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The story behind your user name..

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since I'm bored I'd like to know, since some people have some...... interesting user names, for lack of a better euphemism.

If anyone asks why my user name is what it is, i shall burn you and your family.

Its all good though.

so yeah- stories, anyone?

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"Most English-speaking people, for instance, will admit that cellar door is 'beautiful', especially if dissociated from its sense (and its spelling). More beautiful than, say, sky, and far more beautiful than beautiful. Well then, in Welsh for me cellar doors are extraordinarily frequent." - j.r.r. tolkien




I discovered its illusory character when many years ago a Japanese friend with whom I often discussed literature told me that to him and some of his English-speaking friends the most beautiful word in our language was

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In 2006 when I first got a youtube and started making videos, I couldn't think of a more creative name at the time due to my extremely lame 11/12 (don't remember. xD) year-old mind. When I was younger I liked Kairi and Sora as a pairing more than any other pairing at the time, so I chose Kairi and Sora.


So the year it was made + my fav. pairing of the time.




I kept the same name here and in a few other places, because it's easier to remember me by.


Another alias on the interwebz (If I'm not kairi, namine, 'KaiSo' or aqua on an MMORPG xD) is SassaFrazz. I heard it once on a cartoon ( LONG before some nickelodeon real life drama show stole it from meee ;A; ) and loved the word ever since. When I joined VMK, my name was SassaFrazz, and people thought it sounded like a soda, so my nickname on certain places within the interwebz was 'Soda.' xD.


o-o I like sharing the SassaFrazz one. xD

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on most everything else on the web, on video games and gamertags and whatnot, my name is loser. ive even considered changing it to that here. especially on brawl. haha

original, kaiso.

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qwigoqwaga was apparently my sisters fist word and my dad said it a lot so when I was 6 I made up the spelling so when I joined neopets I was qwigoqwaga1 (and 2 and 3 and 4...kept losing my passwords xD) eventually I dropped the 1...obviously

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my name F[r]iend .. is named after the in flames song ..F®iend [note . if the type set dosent work .. the R is supposed to be covered by the () thingy] off the Soundtrack To Your Escape album .... this is the first site i used this name .. now its the name i use on all the sites i go to


my old user name i used was Det29 or Det ... dont ask how i came up with it .. but i used this name mostly for games [starcraft warcraft Diablo] and for you tube

also .. 29 is my fav number if you havent guessed it

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Well, I did JesusFreak cause I LOVE the song, and cause I really am a Jesus Freak! ^^

But before I used JesusFreak, I normally used Sunsgirl97 or Sunsgirl1997. Sunsgirls was cause I LOVE the PHX Suns and the 97 or 1997 was my birth year. xD

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most of my username anywhere contain one or both of the names Fluffy or Sushi. Those are my nicknames in real life.

When I joined a KH forum about 3 years ago (i think it was KH Ultimatum or something) I made up Kairi-loves-Sushi. That site gave me a virus, so i stop going there and now i come here^^

These is most of my usernames (it least the ones i can think of off the top of my head)

darthnaterANDfluffy - (Youtube)

KairiSushi - (Twitter, AIM)

Kairi-loves-Sushi (KH13, Photobucket, Gametrailers, HardcoreChirstianGamers, KHvids)

FluffySushiVGMV (gamespot, gameFAQS)

FluffySushi117 (PSN account [NOT to play online])


you see! always a Fluffy or Sushi ^^

Don't you wish you can just change ur username for everything so that everything has the SAME name? lol

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Well,I think I choose Gizelita because it looks like my real name,and my father made an e-mail with the name gizelita(of course that there are more words in the email) so I wouldn't forget.Usually I forget my usernames of other sites and have to be doing a new registration

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@kushi- where I come from, fluffy is another word for fat, lol.

@Friend- I always thought it was cuz if you took away the r it makes fiend.

@help me ran-sama- what does sama mean?

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haha the meaning of my username and everything else i use it for in general is stupid ;P


jeny is the name i go for in real life. my name's jenifer so that's the first part.


"flo" is half of my last name. my last name actually mean "flowers" in spanish since i come from a mexican family. xDD you can look it up yourself to find out what the rest of my last name is : P


"5483" is i guess a code i've used. my first e-mail i made when i was like 9 or 10 and it was insanely lame and awesome. so i decided to to another e-mail that didn't embarrass me when i gave it out to friends in family. so while i had the first two parts of my e-mail done, i just typed out four random numbers on my keyboard. i chose 5483 because they're so close to each other, just a bit switched around.


you can find that i use jenyflo5483 on pretty much anything. e-mail, usernames on sites, yt, etc. it's easy to remember and i've grown to like it xD


so corny. i know. but that's just me. jenyflo5483 ;P

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The meaning of my username is based on a memory that I share with my father and one I shared with my track team at school. My dad and I would go fishing and I would hold the crickets and hand him a new one after he caught a fish, he began to call me Cricket after a while. Another time was when I begun middle school and I joined the track team. They told me I had the furtherest long jumps and I won first place at a track meet. I am also known as CricketNinja or *Dark_Lady_Chan*. Dark Lady comes from the Sailor Moon anime after Rini Chibi-Usagi joined the Dark Moon crew. CricketNinja was created from the help of my friend Kyla. She drew an anime styled cricket on the board one day at school and made it look like a samurai or ninja.

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I choose based on wat is on my mind at the moment. I chose X-blade cause i had just looked at a pic of the x-blade before i made this acount.


Here in my country the translation for fluffy can mean fat too


thats kinda wierd and off topic but kool. :D

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