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Riku's Quest in a Nutshell

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Goddammit, will you stop saying that? Geez, you're always darkness this, darkness that! You're so annoying! If you're not gonna stop, I'll darkness the f*cking darkness out of your f*cking darkness!

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Would you like some darkness with that darkness? Or maybe an extra side of darkness? How about I go refill your cup of darkness? Oh, and once you finish you main meal of darkness, I will show you the darkness menu, if you haven't filled up on too much darkness.

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o.e so darkness in the darkest dark darkness with a creamy filling of darkness and a sprinkled layer of the dark to make a dark pile of the darkest darkness one can possibly dark out of one's dark self in the darkness of life *becomes overloaded with darkness*......I need a dark mug of darkness with a dark sandwich.


Darkception...darkness within darkness within darkness xD

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