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Nafees Rahman

KH3D Did anyone feel the worlds were really small and?

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Alright so sixth play through critical beaten twice and proud four and im doing critical again so im used to everything and in a world like the hunchback of notre dame the characters feel really worse and the world feels really small and I also feel the same with pranksters paradise and even musketeer land this MAY be because of flowmotion but what are YOUR THOUGHTS? Yes you the sexy guy or girl looking at this thread

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I felt this mainly with traverse town where they blocked every door with a box. It feels kinda like that for some worlds while others have these INSANELY large rooms. It seems to be that the worlds are small but the rooms are giant IMO. But it didn't bother me that much.

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Musketeers world feels the smallest to me, the other 2 feel just as big as The Grid or Traverse Town xD. And thanks for calling me *puts sunglasses on* Sexy~


Damn straight (.___.)


I felt this mainly with traverse town where they blocked every door with a box. It feels kinda like that for some worlds while others have these INSANELY large rooms. It seems to be that the worlds are small but the rooms are giant IMO. But it didn't bother me that much.


I wonder what the smallest kh world is hmm

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Well they're small in the sense that the population ranges from like 3-5 people in each world, and only one in Symphony of Sorcery :0 except for a whopping 13 in TWTNW, but as far as area and space go I felt they were actually pretty large.

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Well they're small in the sense that the population ranges from like 3-5 people in each world, and only one in Symphony of Sorcery :0 except for a whopping 13 in TWTNW, but as far as area and space go I felt they were actually pretty large.


Stupid retardely awesomely sexy flowmotion made everything feel small and insignificant. and slow for that matter. Edited by Nafees Rahman

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I didn't think there were enough nooks and crannies to get into (like the wee alcove in Neverland in KHBBS, I missed that with my first 2 characters)

In 3DS you just have to rape the flow motion and jump up then you could see everything around you...

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Yes you the sexy guy or girl looking at this thread



Actually, I felt the worlds were really big in this game. Hell, we got an underwater area in Prankster's Paradise! The rooms are huge for the purpose of Flowmotion.

I thought the worlds' stories were really short, though, but the worlds themselves are huge, although empty.

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the problem is, the rooms are bigger, but they have just as much content as previous games, so now the worlds seem empty and insignificant. There needs to be rarity for an area to seem to have value, that's why KH1 has the most worthwhile worlds

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The only world that didn't feel small to me was The Grid because I kept getting lost in there so many times. Or maybe it was because everything was the same color...But anyways the worlds didn't feel small at all, but they felt very empty.

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The only world that didn't feel small to me was The Grid because I kept getting lost in there so many times. Or maybe it was because everything was the same color...But anyways the worlds didn't feel small at all, but they felt very empty.


I agree, the Grid felt HUGE to me, while the Country felt really small.


I didn't think there were enough nooks and crannies to get into (like the wee alcove in Neverland in KHBBS, I missed that with my first 2 characters)

In 3DS you just have to rape the flow motion and jump up then you could see everything around you...


Took me a while to figure this out, but I ended up using this to my advantage. During a boss fight i would constantly dash at a wall and do the flowmotion jump, and stay in the air until my Curaga recharged :D

Atlantica in kh2. It only had two (medium sized) rooms.


What about Destiny Islands in BBS? That's just a cutscene!


OR a more serious example:


The World That Never Was in 358/2 Days when you're doing missions is just one tiny room, and when you're not doing missions it's just one kinda-normal-sized room xD I suppose it widens up a bit near the end, but still ^^

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I agree, the Grid felt HUGE to me, while the Country felt really small.




Took me a while to figure this out, but I ended up using this to my advantage. During a boss fight i would constantly dash at a wall and do the flowmotion jump, and stay in the air until my Curaga recharged :D


What about Destiny Islands in BBS? That's just a cutscene!


OR a more serious example:


The World That Never Was in 358/2 Days when you're doing missions is just one tiny room, and when you're not doing missions it's just one kinda-normal-sized room xD I suppose it widens up a bit near the end, but still ^^


That's what I did during boss battles and stuff, but people complain about it making the game too easy xD I think after a while, flow motion just becomes boring, and now when I go back to old games i'm gonna feel constantly slow..

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That's what I did during boss battles and stuff, but people complain about it making the game too easy xD I think after a while, flow motion just becomes boring, and now when I go back to old games i'm gonna feel constantly slow..


Erg I played kh1 after ddd.... needless to say sonic the hdgehog is allowed to use his taunt


Atlantica in kh2. It only had two (medium sized) rooms.


I dont want to remember that world.. remembered..


I don't think the worlds were small as such, but they were very underpopulated. That's pretty common in most of the kh games though.


Huh that IS true.. wow.. le cites des cloches has the LEAST amount of people right?


I agree, the Grid felt HUGE to me, while the Country felt really small.




Took me a while to figure this out, but I ended up using this to my advantage. During a boss fight i would constantly dash at a wall and do the flowmotion jump, and stay in the air until my Curaga recharged :D


What about Destiny Islands in BBS? That's just a cutscene!


OR a more serious example:


The World That Never Was in 358/2 Days when you're doing missions is just one tiny room, and when you're not doing missions it's just one kinda-normal-sized room xD I suppose it widens up a bit near the end, but still ^^


I liked the world that never was since I didnt play kh 2 yet but chain of memories so it was pretty cool to me during the before before last mission

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I agree, the Grid felt HUGE to me, while the Country felt really small.




Took me a while to figure this out, but I ended up using this to my advantage. During a boss fight i would constantly dash at a wall and do the flowmotion jump, and stay in the air until my Curaga recharged :D


What about Destiny Islands in BBS? That's just a cutscene!


OR a more serious example:


The World That Never Was in 358/2 Days when you're doing missions is just one tiny room, and when you're not doing missions it's just one kinda-normal-sized room xD I suppose it widens up a bit near the end, but still ^^


In 358/2 days the world that never was has several rooms. It has the white room, the stairway down to the room where you fight xigbar in kh2, (can't remember the name) that room also, the elevator and the room at the beggining where you have to fight Saix. So the world that never was is actually a very decent size.

Edited by Keysofblades

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They should have expanded the seven worlds Like La Cite Des Cloches, Traverse Town, Monstro, The Grid, Country of the Musketeers, Symphony of Sorcery and the World That Never Was. Sora should had gone to the Windmill if they would expand Hunchback World, Sora should have go to Backstage and Green Room and Sora should have gone to the Back Streets just like Riku did in his part in Traverse Town.

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i think the game was pretty short cause i beat it in 19 days (beginner) ;now im trying critical mode


Beginner? O.O Wow I could never even play proud after I beat critical it was WAY TO EASY


What if they added civilians with side quest in the new game, because personally Riku's worlds felt too short, I was hoping for the kh2 thing, beat the world then go back again.


agreed ..

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