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King Riku

Just a thought I had.

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If the PS4 doesn't have backwards compatibility so it can play PS3 games...

I will probably scream.

And not buy it.

There are way too many epic PS3 games to go to a new console that has no hope of playing them.

It's why I got a 3DS. I can play my DS games and still have the cool new ones.


Just a thought, don't hate me fanboys.

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How can someone be hated for wanting a system to be good? O_o


I find your thought to be a very good idea. In fact, It would make the PS4 alot more valuable imo.

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But the 1st model of the PS3 is backward compatible.


and at the time was 500 dollars to buy, and now since its an older model and has the backwards comparability it's still rather expensive.

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I use my PS1, PS2 and PS3. So if the PS4 isn't backwards compatible I'll still buy it and use all for. :D I just buy every system that comes out. haha

Edited by XaonSchock

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