is a lot more worth it than getting a PS3 for 1 game series. I'd rather play an entirely new game than buy a game I've played millions of times. The Wii U has soooo much to offer and you have a good chance to get it. I'd say get a Wii U first then go for PS3 since A LOT of people plan to get the Wii U. Plus, like the Wii, it might be hard to even get a Wii U if you buy a PS3 now. But I totally respect your opinion if you want a PS3 instead.

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They had better be releasing it in North America and other places, it would only make sense. But just to play one game...it might not be worth getting a ps3 if you really want a Wii U. Especially if you've already played the games.

Edited by deathrebirthsenshi

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No offence but that's pretty sad that you're getting a PS3 all just for one game (Well, technicly 2 games but you get my point). Why even buy the PS3 system if you don't like it? And for a game that's been out for over a decade? This is just my opinion, but that is kind of a sad reason to own a PS3. I'd say go with the Wii U. It is a lot more worth it than getting a PS3 for 1 game series. I'd rather play an entirely new game than buy a game I've played millions of times. The Wii U has soooo much to offer and you have a good chance to get it. I'd say get a Wii U first then go for PS3 since A LOT of people plan to get the Wii U. Plus, like the Wii, it might be hard to even get a Wii U if you buy a PS3 now. But I totally respect your opinion if you want a PS3 instead.


Yeah I agree with this. I don't own a PS3 either, though I was definitely planning on getting one anyway for a bunch of games, and now especially for this one :) do you have a list of other games that you would like for the PS3?

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I know how you feel. I gave up getting the Wii U right away for getting PSP to play Birth by Sleep. The choice wasn't that hard - I'm not interested in any of the launch titles and I was going insane from wanting to play BBS (and DDD, which wasn't even out yet).

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And this is why people should stop glorifying Square Enix and stop sucking Nomura's dick. Why does every game have to be on a different system or line of systems? There is no point. None of the unique things about each console are used to enhance the experience, it makes no sense profit wise as fans may not be able to own all the consoles and they'd have to spend money training their developers to code for that console.

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No offence but that's pretty sad that you're getting a PS3 all just for one game (Well, technicly 2 games but you get my point). Why even buy the PS3 system if you don't like it? And for a game that's been out for over a decade? This is just my opinion, but that is kind of a sad reason to own a PS3. I'd say go with the Wii U. It is a lot more worth it than getting a PS3 for 1 game series. I'd rather play an entirely new game than buy a game I've played millions of times. The Wii U has soooo much to offer and you have a good chance to get it. I'd say get a Wii U first then go for PS3 since A LOT of people plan to get the Wii U. Plus, like the Wii, it might be hard to even get a Wii U if you buy a PS3 now. But I totally respect your opinion if you want a PS3 instead.


woah woah woah woah woah WOAH!

Of course I'm not gonna spend $300 dollars on a console to play one game on it, thats stupid and insane. I already intend on purchasing other games for it as well. (God of War 3, Sly Cooper 4, and others) I'm just saying I only purchase Consoles KH games land on, unless I get them as a gift (my ok wii, and Xbox kinect which I loathe..) I want a Wii U, but you have to understand money doesn't come easy to me, and my life is way to busy for a job at the moment, at least till December... So I'm going to purchase a PS3, and pray everyday to every god known to man, that KH HD re:MIX comes to North America...

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that's why you borrow your best friends system. i'm still not getting a ps3 but i got other ways of playing the games i want.

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Yeah I agree with this. I don't own a PS3 either, though I was definitely planning on getting one anyway for a bunch of games, and now especially for this one :) do you have a list of other games that you would like for the PS3?


Resident Evil 6, Uncharted series, inFAMOUS 2, Batman Arkham Asylum, Batman Arkham City, Metal gear Solid 4, Metal gear Solid HD Collection, Assassin's Creed series, Tales of Graces F, tales of Xillia, Sly 4: Thieves in Time.

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Resident Evil 6, Uncharted series, inFAMOUS 2, Batman Arkham Asylum, Batman Arkham City, Metal gear Solid 4, Metal gear Solid HD Collection, Assassin's Creed series, Tales of Graces F, tales of Xillia, Sly 4: Thieves in Time.


Haha well I was actually quoting you, then asking him xD but it's quite alright, you still gave a list of great games for the system :D

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