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358/2 Days Portrayal

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Now I understand the that it will be made into cutscenes, but does that mean that every minute or so you have to go back to the menu and watch one at a time or do you think it`ll be more like a movie that you can just let play? Anyway it`d be cool if they made it movie style ya know? I mean if Nomura wants to make just cutscenes then why not have it like a movie? I`d love to see it. Thoughts?

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What if after all the KH games(including KH3), they put every cutscene(chronologically) from the whole series on a dvd, and called it a movie. I would so buy that!


Do you have any idea how many HOURS that would be?!

I'd definitely buy that~! 83

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I always assumed the Days HD cutscenes would have a play all option, ever since I've heard about Days cutscenes being included in the 1.5 Remix I always imagined myself kicking my feet up and chowing down on something while watching through all of them lol...

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They're not going to make it like a movie guys :


I didn't say a movie I said like a movie... We're you can just play all and enjoy it that way... I mean if they want to use cutscenes and expect "new fans" to arrive I mean they better do a good job to make the new fans comprehend 358's story with just cutscenes.

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Well what makes you think they will just say "Okay here are about 130 cutscenes and by about 2 hours you better have gotten it memorized..."


130 cutscenes? what are you talking about?

Days barely has over a dozen cutscenes

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