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Final Fantasy Main Characters SHOWDOWN


22 members have voted


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Outside of Dissidia, Terra can be very submissive in her story.


I believe you have this backwards. In FFVI, Terra is stoic, reserved, a bit uncertain, but still able to be in control of herself, her only real moments of breaking down coming after Kefka destroys the world. In Dissidia, her spinal column is completely removed and she is unable to do anything on her own, constantly relying on others for guidance and having her personality replaced with that of a timid but polite school girl.


For the next one, Cecil. See the thread on Final Fantasy IV for my reasons.

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I believe you have this backwards. In FFVI, Terra is stoic, reserved, a bit uncertain, but still able to be in control of herself, her only real moments of breaking down coming after Kefka destroys the world. In Dissidia, her spinal column is completely removed and she is unable to do anything on her own, constantly relying on others for guidance and having her personality replaced with that of a timid but polite school girl.


For the next one, Cecil. See the thread on Final Fantasy IV for my reasons.


Oops, I meant that I wasn't choosing her because I was ignoring Dissidia's gameplay (I loved using her in both games so much more than Firion). I know she was different in her story, but I like Firion more in general.

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Hmm...though choice. As much as I love Yuna's character development through X and X-2, Cecil's fabulous hair and face make me swoon for him.


So Cecil all the way. Edge may be the one with Steal, but Cecil has stolen my heart. <3

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Very tough choice indeed. While I do enjoy both of them, there's something that's always bothered me about Cecil, though I have trouble putting my finger on what. Perhaps it's because he's such a typical protagonist that he feels to lack character development. In this sense I choose Yuna, if for nothing more than to see her and Tidus face off in the finals. *evil laugh*

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In a similar score as the other round (I hope you guys voted and this isn't because people forgot to delete votes :P), it is Cecil this time that pulls off the victory, in a 8:7 finish!


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Cecil: Is this Yuna's grave I'm sitting on?


And that brings an end to the West First Round! Now let's take it to the East!


Round 5, Begin! Delete your old votes and vote again!


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Edited by XIIISwords

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well firetruck

I thought Yuna would win. *cries*


http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-cry.png Me too! My only character who has won is Tidus so far!


This round is so hard for me! I love Onion Knight and Luneth, but Noel was great too!


It doesn't help that III and XIII were my favorite games in the series. I'm glad I put Noel though, because Serah would have won easily.

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My vote here is for Noel.


I gave him my vote too. He was a good protagonist of his own accord, and was a great support of Serah. I wish he would have killed Caius if you pressed the other button though. That would have been a very interesting ending- Noel defying all of his morals and killing his mentor.

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Pffft. Onion Knight / Luneth all the way. Not only because III's my favorite FF game, but he and his friends aren't afraid of being any class they want to be, whether it's spamming Flare as a Magus or throwing stuff at enemies as a Ninja. Plus, don't mess with a Lv. 99 onion knight. You'll regret it. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-cool.png

Edited by JillSandwich93

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And round 5 is over! The Guardian of Etro was able to overcome the Warrior of Light (no, not the Warrior of Light, Luneth) in s 9:7 victory!

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Noel: Give it up, Luneth! I killed the guy who ended the world twice, what do you say about that?


And with that, Round 6 begins! Delete your votes and vote again!


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Definitely Leon. ;)


I just realized what our next match looks like. You seriously dare put Zack and Cloud against one another?! They might get carried away in their duel and start killing off civilians (like us!). LOL :P


I laughed pretty hard when the RNG paired them together, as well as the Bartz vs. Zidane match.


And in a 10:6 victory, Squall/Leon defeats Ramza! I'm kind of suspicious that Ramza has so many votes even though this is a KH forum and nobody mentioned him.


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Squall: Nothing says man like a brooder.


And now Round 6 Begins! Delete your votes, and prepare for a heated round!


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Edited by XIIISwords

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Oh, I didn't realize the matches were randomly placed, *thuds forehead*.That makes it all the more interesting!


Despite my avatar, I'm going to have to go with Zack here. The way he's both serious and hilarious at once is just a unique trait that I can't help but love. He seems more well-rounded as a character than Cloud as well, though this probably isn't Cloud's fault necessarily but instead everything he's been through. Poor guy.


P.S.: Your Cloud image doesn't appear to be working...

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Oh, I didn't realize the matches were randomly placed, *thuds forehead*.That makes it all the more interesting!


P.S.: Your Cloud image doesn't appear to be working...


So odd coincidence! Same goes for SE's heavy hitters all being in the east (Squall, Cloud, Lightning)


Thanks about the link!

I pick Zack although Cloud was so adorable in CC.

Zack is almost like what Sora will be when he gets older.

I mean who doesn't love Zack?


Zack as an older Sora, I could definitely see that!


I gave Zack my vote because he's so innocent and pure, and he never lets go of his dream.

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Wow. In an overwhelming victory, Zack, the SOLDIER 1st Class, defeats Cloud, the SOLDIER 1st Class imposter with 12:5!

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Zack: Oops, maybe I was too hard on him...


Okay, and now we're into round 8! The Preliminaries are at a close! Delete votes and let's go!


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