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Any Silly Mistakes?

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I have never found the Pallete switched Wakka in Agrabah, but I know he is there. Lets see. Another one was I didn't know I had to leave the tiggers jumping place in order to finish the page, so I spent about half an hour jumping with Tigger and Roo over and over and over again. Another one was when I was fighting Ursula when she is in the cauldron room, I spent hours trying to hit her without remembering what Triton said. In Re:Com, I spent most of the game raising my health and ignoring the CP. Marluxia sort of killed me. In Kh2, I kept pushing X on Sebastians little gauges in Atlantica, and I failed Under the Sea multiple times. I fail.

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These are all great guys!! xD


Oh and another one from me. It took about 5 playthroughs in BbS for me to realize what Terra-nort said in the Keyblade Graveyard was the same exact thing Ansem said in KH1......derp......*facepalm* And in KH1 I remember arriving in the play area where Sora, Riku, and Kairi would hang out....the part where Sora gets there to search for Riku and he can't fight the Heartless because he doesn't have the Keyblade yet.....yeah.....spent a bit of time on that before realizing Riku was waiting on the other side -_______________-*

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For KH1 on my first time playing I used Kingdom Key up to the final next to last boss of Atlantica before I realized I had other keychains to try out. Also Deep Jungle really got me because it wasn't always clear on where to go. It took forever for me to make it to the final boss. I was even looking at the mangas to figure out where to go next xD

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For KH1 on my first time playing I used Kingdom Key up to the final next to last boss of Atlantica before I realized I had other keychains to try out. Also Deep Jungle really got me because it wasn't always clear on where to go. It took forever for me to make it to the final boss. I was even looking at the mangas to figure out where to go next xD


The eternal vine swinging. I remember that...

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In kingdom hearts 1, at the End of the World, I always jumped into the second to last glowy pit thing instead of going one beam further, so I thought that Chernabog was the final boss and I felt like an idiot because I couldn't beat him for weeks. And then one day my brother was playing in the End of the World and I was all "WHAT?!" And he was all "Derrrrrrrrr" and I felt like an even bigger idiot. Yeah.

You could have just grinded like 10 lvls and then bosses are CAKE lol

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not exactly a mistake, as i meant to do it to make a friend very angry, but i spent about a half hour killing Shadows on Destiny Islands.  after all of the leveling i did fighting Wakka over and over.  i think i was level 12 when i left...  Leon was easy...

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in kh2, i forgot to add in all my magic and potions and forgot to equip a new keyblade since i cleared out everything for no apparent reason. i didn't realize it until i lost to xemnas 5 times. yeahh i was raging for a while o_o

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Everything having to do with Hollow Bastion EVER.


Getting knocked off by motherfactoring Wyverns, getting pwned by Defenders, the firetrucking Library, THE MOTHER firetruckING LIFT STOP OH JESUS CHRIST firetruck THAT SHIT, fighting Riku, those stupid goddamn frigging bubble things, trying to figure out how to get the firetrucking treasure chests down from the sky using gravity... just... firetruck that place...

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Dying on the Twilight Thorn multiple times with Roxas in KH2, not because I was low level, because I didn't want to press triangle even though that whole battle was basically based off pressing the reaction commands at the right time.~fail >_>

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