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KH2 pirates of carribean major help needed

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Well I've been playing kh2, and I need some upgrade of magnet magic, so I headed back to pirates of carribean to get it, and I have to kill 3 heartless to get 3 medallions. The first two were easy. This last one has a time limit of 10 seconds, and I can't just hit him cause I don't have enough time, so I tried doing the play the game command, and there's like x's and o's amd I just can't beat him. And I don't understand the play the game command. Please help. Answers that help get reputation points from me and my brothers account

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i try to explain

when you find him and didnt manage to kill him go one part further into the cave. there you have 2 min to find him behind the explosion boxes. you have to press the camand bottom when O appear. PS its not a heartsless its a nobody.

heres a video on youtube the one you search comes at 9 min.

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