Firaga 5,947 Posted March 31, 2013 (edited) _ EPISODE 14 _ (for realsies this time. Pinky swear) RIGHT BEFORE THE "ON AIR" LIGHT GOES ON... (sigh) Finally. FINALLY... Larxene has come back to the studio... (crickets) Sora: Anything relevant to say, Boss? -___- .... Hey, Sora, what's that? (points off stage) Sora: (turns head) Huh? What? Where? (Sora gets whacked with the Pico Pico Hammer by Amy Rose) Sora: (laughs like a dork as he slumps to the ground) Kairi: Hey! That was way out of line! One more word and I'll have Amy smack you too. Kairi: 0.o ... (gulps) (drags Sora offstage) Thank you kindly, Miss Rose. Amy: No problem! Now, about my pay... Let me guess: gold rings? (Amy and I laugh) Amy: Ha, actually, yes, rings, please. ^^ o-o. Ah, fine, here. (gives Rose 50 rings) Will this do? Rose: Sure! (takes rings) Now I can buy that special gift for Sonic! You realize you'll never get with him, right? Rose: What? Yes, I will! :angry: Dude. You've were introduced in the 90s and you haven't come CLOSE. Face it: your relationship with him is basically comic relief. Rose: That's not--! I mean, it's not like-! .... ... (hangs head in depression and walks out of studio, dragging sack of rings and Pico Pico Hammer) Riku: Well, that was harsh. The truth hurts, Riku. The truth hurts. (clears throat) Okay, enough distractions and one-offs. We are ready to film! Now, ladies and gentleman, please, at this time, coming to the stage, hailing from the Castle That Never Was, weighing in at 87 Papous... representing the former Organization 13... The Savage Nymph! LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARXEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENE!!!!! ........ (spotlight goes in the center of the stage where the camera is rolling... but no one is there) .... okay, where's Larxene? Larxene: (from backstage) I'm not coming out until you do my entrance right! What?! But I did the whole pro-wrestling flair and everything! Larxene: You forgot the other stuff! Oh hell no! There's no way I'm doing any of that! Larxene: Why not?! Why not?! (snaps fingers) Lea, list! Lea: (dashes over and hands me a list that is about 5 feet long, runs back to his place backstage) Let's see, you wanted these crappy things in this crappy order: Balloons, jugglers, confetti, ten inch high heels, dress made of feathers, crown made of bees, staff made of peanut butter, doves, rabbits, goats, demons, fairies... a rubber hose... I don't even... (sigh), snakes, spiders, men wearing nothing but leotards, woman dressed like human jellybeans, rainbow colored finger and toenail polish, clear and silver eyepolish... uh... hair stylized like a cross between Goku and Yugi Moto... a hyrbid pig and duck as a pet... every male member of Org. XIII stripped and dressed in tight leather with collars and leashes to match, oh God. O-O (Male Org. Members almost barf all over the floor) Roxas: You're a sick, sick woman... Namine: That leather thing would be kind of cute on you, though. ^^ Roxas: Oh great! She's corrupted your mind! Namine: I KNOW! D: Go away, bad thoughts, go away bad thoughts! Roxas: (shakes Namine like a ragdoll) DON'T GIVE IN TO THE CRAZY! (I bash both Roxas and Namine on the head) R&N: Ow.... Can we get through one episode without you two having a dumb ship moment? Roxas: You're the one writing the script... Namine: Isn't that what the fans want? ... Well... Uh... I, uh.... oh, gh, just get out of here before I hit you again! R&N: Yessir! (panically runs out of the studio) Anyways... Larxene, there is no damn way that you are getting all of this crap. You either do the damn show, or you can walk your pretty little ass out off this set! Larxene: Oh please. You can't touch this. (Riku jumps out and starts dancing MC Hammer style) (record scratch) Riku, turn around. Riku: What? TURN... AROUND.... Riku: Alright, alright, I'm turning around, I'm turning around. (his ass is towards the camera, security keeps back all the raging fangirls ( -_-)) (sigh) Now, Riku... look up at the ceiling. Riku: (cocks head up) You see the ceiling? Riku: Yeah? Well, pucker up, boy. Riku: Pucker up? Why? CUZ YOU'RE ABOUT TO KISS IT! (punts Riku straight in the air as he crashes through the roof) Riku: MY GLOOOORIOUS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! DX DX DX (goes even higher than Mansex) Okay, I'm pissed now. Larxene, if you don't come out in the next ten seconds, I will tie you down, rip off your high heels, and tickle your succulent feet until they're bright red!! (gets a weird feeling downstairs) Aw, nuts, bad call... Larxene: o.o. Okay. I'm coming, I'm coming (slowly walks out) Good. Now, Sora, take over for a second. I gotta go to the bathroom (walks awkwardly away) Sora: (looks at camera with cheeky smile) Ain't that scarring, folks? Now, everybody, quiet on the set! We're on in five... four... three... two... (mouths) one... (points at lights and camera) ACTION! ON AIR: Larxene: (composed) Well, hello hello. My name is Larxene, and I'm today's host for 5 Questions With The Kingdom Hearts Cast. Demyx: This episode's gonna have more nuts than a peanut factory! Larxene: And that's the cue. Demyx: What cue? (sound of rope being cut) Demyx: (looks up) Oh, cheese logs. DODGE! (rolls out of the way as an anvil falls on the spot he was at) Larxene: And that's what happens to anyone who mocks me this episode. (Everyone imaginarily zips their lips) Larxene: Now, then, let's all get to the fun. (pulls out papers) Our first question is from Gambler'sApprentice. Ugh, Luxord. Only a mother could love that face. Luxord: What's wrong with the way I look, lass? Larxene: Everything. > Luxord: Now, see, here! (hears slight rumbling above him) ... Shutting up. Larxene: Now, anyways, Gambler'sApprentice wants to know: "(picture of Heartless with antennae, picture of Larxene) Reason? Antennae. Thoughts?" Oh, that's cute... well, really, I just like the way it looks. Its unique, but cute at the same time. Though, if remember correctly, Xion doesn't take too kindly to it... isn't that right, Xion. Xion: Uh, uh, you can't prove that? Larxene: Oh really? (flatly) Monkeys, roll the footage) (Footag Of Episode 7) Xion: Ha, really, are you a Kingdom Hearts character or a Bug's Life extra? (Back To This Episode) Xion: (gulp) Okay, let's not be rash here. (laughs nervously, morphs into crying) (hits her knees) Oh please, for the love of Glob, don't kill me! Larxene: Oh don't worry, I won't... IF... Xion: If? Larxene: IF... you do the splits. Xion: Do the splits. Larxene: Yes! I command you to do the splits! Do the splits, thou milk-livered maggot pie!! Xion: Ah! Okay, okay, I'm doing it (umcortably strecthes out her legs on the ground and does the splits) Ow, ow, ow, ow. (coat tears) AW.... Larxene: Good. Now stay like that for the entire episode! Xion: I will! (covers face) Please don't yell anymore! Larxene: He-he-he... alright, next question. This is from Tom13. (skims question) Oh, well this is so sweet. ^^ He says, "You are a filthy woman, you have no life, seriously, no one LOVES YOU!!! You are better off dead, than alive!!!!! Go jump off a cliff you ugly dirty skunk!!!! You don't deserve your powers anyway. Larxene? More like Lamexene!!!" OMG, you are SO thoughtful to say all that (laughs sweetly) Lea: Is... is she serious? (record scratch) Larxene: (stops laughing) No. No it wasn't. (Throws page behind her and eletrocutes it) And if I read another question like, I'm going to hurt someone. Lea: (gulps) Larxene: (more sweetly) Okay, now let's read the thrid question. This one's from Tom13, too... hmm... I have a feeling... (scans paper)... yep. -_- Tom 13 says, "You are an old lady with no sense of self, you are an insane dumb old sloth, with no brains!!!! You are TERRIBLE at magic and FIGHTING!!! You are as terrible as Xemnas".... (sighs, drops papers on the ground) okay, two things. One.... (zaps Lea) Lea: Oh, my eye! Larxene: Two – Look, Tom. If you don't like me, that's fine. But just remember something: I'm a fictional character from a Japanese video game series made by Disney and Square Enix. You know what that means? You're yelling at the wall, jackass. And it doesn't bother me, cuz like I said, I don't even really exist. Lea: What are you babbling about, of course we ex-- (gets zapped again) Ow, my other eye! I'm blind! My eyes! Random Fish: MY EYEEEEEEEES! MY EYEEEEEEEES! Another Fish: My leg! And Another Fish: (in different tone) My leg! Spider-Man: MY MIND! Larxene: ENOUGH ALREADY!!! (shoots thunder shockwave at fish and Spider-Man, causing them to fly out of the building, Wilhelm-screaming, Lea left untouched) Lea: Whew....(gets hit by anvil) (muffled and somewhat flat) Oh, Glob, why? Larxene: Like I was saying, Tom. Take a look at this. (holds up middle finger) This is exactly what you can get for all your gripes. You like that? Good. Here's another one. (holds up another middle finger) There you go. Two for two. And if you need more reassurance, then here: (unzips top of coat to reveal plain black t-shirt with words in big white letters written on the front) Read this: "Go (EF!) Yourself". Alright? "Go". "(EF!)". "Yourself". I should get a t-shirt for everyone else on this cast just in case they want to spread the messsage too. (Cast mumurs in agreement, actually thinking that's a good idea) Larxene: Now, I think we should get to wrapping this episode up with a pretty little bow, should we? (picks papers back up) Next we have Rixku. She asks, "Seriously, you are in need of getting your bugged face being beat by Replica Riku." Really? Really? REEEEEALLY? You think the little bitch clone that I raped in COM can beat me up? HA! He has too many mental scars... right, Repliku? Repliku: It was.... it was.... horrible... (shivers) Larxene: Oh, yes, yes it was... now you do the splits too! Over there, by your sister! (points at Xion) Repliku: Okay, okay! (runs over to Xion and uncomfortably stretches his legs and does the splits right next to Xion) Ow, ow, ow ow ow ow. (tears already tattered skirt) Ah, butternuts. Larxene: Now, both of you stay like that.... he-he-he-he-he.... Repliku: Sis. Hold me. Xion: Gotcha. (RR and Xion hug each other and bury their faces in each other's shoulders) (The Cast would be going "awww" if it weren't for the sheer creepiness of it all) Larxene: Okay, now for the last question of the episode: ItNeverGetsBetterThanThis is asking, "What dose Zuse make you do for all that thunder?" (scoffs) What did Zeus make me do? How about, 'What did I make Zeus do?'" Hercules, get your dad out here. Hercules: (anxiously pushing Zeus into the studio and in view of the camera) Zeus: But, but, I'm not even part of Kingdom Hearts! All there is is you, Meg, the pony, the goat, and the dumb broad! Meg: What?! Zeus: I was talking about Hades. Meg: Oh. Hades: Hey! Hercules: Sorry, dad. Not my place. Hercules out! (runs back to his trailer) Zeus: Oh my Me... (starts shaking) Larxene: So, Zeusy, tell them about the day we met and how I got my thunder style from you. Zeus: I... barely remember it, really. It was dark, and-and stormy outside. I saw her in front of me. There was a crack of a whip... and then, thunder. But it wasn't from me. Maybe it was the sound of her cracking my spine as she stepped on my spine with her heel... It was awful... I... I... (starts sucking thumb like a baby, hides face from camera) Larxene: Yep. Sounds just like it. Now, shoo shoo, Zeusy, the episode is over now. (Zeus continues to suck his thumb) Larxene: (sigh) Hercules... (Hercules runs back and drags Zeus out of the building) Larxene: Well, that does it for our show. Okay, I'm back. How much damage did Larxene cause, physically and mentally? Lea: Not so bad physically... Oh my Glob, what happened to your eyes?! Lea: My retina's are fried. Okay, uh, how's mental stability doing? Lea: Well... (I look around to see Repliku and Xion holding each other and doing the splits, Hercules dragging his dad backstage, Luxord drinking his ass off... wait, he always does that, that's normal) Welp, looks like the bill's still pretty high. Larxene, I am dissapointed in you, young lady. Larxene: I don't care! I could care less! Oh, I know. That's why its time for this episode to end with a happy ending... Larxene: What? Pull the lever, Sora! Sora: Right! (pulls lever by the main light switches, ground by him opens up) .... Uh... (suddenly, Riku comes back to Earth, still yelling as he conviently smashes through the roof above the opened floor and falls through hole) Riku: ITHINKTHISMYCUETOSAY,"WRONGLEVEEEEEEEEEEEEER!" (splash) Riku: (crawls out of hole, soaking wet, and with a crocodile chewing on his ass) Why do we even have that lever? (grumbles, smacks crocodile behind him, causing it to whimper and crawl back down the hole) (Riku walks off in a huff) Well, that didn't go the way I thought it would. Larxene: (clears throat) Uh, hello? Still here! The camera's still rolling, jackass! Geez, what do I have to do to have the attention stay on me for once! How about losing the attitude, missy? That's a good start. Larxene: That's it! (causes huge electrical shock wave, causing all the lights to go out) Okay, now when the lights go back on, everybody better be ready to stop dicking around and pay attention to me, OR SO HELP ME, GLOB... (loud shuffling) Larxene: What was that? (more shuffling) Larxene: Where's that coming from, I-- (gasp) Hey, get off me! What the-- (muffled out screams as it sounds like people are dog piling her and/or grabbing her and pinning her to the ground) (lights go back on) Larxene: Oh geez, that was so—WHAT THE (H!)!!?? (finds herself strapped in a high rising chair, laying back as her wrists are tied down and her ankles are stuck in stocks) Well, well, welly well well. Looks like all that bad mouthing and psycho bitchiness just bought you a nice good helping of Karma. Larxene: Let me out of here! Oh... I'll let you out of here... (pulls out feather) When Karma says you can. Larxene: No... no, no, no! (wiggles in the chair) (Every Cast member grabs a bag of popcorn) Ladies and gentleman, thank you for tuning in for the fourteenth episode of 5 Questions With The Kingdom Hearts Cast. We hope you enjoy the series, the next episode to come, and we especially hope you enjoy what's going to happen to Larxene right now. Larxene: (starts sweating and silently praying to herself as I take off her high heels, leaving her feet bare) Oh Glob, why?! Get me out of here! This is Hell! This is pure-- (piece of duck tape magically goes on her face) (mumbled) WTF?! Donald Duck: Ha! This'll be awesome! Right Goofy? Goofy: Sho nuff, Donald! Ayuck (D&G put on 3-D glasses) Alright, Larxene, here it comes (I twirl the feather in my fingers as it nears Larxene's barely struggling left foot) Larxene: (muffled screams) (camera fades out, audience hears muffled laughs from Larxene, loud laughs from the Cast) X*X*X*X*X Whew. That might just have been the longest episode we've had. Bigger than the Christmas Special, I think. (Episode 9) Well, I hope that this episode was the best yet, as usual. Oh, and for those of you asking, yes, that foot tickling thing was, uh... how you say, “very much wanted”. You know what I mean, people that have either read my poem “Pleasure” or have read some particular stories of mine on No? Well, you know now. So, I have the perfect candidate for Episode 15's host: he's lean, he's mean, he's bitchier than any ice queen... it's Even! AKA, Vexen, for those of you who stick to KH2 logic. Lol. JK. Send in those questions for the mad scientist! Do it... or I'll tickle you... if you're a girl, that is. If you're a dude, then... well, uh... Idk, maybe I'll do, like, a reference or something... Edited April 21, 2013 by Firaga96 1 Ultimus Grid reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted March 31, 2013 Even! Question:have you found the exact scientific protocol for giving someone the cold shoulder? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Firaga 5,947 Posted March 31, 2013 (edited) So, have you already taken all the questions you need for Larxene? Or can i add one? A little late to the party, but no sweat. You add one for another character (preferably Even) if you want. Edited April 26, 2013 by Firaga96 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ultimus Grid 546 Posted March 31, 2013 That really was the best one yet. I was cracking up so much. To Even: Do you have a bone to pick with Lea after the whole "incident" in Castle Oblivion? You know, where you got burnt alive. 1 Firaga reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted March 31, 2013 Hey, Even, go reprogram Xion and Roxas, and make them completely loyal to you, I can see them trying to get away from you.. 1 Firaga reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted March 31, 2013 Hey, Even, go reprogram Xion and Roxas, and make them completely loyal to you, I can see them trying to get away from you.. Shuuush! None of that! *Continues to reprogram Xion to do nothing but spit out Dem Dem quotes* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Firaga 5,947 Posted March 31, 2013 Shuuush! None of that! *Continues to reprogram Xion to do nothing but spit out Dem Dem quotes* Xion: Like hell you will! Demyx: But I think-- Xion: No. Demyx: But maybe-- Xion: NO. Demyx: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reyn 1,755 Posted March 31, 2013 (edited) Even: Why is your voice so jacked up? I mean seriously, you sound so silly and stupid, your voice is even worse than Goofy, and he's a Talking Dog!!!! I was so glad to kick your sorry ass in Re:Com, that its not even funny. Edited April 1, 2013 by spiderfreak1011 1 Firaga reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kaneki Ken 1,516 Posted April 3, 2013 Even, what have you been experimenting on recently? 1 Firaga reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xoblivionx13 1,133 Posted April 5, 2013 (edited) To Even: Why were you so afraid of Zexion or any other "lower" member if you were a senior member in the Organization? Edited April 5, 2013 by xoblivionx13 1 Firaga reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Firaga 5,947 Posted April 5, 2013 Even: Good tidings, KH13. I, the genius known as Even, am very excited to be picked as the next host of 5 Questions With The Kingdom Hearts Cast. I know that many of my fellow cast members are excited as well. Isn't that right, Number 9? Demyx: You said I'd get a hoagie if I did this. Where's my hoagie? Even: (whispers) Stick to the plan. :angry: Demyx: Even: Anyways (chuckles), It also gives me great pleasure to inform you that I have also been granted the ownership of the entire show. Demyx: Wait, what? Even: Yes, I know it sounds sudden, but I assure you that it is for the better. Our former Superior has placed me in charge of the creative focus of the show, as he recognizes my intellect to such a great extent that he sees no other qualm but to leave 5 Questions under my jurisdiction. Isn't that fun? ^_^ 5 Questions will be much more entertaining, as well as more educational, as I plan to take the audience on a fantastic journey in the world of science. Oh sure, we'll still answer questions, but let me say that those will be more intelligent as well. I'm sure the fanbase is more than happy to want to explore the minds of-- (door is kicked open) HEY! WHAT'S UP GUYS??!! :x Even: (gulps) Demyx: I'm never gonna get my hoagie. (runs away) SO WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Even: What am I doing? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Even: Nothing much. STEALING MY SHOW??!! Even: Stealing your show? ARE YOU??!! Even: Y-yes. .... I'M GONNA F**KING KILL YOU!!! (fades to black) 2 Ultimus Grid and KHLegendIII reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted April 5, 2013 Lol, poor Even, lol not!! 2 Firaga and Ultimus Grid reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reyn 1,755 Posted April 5, 2013 Even: Good tidings, KH13. I, the genius known as Even, am very excited to be picked as the next host of 5 Questions With The Kingdom Hearts Cast. I know that many of my fellow cast members are excited as well. Isn't that right, Number 9? Demyx: You said I'd get a hoagie if I did this. Where's my hoagie? Even: (whispers) Stick to the plan. :angry: Demyx: Even: Anyways (chuckles), It also gives me great pleasure to inform you that I have also been granted the ownership of the entire show. Demyx: Wait, what? Even: Yes, I know it sounds sudden, but I assure you that it is for the better. Our former Superior has placed me in charge of the creative focus of the show, as he recognizes my intellect to such a great extent that he sees no other qualm but to leave 5 Questions under my jurisdiction. Isn't that fun? ^_^ 5 Questions will be much more entertaining, as well as more educational, as I plan to take the audience on a fantastic journey in the world of science. Oh sure, we'll still answer questions, but let me say that those will be more intelligent as well. I'm sure the fanbase is more than happy to want to explore the minds of-- (door is kicked open) HEY! WHAT'S UP GUYS??!! :x Even: (gulps) Demyx: I'm never gonna get my hoagie. (runs away) SO WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Even: What am I doing? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Even: Nothing much. STEALING MY SHOW??!! Even: Stealing your show? ARE YOU??!! Even: Y-yes. .... I'M GONNA F**KING KILL YOU!!! (fades to black) Lol Team Four Star reference. "I'm never gonna get my question answered." 2 Firaga and Ultimus Grid reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ultimus Grid 546 Posted April 5, 2013 (edited) The nerve of some characters. <_< Edited April 5, 2013 by Ultimus Grid 1 Firaga reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Firaga 5,947 Posted April 10, 2013 (edited) _EPISODE 15_ Even: Hello, once again, my glorious fans all across the world. (crickets) Even: ... (clears throat)... Welcome to the newest episode of 5 Questions With The Kingdom Hearts Cast. Now, just so you know, for anyone who dabbles in the gossip that runs around this place, our Boss has forgiven me for my rather, (clears throat again), obscene notion this past day. Isn't that right, Boss? Ain't nobody got time for that. (Cast dies of laughter) Even: ... Ah. I see.... well, then... Look, just do your job, man, and I'll get over it. Even: Really?! Is that so?! *sigh* Yeah, yeah, just... just answer the questions. Oi, I need a massage. (snaps fingers) Demyx! Demyx: Yep! Shoulders. Demyx: Okay! (starts rubbing both of my shoulders) Dilan: Dude, don't you have any dignity?Demyx: What? He gave me a hoagie. Plus, I'm his boss, and what I say goes. By the by, Dilan, you're gonna be Even's "partner" for today. Dilan: Huh? Why me?! You've been griping about how you haven't been given any screen time lately, so we're taking care of the situation. Dilan: But why Even?! Aint nobody got-- I already did that reference. Dilan: Oh. Well, uh, still, it's Even. Why not have somebody like Aeleus do it. He's in a meeting with Android 16 from DragonBall and Jugo from Naruto. Dilan: ... I think I see what you did there, but what about someone like Ienzo?! *points finger to Ienzo hiding in the corner* He's having issues right now. You're not. *snaps fingers* Hop to it. Oh... yeah, right on the blades, Demmy... Dilan: (sighs, drags feet onto stage with Even) Even: Ah, it sees I'm being joined by Dilan: How are you doing today, Dilan? Dilan: (dryly) Myah... Even: I see. Well, then let's start the show. Our fist question comes from ItNeverGetsBetterThanThis, who asks, "Have you found the exact scientific protocol for giving someone the cold shoulder?" Well, yes exactly. In fact, I'm willing to go on a limb and say it is my most perfect experiment now. I've used it so many times in the past without a single flaw, and its had so many successes. (Cast members roll their eyes)Even: Of course, I would never give my own children the cold shoulder. Isn't that right, my lovely Xion and robust Repliku? Daddy loves you. Xion: (gags) Repliku: o.0 Even: Oh look at them, they're so touched by my love, they're making cute faces. Dilan: I don't think that's it, Even. :mellow: Even: Anyways, let's continue. The second question comes from Ultimus Grid, who asks, "Do you have a bone to pick with Lea after the whole "incident" in Castle Oblivion? You know, where you got burnt alive." Lea: Well? Do you? Huh? Huh?Even: I might... just a tad... Dilan: Oh what, though? You just gonna sit here and take it? Come on!Lea: Yeah, come on, Even, let's go a second round, huh, huh? (bounces like Ali) Even: I don't quite see the reason to be so hostile, I mean, I really don't have that much animosity towards (suddenly flares up and points finger) YOU DAMNED PIECE OF S**T! Lea: (stops bouncing) ... Oh. :mellow: Dilan: "Oh" is right. :mellow: Even: HOW DARE YOU MAKE A MOCKERY OF ME?! ME!! THE GREATEST MIND OF ALL Kingdom Hearts?! I OUGHT TO HUNT YOU DOWN AND GUT YOU LIKE A FISH! (takes breathes) Lea: ... D-... damn. Dilan: A-all... alright... Even: I... (breathes) apologize. I've had that built up inside me for a while now. Once again, I apologize. Lea: Nah, nah, it's cool... (under breath) we all know I can beat your ass anyway. Even: What was that? Lea: Nothing! (dashes away)Dilan: (chuckles) Even: What are you laughing at?Dilan: (stops, whistles nonchalantly) Even: I must say, there is a lot of strange activity going around here. (darts eyes to the sides) It's almost like there's some sort of conspiracy going on against me.. Repliku: You still recovered from the rage, Xion? Xion: Not really, why? Repliku: Well, I have a strange feeling that Dad's gonna make us facepalm again. Xion: What makes you say that?Even: I know! I must be the work of... (contorts in weird ways) FAIRY GOD PARENTS!!! X&R: (facepalm) Xion: You were right!Repliku: I know. Even: (dusts cloak off) Of course, that is just a hunch, still. Dilan: A hunch? But you said that-- Even: I know what I said. However, a scientist's mind can change in various directions at any given time. Dilan: Like Riku's taste in women. Even: Precisely! Riku: Hey, that aint right?!Even: So "aint" your obsession with your own fangirls, young Riku. Repliku: He's got a point, Me. Riku: Shut up, Me! I don't have time for this. Fangirls, grab my body! (several fangirls cling to Riku) Riku: (shoots off into the sky with a rainbow pathing his way) SEXYNESS!!!! Somebody smack that boy when he comes back. Sora and Kairi: I will. (both look at each other and blush) See, that type of ship moment is appropriate... Roxas and Namine... Roxas: Yeah, again... you write this. We don't. Namine: Yeah, I don't get why you keep blaming us for your own biz. You want Roxas to spend another time in the Box?Roxas: ! Namine: (gasp) Nuuuuu! Not the Box, anything but the Box, my Roxie can't take it! (hugs Roxas tight) Roxas: (wheezes) I think this is worse, actually. Either way, you two better know your roles and shut your mouth. Ya dig that?R&N: We dig that. Good. Now carry on, Even. Even: I didn't even know we stopped. Yeah, well, uh... myah. Even: Why does everyone keep doing that?Because it's fun. MYAH! Dilan: No doubt. MYAH!!! Even: Okay, I don't see-- Dilan: MYAH!!! Even: That's not really convincing me-- MYAH!!! Even: ... I-- Myah. Even: ... I- Dilan: Myah. Even: (whispers) I-- (whispers) Myah... Dilan: (whispers) Myah... Even: -__- ... Are you finished?Dilan: I will be, hold on (digs for something on ground)Even: (eyes stay on camera) Okay, I really don't see why this should continue on for much lon-- Dilan: (pulls out megaphone and sticks it on Even's ear) MYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! Even: 0.o ... (picks ear) ... My word... (Cast dies of laughter again) Even: Can we please continue?Yeah, yeah, don't get your panties in a bunch. Even: (ignores panty comment) Anyways, let's go to our third question... (pause)X*X*X*X*XWhoops. Gotta cut the episode short. Sorry, but other things beckon my call. I promise I'll have these finished in the coming days. Cross my heart and hope that it gets taken by Heartless... that-that is the expression, right? Right? Seems like it. Edited April 10, 2013 by Firaga96 1 Ultimus Grid reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reyn 1,755 Posted April 10, 2013 _EPISODE 15_ Even: Hello, once again, my glorious fans all across the world. (crickets) Even: ... (clears throat)... Welcome to the newest episode of 5 Questions With The Kingdom Hearts Cast. Now, just so you know, for anyone who dabbles in the gossip that runs around this place, our Boss has forgiven me for my rather, (clears throat again), obscene notion this past day. Isn't that right, Boss? Ain't nobody got time for that. (Cast dies of laughter) Even: ... Ah. I see.... well, then... Look, just do your job, man, and I'll get over it. Even: Really?! Is that so?! *sigh* Yeah, yeah, just... just answer the questions. Oi, I need a massage. (snaps fingers) Demyx! Demyx: Yep! Shoulders. Demyx: Okay! (starts rubbing both of my shoulders) Dilan: Dude, don't you have any dignity? Demyx: What? He gave me a hoagie. Plus, I'm his boss, and what I say goes. By the by, Dilan, you're gonna be Even's "partner" for today. Dilan: Huh? Why me?! You've been griping about how you haven't been given any screen time lately, so we're taking care of the situation. Dilan: But why Even?! Aint nobody got-- I already did that reference. Dilan: Oh. Well, uh, still, it's Even. Why not have somebody like Aeleus do it. He's in a meeting with Android 16 from DragonBall and Jugo from Naruto. Dilan: ... I think I see what you did there, but what about someone like Ienzo?! *points finger to Ienzo hiding in the corner* He's having issues right now. You're not. *snaps fingers* Hop to it. Oh... yeah, right on the blades, Demmy... Dilan: (sighs, drags feet onto stage with Even) Even: Ah, it sees I'm being joined by Dilan: How are you doing today, Dilan? Dilan: (dryly) Myah... Even: I see. Well, then let's start the show. Our fist question comes from ItNeverGetsBetterThanThis, who asks, "Have you found the exact scientific protocol for giving someone the cold shoulder?" Well, yes exactly. In fact, I'm willing to go on a limb and say it is my most perfect experiment now. I've used it so many times in the past without a single flaw, and its had so many successes. (Cast members roll their eyes) Even: Of course, I would never give my own children the cold shoulder. Isn't that right, my lovely Xion and robust Repliku? Daddy loves you. Xion: (gags) Repliku: o.0 Even: Oh look at them, they're so touched by my love, they're making cute faces. Dilan: I don't think that's it, Even. :mellow: Even: Anyways, let's continue. The second question comes from Ultimus Grid, who asks, "Do you have a bone to pick with Lea after the whole "incident" in Castle Oblivion? You know, where you got burnt alive." Lea: Well? Do you? Huh? Huh? Even: I might... just a tad... Dilan: Oh what, though? You just gonna sit here and take it? Come on! Lea: Yeah, come on, Even, let's go a second round, huh, huh? (bounces like Ali) Even: I don't quite see the reason to be so hostile, I mean, I really don't have that much animosity towards (suddenly flares up and points finger) YOU DAMNED PIECE OF S**T! Lea: (stops bouncing) ... Oh. :mellow: Dilan: "Oh" is right. :mellow: Even: HOW DARE YOU MAKE A MOCKERY OF ME?! ME!! THE GREATEST MIND OF ALL Kingdom Hearts?! I OUGHT TO HUNT YOU DOWN AND GUT YOU LIKE A FISH! (takes breathes) Lea: ... D-... damn. Dilan: A-all... alright... Even: I... (breathes) apologize. I've had that built up inside me for a while now. Once again, I apologize. Lea: Nah, nah, it's cool... (under breath) we all know I can beat your ass anyway. Even: What was that? Lea: Nothing! (dashes away) Dilan: (chuckles) Even: What are you laughing at? Dilan: (stops, whistles nonchalantly) Even: I must say, there is a lot of strange activity going around here. (darts eyes to the sides) It's almost like there's some sort of conspiracy going on against me.. Repliku: You still recovered from the rage, Xion? Xion: Not really, why? Repliku: Well, I have a strange feeling that Dad's gonna make us facepalm again. Xion: What makes you say that? Even: I know! I must be the work of... (contorts in weird ways) FAIRY GOD PARENTS!!! X&R: (facepalm) Xion: You were right! Repliku: I know. Even: (dusts cloak off) Of course, that is just a hunch, still. Dilan: A hunch? But you said that-- Even: I know what I said. However, a scientist's mind can change in various directions at any given time. Dilan: Like Riku's taste in women. Even: Precisely! Riku: Hey, that aint right?! Even: So "aint" your obsession with your own fangirls, young Riku. Repliku: He's got a point, Me. Riku: Shut up, Me! I don't have time for this. Fangirls, grab my body! (several fangirls cling to Riku) Riku: (shoots off into the sky with a rainbow pathing his way) SEXYNESS!!!! Somebody smack that boy when he comes back. Sora and Kairi: I will. (both look at each other and blush) See, that type of ship moment is appropriate... Roxas and Namine... Roxas: Yeah, again... you write this. We don't. Namine: Yeah, I don't get why you keep blaming us for your own biz. You want Roxas to spend another time in the Box? Roxas: ! Namine: (gasp) Nuuuuu! Not the Box, anything but the Box, my Roxie can't take it! (hugs Roxas tight) Roxas: (wheezes) I think this is worse, actually. Either way, you two better know your roles and shut your mouth. Ya dig that? R&N: We dig that. Good. Now carry on, Even. Even: I didn't even know we stopped. Yeah, well, uh... myah. Even: Why does everyone keep doing that? Because it's fun. MYAH! Dilan: No doubt. MYAH!!! Even: Okay, I don't see-- Dilan: MYAH!!! Even: That's not really convincing me-- MYAH!!! Even: ... I-- Myah. Even: ... I- Dilan: Myah. Even: (whispers) I-- (whispers) Myah... Dilan: (whispers) Myah... Even: -__- ... Are you finished? Dilan: I will be, hold on (digs for something on ground) Even: (eyes stay on camera) Okay, I really don't see why this should continue on for much lon-- Dilan: (pulls out megaphone and sticks it on Even's ear) MYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! Even: 0.o ... (picks ear) ... My word... (Cast dies of laughter again) Even: Can we please continue? Yeah, yeah, don't get your panties in a bunch. Even: (ignores panty comment) Anyways, let's go to our third question... (pause) X*X*X*X*X Whoops. Gotta cut the episode short. Sorry, but other things beckon my call. I promise I'll have these finished in the coming days. Cross my heart and hope that it gets taken by Heartless... that-that is the expression, right? Right? Seems like it. I hope you don't forget my question! 1 Firaga reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Firaga 5,947 Posted April 10, 2013 I hope you don't forget my question! I wooooon't. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ultimus Grid 546 Posted April 10, 2013 Huh. That bit with Riku was .... different. :mellow: 1 Firaga reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted April 14, 2013 To Even: Get Xion to attack Roxas or Axel under mind control to get revenge on the one who killed your Nobody, or use Xion to kill Roxas for no reason, whatsoever. 1 Firaga reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Firaga 5,947 Posted April 15, 2013 Huh. That bit with Riku was .... different. :mellow: Memes: easy comedy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Firaga 5,947 Posted April 15, 2013 To Even: Get Xion to attack Roxas or Axel under mind control to get revenge on the one who killed your Nobody, or use Xion to kill Roxas for no reason, whatsoever. Ooh... bad timing. I already have enough questions for Even... BUT, do not fret. I'm sure he'll be obliged to answer it on another episode. Even: No, I won't. <_< Shut your TRAP! (holds golden sword to neck) Even: ... I wet myself. Neat. 1 Ultimus Grid reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ultimus Grid 546 Posted April 15, 2013 Memes: easy comedy. Right. 1 Firaga reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kaneki Ken 1,516 Posted April 15, 2013 Ooh... bad timing. I already have enough questions for Even... BUT, do not fret. I'm sure he'll be obliged to answer it on another episode. Even: No, I won't. <_< Shut your TRAP! (holds golden sword to neck) Even: ... I wet myself. Neat. hey, I posted a question for Even few posts ago. Hope you use it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Firaga 5,947 Posted April 15, 2013 hey, I posted a question for Even few posts ago. Hope you use it. Si. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted April 15, 2013 I like the last half episode. NOW RAIN DOWN THE MEME'S LIKE CAKE S LIED ABOUT ON THE INTERNET! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites