Fates Chance 60 Posted October 1, 2012 Have u ever had a kingdom hearts dream? I had one the other day for the first time in forever! I can't be the only one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted October 1, 2012 Yes I have dreamed that Lea and I burned up the sheets and made babies ! 2 Demyx. and Robbie the Wise reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
replika13 455 Posted October 1, 2012 i remember fighting Kerberus once with keyblade and i had Soras massive shoes O.o Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VanitasTheBest 196 Posted October 1, 2012 Once I dreamed that I would play KH2 and get the Secret Ending ... Few Days after that it happened! Amazing, isn't it?! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VanitasisKirby 1,227 Posted October 1, 2012 I once dreamed that Riku and Sora admitted they were in love, and had a bunch of fat little babies.o.o I was the godmother cB Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sandra_Nedelcheva1998 244 Posted October 1, 2012 Once I dreamed that I met Xion on Destiny Island(She had her eyes covered with a black cloth just like Riku). I don't remember the dream but Iknow it was nice Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Weiss 8,279 Posted October 1, 2012 One time I dreamed I was in TWTNW trying to leave but couldn't find a way out. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fates Chance 60 Posted October 1, 2012 I have a black coat that whe. I wear it I look like an organization member, and I dreamt once that I was walking in this halway and demyx came up to me asking me what I was doing in the world he'd been assigned to I turned to look at him and he saw he was mistaken and ran a way. I followed him and gel in a corridor of darkness and fell into where nothing gathers with everyone looking down at me surprised. Fell* stupid iPhone keyboard! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WakelessDream 2,283 Posted October 1, 2012 I have them all the time, and they're my favorite types of dreams, like I remember having one where I was on my own station of awakening I thought that was pretty cool, then I had another one where Xehanort was like out to kill me, and he kept trying to stab my heart with a table leg he like ripped off of a table o.O I admit that one was kinda scary but it was a kingdom hearts dream so its okay Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AxelRoxasXionKH 105 Posted October 1, 2012 I once dreamed I lived on the destiny Islands with two very good friends. that was fun. But I did dream a lot more bout it this one is just the one I remember best. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Riku 2,063 Posted October 1, 2012 I have them all the time. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caity 3,946 Posted October 1, 2012 I had a dream me and my sister were fighting over Kairi's pink dress (she was in her uniform in it, it wasn't like we stripped her of it). Was weird cause my sister doesn't even play any games, let alone kingdom hearts. She knows nothing about it cept I love it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xxClouDxxmoon 901 Posted October 1, 2012 (edited) Yeh and i was so amazed about the dream, but to bad my brain always deletes the good dreams and keeps the bad Edited October 1, 2012 by xxClouDxxmoon Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
_The Door To Light_ 1,507 Posted October 1, 2012 Very often actually. I had a dream once where I broke into Kairi's house. Another was when TWTNW had a giant portrait of a naked Xemnas hanging over everything. There are more, but these stuck out most to me. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted October 1, 2012 Very often actually. I had a dream once where I broke into Kairi's house. Another was when TWTNW had a giant portrait of a naked Xemnas hanging over everything. There are more, but these stuck out most to me. Naked Xemnas ? That sounds like an awesome dream 1 Demyx. reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dusk 910 Posted October 1, 2012 I recall I had those few times when I was younger. These days I have some KH references on my dreams every now and then. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VisitJoan 2,713 Posted October 2, 2012 I've had a lot. But the one I feel like sharing is the one where a Nobody, whose name and number will remain unmentioned XII was a crossing guard and stuck toothpicks in my eyes. :angry: That was not a dream - it was a nightmare. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pyrrha Nikos 1,162 Posted October 2, 2012 (edited) To be honest, I rarely ever dream about Kingdom Hearts, but I do remember dreaming about Riku wearing nothing but the skin of the Paopu fruit around his waist. It was a pretty smexy dream Edited October 2, 2012 by Silent Maiden Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anonn0000 3,525 Posted February 14, 2013 (edited) Warning; Video Game dream. Also, copy/pasted from some forum I was on...o.o; ^_^; My dream about....Kingdom Hearts, some 'Ponocchio' thing, and, The Heartless. I'll stop there before the warning. I woke up from this and was, somehow, still sane...even though what I remember was just...behond evil, if thats really how i'm 'interpritting' this dream to be....I'm not soo sure i'm getting it all correct. But, still....EVIL. *shutters and hides in a closet before...'they' get me*WARNING; really, really terrifying, nightmare-fuel drenched text uphead. Even if you are the type that is NOT soo 'easly scared'...you have been warned. Reading the spoiler bellow you may tramatize you, and yes....I *DID* say i've read Lovecraft before and this just proves it. Don't worry, it's in a spoiler tag...relax.Afterall, gotta look after those who would otherwize read this before bed.*cough* And i'm bored trying to get a kh walkthrough to load on youtube soo la-dee-da...(the begining isn't as creepy soo no spoiler tag yet) The dream starts like every other 'normal' afternoon of mine...The PS2 is free, my brother isn't much into playing it now, probably going to the mall, and...stuff. Soo now it's MY turn at the ps2. As always, yep...Kingdom Hearts lol. This time, I wanted to continue my ORRIGIONAL savefile (Expert Mode doesnt seem a lot more 'difficult' to me than Normal Mode does, anyways...it just needs slight more training. Still, nothing really...dramatic, imo, anyways lol. maybe i'm just too good at the game now....). Soo, I look up a..walkthrough.And it said I had to go find Riku (sound's like the part of the game i'm at too! lol it's kinda early on...*ahem*). But....*here come's your spoiler tag* SPOILER According to this dream, our house was....HAUNTED. The dream before it, mind you, my mom was talking about us 'moving', because a War was going to break loose between the North and the South again (0_o; ), but, somehow, if we moved to 'New York City'...(...did New York get into this because I was reading about 5th geno pokemon yesterday and the day before? )....well, we'd be 'save' from wherever the battles toke place. Weird....at first, I REALLY didn't want to go, but then I relized there would be an N64 wherever we moved to...and disided that was fair enouth game for me lol. ANyways...back to the other dream. Apperently, the walkthrough told me that 'if your house IS, in fact, haunted.....You will have to look for Riku....IN YOUR OWN TOWN. Also, you and you family must 'live out'....all the up-coming events of the game. ALL of them. Ohhhh....'. I laughed, because, oviously...our house just CAN'T be haunted, too bad walkthrough, ya haven't scared ME.... Yet. However....I played the game.....AND THE WALKTHROUGH WAS RIGHT. I had to look for Riku around the neighberhood, and..I did that, thinking 'what could possably go wrong?'....And grinned because, I, in place of Sora, will now weild a Keyblade.....if this is a dream, I don't wanna be awakened from it! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH! *fall's over anime styal*...Soo, I find Riku. He doesn't want to 'help' me, and I ask him...Why? And he tell's me its because it's my own family, and friends, at stake in the following events...only I can help them. Only I, the 'player', will have the...power to know what to do. Only I can prevent the.....rotting?....and then he leaves. I knew Riku musta said that for some good reason, he seemed pleased with himself walking off, too, and I almost felt this was some kind of...test. But I trusted him. And I moved forwards.......And, before you know it, I ended up at some...festival. Or Carnvival. And GEPETTO was there....and all the 'boys' from Ponocchio, as well. I thought it looked all soo...firmillier.THATS when I relized, apperently, that my brother had, apperently, owned this game before...twice. And always lost...here. Possably....tramatized. It was that one place you wanted to forget with your...LIFE. And it's amazing how little I relized this till I just...woke the hell up. And how it all...dawned to me.I went be Riku's words, however. Only I could stop whatever...sheer madess was at foot. And madness, it was....Ever soo real, it was madness. I toke on a calm, brave exterier. Riku also told me to 'use my wits' at this, which I did...in my own way. I approched.....THE DART ROOM.This was a reckless choice. But I was calm and not afraid. I couldn't be afraid...even though I was to see what I very much wanted to forget.I saw...humans, approch the dart board....and they threw and failed. Then they were asked a question, which they were expected to...LIE the answer to, which they all did, at hypnotized voices...one at a time.....then left the board, with...wax skin. And glowing green eyes. And 'strings', and started to..........melt. They were melting, and possably decaying from the inside-out, as well. And I heard laughter...and some voice saying "soon, my puppets, if not longer or not...you will be....just like them, our little nightmare soldiers. We just got to make everything else you are....nothing. And then, only then, will we have the hearts of the....ones who oppose us.....assuming it won't be NOW. Enjoy being our own living wax....PUPPET DOLLS! Mwahahahahahahaaa! Till you've reached your new life...as the......heaaar..."I growled a bit. I remember, we dredded this part of the game ever soo much, and I never even wanted to TOUCH the game cuz of it, because it was just too..cruel, as well as teddious. Everytime I played this part, i'd turn into...a doll myself, however, still concience. (or was it my brother?)...however, when your turned into wax, the game 'auto saved'...or something. Soo you had to find a way to AVOID becoming wax, and, somehow, still go into the dart room. Which is why, apperently, the game choose to turn this part into....a REAL LIFE exprience. And to think I have to LOOK for Riku...AND Ponocchio, possably, too, now?!....yeah, and anyways.........This was they're plan to turn humans into...Heartless. And, yes, it was exactly what you've been reading. I know! I couldn't believe my..soul, when I...awoke from this *shivers* Or this was defenetly how I interprited it as (the whole dream seemed really weird and hard to follow).Anyways...only I could save the humans from becoming nothing but torchered...souls, still having much concienceness, but no hearts. But do have life. They cannot 'feel'...but they were beings. They wanted to feel, because, apperently...THEY HAVE BEFORE.. But it was 'decayed'...by evil magic doers.....yet the concienceness of the beings lived on, ensealed by a form of darkness, because it was how they would be able to steal away..as a ghost of...purely dark energy, though not quite stable enouth to be a body systum. And it wanted it's life back now.....only to relize it would not be possable without a *proper* carcuss in which to hold it, for all it was now, was dark...DESTROYING matter, yes, much like Giygas from Earthbound... Anything it ate, it would turn to nothingness, or add to the 'dark concience matter'....making these 'heartless' forever hungry, and NEEDING, of our hearts. They will never beHuman again.Or be able to feel love, all they could do now was...destroy. And it'd...never end. I know...And thats why I had to stop this mad 'creating' of them at all costs.I went off to search for...Riku, as I felt I needed his 'help' again. And ended up in...a candy store. It was called 'The Nastalgia Candy Shop', and it sold candy for people who liked candy a lot as 'children' (I concidered myself 'still a child' in 2009, and still kind of...do). I almost buy 2 jelly beans with 2 pennies I had...But then relized my *REAL* childhood was not about candy, or sweets. If it was i'd only end up like them, the forever shadowed Heartless...forever. And it was my mission to..stop them. And not live a life of forever not feeling, yet WANTING to feel, all the same...as it was all I knew. And now it may be a no go for soo many humans, as they will lose all heart, all soul, before they can be saved....and then I got scared.....scared for my family, scared for my friends. I had to warn them of the trama that was to uphold they're hearts. I ran home, only to see.......they were waxed themselves. My mother, my brother, and even any pet we had in this dream....all.were.under the darkness'....controll. And I didn't want to face it any longer...and hid in my closet, sobbing, wanting to die, only to question what death ITSELF was now....if I died, I would not 'feel' anymore....only would I end up just like them? Is this what being 'alive' ment?....or was it more complex than that?....I was too scared to see my family this way, and I knew if I faced them, I only would end up like them, anyways.....But Riku said there was a way to save them, all of them. The decaying was slow (but came with random 'mind controllings', regardless...). There was time to save them, if I toke the place of Sora, unlocked all the keyholes, and toke hold of 'the power of the wise Elden Gods' (.....lovecraft *cough*). Only I had the power to save my friends, and family. But now I ask; What will happon when we're all...dead? Can a non-feeling being 'feel'? Will we be...nothingness?...Of course, the Heartless had some feel. Some real *DESIRE* for it, and were enclouded over by darkness........soo no. But the idea of death really is questionable anyways........twards the end of the dream, apperently, facing my family caused a miracle; they were no-longer 'wax puppets'. They were human again...They relized I loved them too much to see them suffer, and had the strengh to 'break free' from the curse, which actually I believe may of been jepetto's doing, actually...I swore this game was evil and we had to 'get rid of it'....or, at least, that we had to move out of our house. Really, really soon.Then my brother play's my Kingdom Hearts file....and end's up beating the Jeppeto part (0___o; ), and I watched him play on a....BIG SCREEN TV. And now he was matching contries on the screen to they're correct areas (???)...Wax, Puppet, Controll, Melt, Decay...then engolved in the dark before it was too late.....and are after the lives of all, only to break apart and become....more darkness if destroyed.....over time, and you can only pray for they're peacefull rest....... ...Thus is the being, the TRUE being, of the heartless.You can only hope they rest for awile after they are token down. My brain=A bit batsh*t insane... Edited February 14, 2013 by ~DawnStar2004~ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
advfox 698 Posted February 14, 2013 I have KH dreams a lot, though half of the time I don't remember the details. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King.Mickey 359 Posted February 14, 2013 I only had two total. The first one, I was Sora's and Riku's party member and pretty much all I remember is seeing Riku's keyblade as we fought a couple heartless or something and that's about it. The second one was a dream that felt realistic as firetruck and it was that KH 3 was FINALLY released and it felt so real! When I woke up I was like WTF. T_T I wish I could fast forward time 3 years. > Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites