Guest Posted May 21, 2013 THE XEHANORTS AND I DEMAND TERRA! SO WE OUTRANK YOU BECAUSE THERE ARE MORE OF US. *Does a mordecai pose* OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Generates 12 thousand more of me* I am a brownie. i am able to seperate myself. OUTNUMBA'D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reyn 1,755 Posted May 21, 2013 *Generates 12 thousand more of me* I am a brownie. i am able to seperate myself. OUTNUMBA'D *uses Dragon Balls to make an infinite amount of me and the Xehanorts which never stops being created* YOU BE THE ONE WHO'S OUTNUMBERED. *spiderfreak1011 started another post war with Neverbetter* *FiragaSensei got piseed and closed the thread* *spiderfreak1011 was inflicted with the sadness status ailment* *spiderfreak1011 used a ribbon and was fine again* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Firaga 5,947 Posted May 21, 2013 (edited) HEY. WHAT'D I SAY? KNOCK IT OFF. Edited May 21, 2013 by Firaga Sensei 1 Ultimus Grid reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reyn 1,755 Posted May 21, 2013 Part of my prediction came true. :DDDDDD Ok fine. *makes my copies and Neverbetters copies dissapear with a snap of my fingers* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted May 21, 2013 *Mine come back* I JUST WANNA FIRETRUCKING WATCH HIM DO HIS MAGICNRFNWKINRIDENJFIRNEWIFNREIW Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Firaga 5,947 Posted May 21, 2013 That's it. I'm done. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted May 21, 2013 No... Don't quit... I just want to see this done... But I have to be kinda random when I say it... I won't post any more... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted May 21, 2013 To Aqua: Have a little look at this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reyn 1,755 Posted May 21, 2013 Don't quit man, we're just trying to have some fun while waiting for this. Sorry. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted May 21, 2013 Don't quit man, we're just trying to have some fun while waiting for this. Sorry. Let's just end it here and get in the tinychat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reyn 1,755 Posted May 21, 2013 Let's just end it here and get in the tinychat. IDK if i want to do this in Tinychat, maybe in the great war of KH13, that'd be better. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted May 21, 2013 IDK if i want to do this in Tinychat, maybe in the great war of KH13, that'd be better.No Sensi wants to talk with you. Anyway, enough of these excess post. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reyn 1,755 Posted May 21, 2013 No Sensi wants to talk with you. Anyway, enough of these excess post. O_O How do you know that Firaga wants to talk with me? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted May 21, 2013 To Aqua: Have a little look at this. http://fc02.devianta...iko-d2yzlux.jpg Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Firaga 5,947 Posted May 21, 2013 _EPISODE 5_ : THE EBONICS DUB Lea: (narrowin eyes at camera) Da feud continues....itz our asses against tha ghetto. Right back up in yo muthafiretruckin ass.....and we've gone so low budget, we up in tha Random section. (Cast gasp) Lea: I know....and why is our crazy asses here, biatch? Because they don't give a firetruck bout us....but I don't don't give a firetruck bout yo thugged-out ass. Besides...I know exactly....who is responsible fo' yo ass is probably thankin "oh, no, Leaz gonna fly off tha handle." Well, yo ass is erect.....I be takin flight up in exactly 5.....4.......3........2.........(mouths one) BECAUSE ITZ F**KING ALADDIN!!!! (Cast giggles) Lea: Don't laugh! I be serious! (Cast stops laughing) Lea: Ever since he gots dat f**kin thang all up in tha internizzle place, dat schmoooove muthafiretrucka had it up fo' me biaaatch! (points ta self) And had it up fo' you, nahmean biiiatch, biatch? (points at camera) Dat punk all shook up bout tha program n' whinin n' complaining! "Oh, these pimps is cursin way too much." FINE, I'ma try not ta curse....for five seconds. (throws handz up) F**K, I COULDN'T DO IT! ... (sigh) May I remind you, you lil Arabian dick, dat up in a lil place called Sakura Con 2009, up in a lil place called Washington, SEATTLE, Washington, ta be our panel up in tha Washington State Convention n' Trade Center, dat I was tha one, whoz ass had tha hustlas cheering....your name. (Flashback-- Lea, Sora, n' Riku is chillin at a panel, hustlas is whoopin n' hollerin "Aladdin! Aladdin"! Lea is hypin dem up as they go while tha camera shifts ta a gangbangin' finger-lickin' dissasifted Aladdin up in tha crowd wit other cast thugz bobbin his head) Lea:*ck.....Aladdin. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. We gonna keep bustin these 5 Thangs....and we gonna do 'em real sick. Right back up in yo muthafiretruckin ass. Starting....NOW. Question one.....Xamtweth-reconnected wants ta know...."Lea, u be thinkin Isa is bein controlled by Masta Xehanort?" Uh, did you play Dream Drop Distance, biatch? If not, then do. There lies yo' answer.....I be suprised dat not mah playas on dis joint is done wit it yo. Huh....anyways, question two. Gambler'sApprentice says: "Lea, whoz ass do you want back mo' up in dis biatch, Roxas, or Isa, biatch? " Well, since we is tha bestest of buddies n' done been since forever ago, I'd gotta go with.......Roxas. Roxas: Ha-ha! Isa: What?! Explain yo ass! Lea: Oh, you want me ta explain.....(looks at paper) Well, before I do, letz take a peep tha next question.....from OkashiraKenrex....hez pleading, "LEA AND ISA, U WHERE BEST FRIENDS,GOT IT MEMORIZED!!!!!DOES THAT MEAN NOTHING TO THE BOTH OF U????!!!!!!" ... yo. Holy shiznit on a shitsicle, take a cold-ass lil chill pill! D: Second, there be a a slick reason why dis dude n' I aren't playaz no mo'. Two of them, actually. One, cuz up in tha games, his thugged-out lil' punk-ass betrayed mah ass, so he gettin shiznit from mah dirty ass. Right back up in yo muthafiretruckin ass. Second, cuz up in real game....hez just....I don't give a firetruck.....there once a time where I'd trip off goin ta Outback Steakhouse, grab some meat n' some brew n' trip off mah dirty ass....with one of mah thugs whoz ass used ta be mah playa yo, but it ain't no stoppin cause I be still poppin'. Not just....wanna film 5 Thangs all tha damn time. (in mockin voice) "Letz film 5 Thangs. Letz do 5 Thangs." ... What happened ta you man? Isa: Yo, what tha firetruck is you saying, biatch? That I be a wack playa now? Lea: firetruck dat shit, you chizzled is what tha firetruck I be saying! Isa: Well, uh...(looks ta monitor) Yo ass know, Lea.... Lea: Oh, yo ass is not even lookin' at me, yo ass is lookin' all up in tha monitor! Isa: But I... Lea: Quit (holdz hand up)......itz done, aiiiight? Isa: Lea: Ignorin his muthafiretruckin ass.....question four playa! (holdz up four fingers!) ...xoblivion13x says...."To Lea: Howz game now dat yo ass is not up in tha Organization any more/have a ass n' can wield a Keyblade like Roxas (I feel a funky-ass battle of phatnizz is up in order), biatch? " Oh-ho-ho.....this is goin ta be epic....ROXAS! Roxas: I already know what tha firetruck up! Lea: Git yo' ass over here! (Roxas joins Axel at his bangin right) Roxas: Wassup?! Lea: Okay, herez tha way dis works.....(turns ta Roxas) first, letz shout up suttin' thatz phat bout us. I be bout ta give a example.....FLAMES! (produces fire up in palm of his hand.) (Cast cheers) Lea: Yo crazy-ass move.... Roxas: (smirks) (flashes abs) (Cast cheers even louder, includin fangirls) Lea: Oh aiiight bangin' stuff.....heh, here comes tha big-ass guns muthafiretrucka! (summons his Keyblade (I call it Burnin Heart ) WHAT?! Roxas: (smirks agains) (summons Oathkeeper n' Oblivion) Boom. Lea: (Cast cheers tha loudest they can) Lea: Okay, gots one mo' than mah dirty ass.....but can you use them?! Roxas: Letz peep biaaatch! > Lea: Alrighty then! (they git transported ta battle unit) Lea: Don't go dyin on me now! Roxas: Just shut tha firetruck up n' fight Lea: Ooh, touchy on tha references, is we, biatch? No matter, this'll be over quickly!! HA!!!!! (charges at Roxas) ("AH!" "OOMPH!" "OUCH!" "AH!" "UGH" "WILHELM SCREM!" "Wait, mah arm don't bend dat way, it don't bend dat way dawwwwg! (SNAP) AW, NOW IT DOES!" D:) (Lea n' Roxas transhiznit back. Roxas has his thugged-out arms crossed n' lookin mighty aiiight wit his dirty ass fo' realz. And Leal....well....he f**ked up.) Lea: (panting) Well.... (pant) .... Thatz settled. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafiretrucka! Dope match...(thumbs up fo' Roxas) (falls over) Roxas: Uh-oh. (helps Lea up) Lea: Whew....oh man....(staightens up back) (to backstage crew) Yo, one of mah thugs throw me a Potion! (A Potion is thrown, Lea catches it up in one hand) Lea: Thanks.....(drinks Potion, his various cuts, bruises, n' firetrucked up bones healing) That hit tha spot. (picks up thangs sheet, takes a look) Roxas: Should I go back now? Lea: Nah, nah, wait....(puts a hand on Roxas shoulder) Yo ass is gonna wanna stay fo' this.... Roxas: (looks at paper) 0-0.....oh no. Lea: Oh yes....(glares at camera) Roxas: (glares as well) Lea: From Tom13......"Has you done saw tha Roxas n' Axel yaoi stuff, biatch? It be kind of disgusting". Roxas: YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT IT'S DISGUSTING! Lea: I be wit tha lil dude biaaatch! Yo ass yaoi playas make me sick! Roxas n' I gots a straight-up HETERO--say it wit me---HE-TE-ROsexuizzle relationshizzle wit one another! Roxas: Yeah! Dum diddy-dum, here I come biaaatch! Who tha firetruck is you ta judge our sexuality! Lea: I know! (sigh) .... I don't give a firetruck bout these motherf**kers. I don't give a firetruck bout these playas whoz ass take a male-male relationshizzle n' turn it tha firetruck into a gay ludd thang.....and ta top all dat shiznit off, most of it spawns from tha fact dat we from a JAPANESE game biaaatch! > Roxas: Buncha racists! Lea: I mean, shit, I be all fo' tha playas whoz ass like swingin dat way, you pimps can do what tha firetruck you wanna do....but now, yo ass is goin tha firetruck into our underground lives muthafiretrucka! (throws down paper as da perved-out muthafiretrucka says:) Which means WE GOT A BEEF! Roxas: All you playas up there listen up. Lea: Read mah lips.....I be single....avaliable.....and easy as firetruck dawwwwg! .. fo' realz. All you gotta do is say "hi!" (clasps handz together) And itz a wrap! Yo ass know what tha firetruck I mean?! Aight?! (Roxas strutts off) Lea: (stil focuesed on camera) That goes up fo' mah playas wondering.....(throws arms up) I be pimpin all over tha ghetto. Right back up in yo muthafiretruckin ass. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafiretrucka! Thatz what tha firetruck I do. Thatz how tha firetruck it do....and thatz how tha firetruck it be. (flips up collar) Until then, keep it locked on here....cuz we gots tha real deal, tha whole truth, n' not a god damn thang but tha real deal....and Aladdin, biatch? Shouldn't be f**kin wit that....letz just knock dat shiznit out, huh, biatch? (walks off stage) 4 Shera Wizard, Shulk, Ultimus Grid and 1 other reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shera Wizard 2,736 Posted May 26, 2013 FIRAGA SENSEI!!! I HAVE QUESTIONS I DONT KNOW HOW TO ASK THEM BUT HERE GOES: For Xiggy: Do you have a goldfish fetish? For Donald: Do thou even lift? For Sora: Where does your keyblade go when you 'poof' it? :u ...Three's all i can come up with and it seems like i failed ;; 1 Firaga reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted May 26, 2013 FIRAGA SENSEI!!!I HAVE QUESTIONSI DONT KNOW HOW TO ASK THEM BUT HERE GOES:For Xiggy: Do you have a goldfish fetish? For Donald: Do thou even lift?For Sora: Where does your keyblade go when you 'poof' it? :u...Three's all i can come up with and it seems like i failed ;;Right now were in the prosess of choosing a person to interview, then questions. And Firaga has already done Xiggy, Donald, and Sora. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shera Wizard 2,736 Posted May 26, 2013 Right now were in the prosess of choosing a person to interview, then questions. And Firaga has already done Xiggy, Donald, and Sora. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 1 Firaga reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted May 26, 2013 FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU No, FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNow let's be done with this, it annoys Firaga. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shera Wizard 2,736 Posted May 26, 2013 No, FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNow let's be done with this, it annoys Firaga. FUUUUUU annoys firaga? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reyn 1,755 Posted May 26, 2013 FUUUUUU annoys firaga? No, but FUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Annoys Blizzaga so go find Vexen. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Firaga 5,947 Posted May 27, 2013 FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Don't worry, Sherie, I usually take all the extra questions I get and answer them in a special episode. I'll make another of those soon, so just wait a while. 2 Shera Wizard and Marth reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted May 27, 2013 XDDon't worry, Sherie, I usually take all the extra questions I get and answer them in a special episode. I'll make another of those soon, so just wait a while.I'm assuming a "School's Out" special? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Firaga 5,947 Posted May 27, 2013 I'm assuming a "School's Out" special? Eh. More like a Summer special. 1 Marth reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted May 27, 2013 Eh. More like a Summer special.About the same thing.Anyway, questions for that timeTo all: will you do the Harlem shake for my amusement?Vexen: could you please Cold Shoulder Firaga, I feel it could be hilarious.To Larxy: who would win in a fight: you or Thor from Marvel ComicsTo Riku: do you know who DawnStar~2004~ is? If so, run.To Marluxia: are you and Jake Gelienhal related? Your names are hard to pronounce.To Dem Dem: will you please glomp everyone on the studio, including the audienceTo Kairi/Namine: gurlz, u look pregnt wazup with dat? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites