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Kingdom Hearts -HD 1.5 ReMIX- announced for PS3, releasing 2013

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Beautiful! Also... What's a FB? Sorry!


And trophy thing? I'm bad with terms...


FB=facebook but like i said don't know yet for sure gotta wait for more detail. Trophy like the xbox 360 achievements you do something and bam you get a trophy/achievements

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FB= FaceBook


0.o WHAT?!?!




FB=facebook but like i said don't know yet for sure gotta wait for more detail. Trophy like the xbox 360 achievements you do something and bam you get a trophy/achievements


I'm not sure whether to be joyfull or jump out a window! I pray that it's not Facebook, every time a game for that website comes out, it just dies inside, but I do like trophies

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0.o WHAT?!?!




I'm not sure whether to be joyfull or jump out a window! I pray that it's not Facebook, every time a game for that website comes out, it just dies inside, but I do like trophies


well remember the PC KH game and KH HD are 2 different games.

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well remember the PC KH game and KH HD are 2 different games.


Yea, but its like finding out that, at the same moment, your going to have a baby and the mole on your neck may be cancerous. It's two different reactions for two opposite events. Now I'm worrying about squares neck if this FB idea goes through

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So, Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix has just been announced.

So most likely before KH3 comes out they will release KH2.5

KH2.5 I would think would have KH2FM, Re:Coded cutscenes, and if possible KH3D.

I think it'd be really cool if they did this but the only thing is that, then we have to wait longer for KH3..

Anyway, just wanted to share my idea! :)

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So, Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix has just been announced.

So most likely before KH3 comes out they will release KH2.5

KH2.5 I would think would have KH2FM, Re:Coded cutscenes, and if possible KH3D.

I think it'd be really cool if they did this but the only thing is that, then we have to wait longer for KH3..

Anyway, just wanted to share my idea! :)


You do realize we will be waiting a long time for KH3 ? Releasing these collections is to appease us in the meantime if anything.

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they won't do KH3D, it will be BBSFM


I would love that!

But the only thing is 2.5

BBS is like... KH0

But it would be awesome.


I feel like Kingdom Hearts 2.5 (if there will be one) would be released in 2014, but who knows. I don't think it would delay Kingdom Hearts III that much, if any. 2.5 might even be released before KHIII starts development. :P


You do realize we will be waiting a long time for KH3 ? Releasing these collections is to appease us in the meantime if anything.


I know, but it would make more sense.

And their not starting development until FF Versus XIII is released.

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i read the article, than looked at the comments and laughed completely. so where do they get those 95% figures from exactly ? theres no way for them to know 95% of their games are being pirated unless they see it on other peoples machines, and as the comments said they are probobly just doing it to avoid the fact that not many people want to buy their games. and if games need some kind of online connection to prevent piracy than that still leaves square with a lot of options.


number 1, do it with steam and while unlikely would give them the online component that they need through the startup and achievement system. 2 have some kind of required connection to square servers.



Yeah... I didn't read the articles. Because I'm a hypocrite xD My point was still relevant though... Just for some perspective, on one torrent site, new game releases generally have 1000-2000 people leeching and old games have 100-200. This is pretty constant, so you can have some idea of the scale, and taking into account the average number of people each person shares the games with... also they could do anonymous surveys and stuff, which would allow them to create a confidence interval and, if they came to the conclusion of 95%, it would mean 95 +/- 5%...


I dislike required connections but they are the best way to prevent piracy. It worked for Diablo because the game was built around the concept but, for a collection of last-gen games, adding required internet connection isn't well justified.

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I would love that!

But the only thing is 2.5

BBS is like... KH0

But it would be awesome.





I know, but it would make more sense.

And their not starting development until FF Versus XIII is released.


My point is, if they do another collection (and thats if ) it wouldnt delay KH3. It wouldnt even be the same teams working on these projects anyways.

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Well it seems like the PC game is gonna be a FB game but waiting for more news on it.


What's a FB? Sorry!


FB= FaceBook


FB=facebook but like i said don't know yet for sure gotta wait for more detail.


0.o WHAT?!?!


I'm not sure whether to be joyfull or jump out a window! I pray that it's not Facebook, every time a game for that website comes out, it just dies inside, but I do like trophies


Yea, but its like finding out that, at the same moment, your going to have a baby and the mole on your neck may be cancerous. It's two different reactions for two opposite events. Now I'm worrying about squares neck if this FB idea goes through


What? It's not a Facebook game. It's a PC browser game. Which means that it'll have its own website "like www.kh-for-pc-browsers-and-not-facebook.com" that you can sign up on and play the game from there. There is no way Square Enix would make a KH game for Facebook. Well, besides this one: http://www.khwiki.net/Kingdom_Hearts_Re:coded_Gummiship_Studio


Anyway, on the subject of the 20 seconds of off-screen footage, at least we have confirmation that the health and magic bars will remain the same way they were in the original game. :P

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Yeah... I didn't read the articles. Because I'm a hypocrite xD My point was still relevant though... Just for some perspective, on one torrent site, new game releases generally have 1000-2000 people leeching and old games have 100-200. This is pretty constant, so you can have some idea of the scale, and taking into account the average number of people each person shares the games with... also they could do anonymous surveys and stuff, which would allow them to create a confidence interval and, if they came to the conclusion of 95%, it would mean 95 +/- 5%...


I dislike required connections but they are the best way to prevent piracy. It worked for Diablo because the game was built around the concept but, for a collection of last-gen games, adding required internet connection isn't well justified.


some 1 time registration would be an idea though, maybe even registering required for each new PC the game gets played on so you cant just move the file to a new computer. I actually love steam for stuff like this, it fights DRM and is awesome! who needs to pirate games when you have steam sales.


and KH could be one or the other with how hyped people are, it may be a last gen game but its one that was on PS2 and never playable on current gen consoles. while that isnt enough you still have the fact that final mix content is thrown in there as well which might not be that big for japan but for here its awesome and a huge incentive to buy outside of reliving childhood memories. and if it was on PC mods would add onto hype as well. think of the possibilitys! kicking ansem SoD in the nuts!

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... It was benign :)




What? It's not a Facebook game. It's a PC browser game. Which means that it'll have its own website "like www.kh-for-pc-browsers-and-not-facebook.com" that you can sign up on and play the game from there. There is no way Square Enix would make a KH game for Facebook. Well, besides this one: http://www.khwiki.net/Kingdom_Hearts_Re:coded_Gummiship_Studio


Anyway, on the subject of the 20 seconds of off-screen footage, at least we have confirmation that the health and magic bars will remain the same way they were in the original game. :P


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I'm pissed off that they could manage to put a card game within this game and not 358/2 days. sure it wasnt the best of games but think of all the possibilities. online missions with friends as the freakn organization 13!! plus the gameplay graphics for that game were pretty crappy compared to the other games (considering it was on the ds). if they're going to put chain of memories they should at least put this game as well.

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I'm pissed off that they could manage to put a card game within this game and not 358/2 days. sure it wasnt the best of games but think of all the possibilities. online missions with friends as the freakn organization 13!! plus the gameplay graphics for that game were pretty crappy compared to the other games (considering it was on the ds). if they're going to put chain of memories they should at least put this game as well.


Then they would have to redo basically everything about Days' modelling and whatnot so that'll probably take forever. (But don't exactly quote me on that because I'm not experienced in that area.)

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Then they would have to redo basically everything about Days' modelling and whatnot so that'll probably take forever. (But don't exactly quote me on that because I'm not experienced in that area.)


It would take a lot more work to port a DS game than a PS2 game. You're exactly right. If anything, you're understating it.

I'm pissed off that they could manage to put a card game within this game and not 358/2 days. sure it wasnt the best of games but think of all the possibilities. online missions with friends as the freakn organization 13!! plus the gameplay graphics for that game were pretty crappy compared to the other games (considering it was on the ds). if they're going to put chain of memories they should at least put this game as well.


Did you just call CoM a card game? >.>

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I'm actually excited about this, not the first kingdom hearts game, but ill finally get my hands on Re:com since it isn't available in Australia and I am so bummed that they didn't remake Days, oh well :O

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Looks awesome, seems they are already getting alot of it done so I hope for a early 2013 release in japan and a mid to late release in america and the rest of the world. Plus was it ever said if its just the CGI scenes in days that are being in HD or all of them? Cause I don't think I remember the scene they showed in the trailer...I think the one they showed was a in-game cut scene from the game.


Nevermind I found out that some text scenes from Days will in fact be made in to HD cutscenes, probably the most important and story driven scenes.

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